To access the packages on this CD with APT, you just have to run apt-cdrom add on your computer (and know how to use apt-get).

How the contents is arranged

Here is a short description of the types of the contents of this disk, per directory. In brackets, you can find commands that are commonly used to handle the files of the listed type (if you don't know how to use them, read the corresponding man- & info-pages).

disk identification
source packages (rpm -ihv, rpm --rebuild)
*.@ARCH@.rpm, *.noarch.rpm
binary packages (rpm -[iUF]hv, rpm -qp, rpm -K)
pkglist*, srclist*, hashfile, release*
indices of the contents of @PREFIX@ directory on this CD — for APT (apt-cdrom add)
full lists of the collection of package-files this CD distribution is based on (diff, grep, xargs, ...). If this CD set contains only the updates (the difference) between two states of the full collection, then these plain lists contain the names of all the files from the last state of the collection, not only the difference
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