alterator-ulogd-1.3.1/000075500000000000000000000000001124777472300146355ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-ulogd-1.3.1/Makefile000064400000000000000000000001401124777472300162700ustar00rootroot00000000000000NAME=ulogd all: clean: install: install-module include /usr/share/alterator/build/module.mak alterator-ulogd-1.3.1/applications/000075500000000000000000000000001124777472300173235ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-ulogd-1.3.1/applications/ulogd.desktop000064400000000000000000000003501124777472300220260ustar00rootroot00000000000000[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Type=Application Categories=X-Alterator-Statistics Icon=ulogd Terminal=false Name=Network traffic X-Alterator-URI=/ulogd X-Alterator-UI=html X-Alterator-Help=ulogd Name[ru]=Сетевой трафик alterator-ulogd-1.3.1/backend3/000075500000000000000000000000001124777472300163075ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-ulogd-1.3.1/backend3/ulogd000075500000000000000000000166261124777472300173620ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/bin/sh po_domain="alterator-ulogd" alterator_api_version=1 . alterator-sh-functions . shell-config . alterator-net-functions LOGFILE="/var/log/configd.log" EFW="/etc/net/scripts/contrib/efw" IP="/sbin/ip" SQLITE3DB="/var/lib/ulogd/sqlite3.db" SQLITE3="/usr/bin/sqlite3" PROTOCOLS="/etc/protocols" ULOGD_CONF=/etc/ulogd.conf CHKCONFIG=/sbin/chkconfig SERVICE=/sbin/service ULOGD_PLUGIN_REGEXP='plugin=\".*ulogd_SQLITE3\.so\"' make_port_proto_pair() { local port="${1#*:}" local proto="$(grep -is "^${1%:*}" "$PROTOCOLS" | cut -f2)" [ -n "$port" -a -n "$proto" ] && echo "${2}port=$port AND protocol=$proto" } proto_to_num() { grep -is "^$1" "$PROTOCOLS" | cut -f2 } print_bytes() { [ -n "$1" ] || echo '?' echo -n "$1" | awk -v d=1024.0 '{printf "%0.1f\n", $1/d}' } read_ip() { [ -n "$1" ] && netdev_read_ip "$1" | sed 's;/.*;;' } is_ulogd_enabled() { [ "$("$SERVICE" ulogd status)" = 'ulogd is running' ] && grep -qs "^$ULOGD_PLUGIN_REGEXP" "$ULOGD_CONF" } ulogd_state() { local sc= dc= scom= ccom= [ -n "$1" ] || return if [ "$1" = '#f' ]; then ! is_ulogd_enabled && return dc='#' scom=stop ccom=off else is_ulogd_enabled && return sc='#' scom=start ccom=on fi "$CHKCONFIG" ulogd "$ccom" 2>/dev/null sed -i "s;^[[:blank:]]*$sc[[:blank:]]*\($ULOGD_PLUGIN_REGEXP\);$dc\1;" "$ULOGD_CONF" 2>/dev/null iptables_helper ulog "$ccom" "$SERVICE" ulogd "$scom" &>/dev/null } read_table() { local bytes= [ -n "$1" ] || return local errors="$(mktemp -t alterator-ulogd_sqlerror.XXXXXXXX)" while :; do bytes="$("$SQLITE3" -batch "$SQLITE3DB" "$1" 2>"$errors")" [ "$?" -eq 0 -o "$(cat "$errors")" != 'SQL error: database is locked' ] && break done /bin/rm "$errors" echo "${bytes:-0}" } pairs_for_services() { local pairs= local not_first= pairs="(" for p in $(iptables_helper list | cut -f2); do for i in $(echo "$p" | tr ';' ' '); do local str="$(make_port_proto_pair "$i" "$1")" [ -n "$str" ] || continue if [ -z "$not_first" ]; then pairs="${pairs}$str" not_first=1 else pairs="$pairs OR $str" fi done done pairs="$pairs)" echo "$pairs" } read_daily_table() { local iface="$1"; shift local direction="$1"; shift local start_date="$1"; shift local stop_date="$1"; shift local pairs="$1"; shift local ip="$1"; shift local total="$1";shift local sql= d= c= local bytes= case "$direction" in in) d=d c=i ;; out) d=s c=o ;; esac start_date="$(date -u --date="$start_date" +%s)" end_date="$(date -u --date="$end_date" +%s)" if [ -z "$total" ]; then sql="SELECT ${d}port,protocol,SUM(bytes) FROM ulog_daily WHERE iface='$iface' AND prefix='${c}count' \ AND time>=$start_date AND time<=$end_date" else sql="SELECT SUM(bytes) FROM ulog_daily WHERE iface='$iface' AND prefix='${c}count' AND time>=$start_date \ AND time<=$end_date" fi [ -n "$pairs" ] && sql="$sql AND $pairs" [ -n "$ip" ] && sql="$sql AND ${d}addr='$ip'" [ -z "$total" ] && sql="$sql group by ${d}port,protocol" # echo "sql: $sql" >>/tmp/debug-sql.log read_table "$sql;" } read_date() { [ -n "$1" -a -n "$2" -a "$2" != '#f' ] || return local date_sec="$(read_table "SELECT $1(time) FROM ulog_daily WHERE iface='$2';")" date -u --date="@$date_sec" +%F 2>/dev/null } read_start_date() { read_date MIN "$1" } read_end_date() { read_date MAX "$1" } calc_sum() { local pairs= for i in $(echo "$1" | tr ';' ' '); do if [ -z "$pairs" ]; then pairs="${i##*:}|$(proto_to_num ${i%%:*})" else pairs="$pairs\|${i##*:}|$(proto_to_num ${i%%:*})" fi done echo "$2" | sed -n "s;^\($pairs\)|;;p" | awk 'BEGIN {s=0} {s = s + $1} END {print s}' } on_message() { case "$in_action" in type) write_type_item start_date date write_type_item end_date date ;; read) case "$in__objects" in /) local start_date="$(read_start_date "$in_iface")" local end_date="$(read_end_date "$in_iface")" local state= write_string_param start_date "${start_date:-$(date -u +%F)}" write_string_param end_date "${end_date:-$(date -u +%F)}" is_ulogd_enabled && state=on || state=off write_bool_param state_enabled "$state" ;; esac ;; write) ulogd_state "$in_state_enabled" ;; list) case "${in__objects##*/}" in services) local ip= if [ -n "$in_iface" ]; then [ -n "$in_checkip" -a "$in_checkip" != '#f' ] && ip="$(read_ip "$in_iface")" if [ -n "$in_start_date" -a -n "$in_end_date" -a "$in_start_date" != '#f' -a "$in_end_date" != '#f' ]; then local pairs_in="$(pairs_for_services d)" local pairs_out="$(pairs_for_services s)" local data_in="$(read_daily_table "$in_iface" in "$in_start_date" "$in_end_date" "$pairs_in" "$ip")" local data_out="$(read_daily_table "$in_iface" out "$in_start_date" "$in_end_date" "$pairs_out" "$ip")" local sumin_other="$(read_daily_table "$in_iface" in "$in_start_date" "$in_end_date" \ "NOT $pairs_in" "$ip" 1)" local sumout_other="$(read_daily_table "$in_iface" out "$in_start_date" "$in_end_date" \ "NOT $pairs_out" "$ip" 1)" local totalin="$(read_daily_table "$in_iface" in "$in_start_date" "$in_end_date" "" "$ip" 1)" local totalout="$(read_daily_table "$in_iface" out "$in_start_date" "$in_end_date" "" "$ip" 1)" local s_ifs="$IFS" local IFS=$' ' set_locale for str in $(IFS="$s_ifs";iptables_helper list | cut -f2,3 | tr '\t' '|'); do local IFS="$s_ifs" local sumin="$(calc_sum "${str%%|*}" "$data_in")" local sumout="$(calc_sum "${str%%|*}" "$data_out")" write_table_item description "${str##*|}" \ in "$(print_bytes "$sumin")" \ out "$(print_bytes "$sumout")" done write_table_item description "`_ "Other"`" \ in "$(print_bytes "$sumin_other")" \ out "$(print_bytes "$sumout_other")" write_table_item description "`_ "Total"`" \ in "$(print_bytes "$totalin")" \ out "$(print_bytes "$totalout")" fi fi ;; avail_ifaces) for iface in $(list_iface); do local iface_ip="$(read_ip "$iface")" write_enum_item "$iface" "$iface${iface_ip:+ - }$iface_ip" done ;; esac ;; esac } message_loop alterator-ulogd-1.3.1/ui/000075500000000000000000000000001124777472300152525ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-ulogd-1.3.1/ui/ulogd/000075500000000000000000000000001124777472300163645ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-ulogd-1.3.1/ui/ulogd/ajax.scm000064400000000000000000000025121124777472300200130ustar00rootroot00000000000000(define-module (ui ulogd ajax) :use-module (alterator ajax) :use-module (alterator woo) :export (init)) (define (form-update-enum-set-first name variants) (form-update-enum name variants) (form-update-value name (woo-get-option (car variants) 'name))) (define (ui-update) (form-update-value-list '("start_date" "end_date" "state_enabled") (woo-read-first "/ulogd" 'iface (form-value "iface")))) (define (update-services) (form-update-enum "services" (woo-list "/ulogd/services" 'iface (form-value "iface") 'start_date (form-value "start_date") 'end_date (form-value "end_date") 'language (form-value "language")))) (define (on-apply-state-enabled) (catch/message (lambda() (woo-write "/ulogd" 'state_enabled (form-value "state_enabled"))))) (define (init) (form-update-enum-set-first "iface" (woo-list "/ulogd/avail_ifaces")) (ui-update) (form-bind "iface" "change" (lambda() (begin(ui-update)(form-update-enum "services" '())))) (form-bind "apply" "click" on-apply-state-enabled) (form-bind "show" "click" update-services)) alterator-ulogd-1.3.1/ui/ulogd/index.html000064400000000000000000000034761124777472300203730ustar00rootroot00000000000000
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Service Incoming traffic(Kb) Outgoing traffic(Kb)
alterator-ulogd-1.3.1/ulogd.scheme000064400000000000000000000036511124777472300171420ustar00rootroot00000000000000CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ulog ( raw_mac VARCHAR(80), oob_time_sec INT UNSIGNED, oob_time_usec INT UNSIGNED, oob_prefix VARCHAR(32), oob_in VARCHAR(32), oob_out VARCHAR(32), ip_saddr VARCHAR(16), ip_daddr VARCHAR(16), ip_protocol TINYINT UNSIGNED, ip_totlen SMALLINT UNSIGNED, tcp_sport SMALLINT UNSIGNED, tcp_dport SMALLINT UNSIGNED, udp_sport SMALLINT UNSIGNED, udp_dport SMALLINT UNSIGNED, udp_len SMALLINT UNSIGNED, icmp_type TINYINT UNSIGNED, icmp_code TINYINT UNSIGNED, icmp_echoid SMALLINT UNSIGNED, icmp_echoseq SMALLINT UNSIGNED, icmp_gateway INT UNSIGNED, icmp_fragmtu SMALLINT UNSIGNED ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ulog_daily ( time INT UNSIGNED, prefix VARCHAR(32), iface VARCHAR(32), saddr VARCHAR(16), daddr VARCHAR(16), protocol TINYINT UNSIGNED, sport SMALLINT UNSIGNED, dport SMALLINT UNSIGNED, bytes INTEGER ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ulog_daily_idx ON ulog_daily (time, prefix, iface, saddr, daddr, protocol, sport, dport); CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS aggregate AFTER INSERT ON ulog BEGIN INSERT OR IGNORE INTO ulog_daily ( time, prefix, iface, saddr, daddr, protocol, sport, dport, bytes ) values ( NEW.oob_time_sec/86400*86400, NEW.oob_prefix, NEW.oob_in || NEW.oob_out, NEW.ip_saddr, NEW.ip_daddr, NEW.ip_protocol, ifnull (NEW.tcp_sport, 0) + ifnull (NEW.udp_sport, 0), ifnull (NEW.tcp_dport, 0) + ifnull (NEW.udp_dport, 0), 0 ); UPDATE ulog_daily SET bytes = bytes + NEW.ip_totlen WHERE time = NEW.oob_time_sec/86400*86400 AND prefix = NEW.oob_prefix AND iface = NEW.oob_in || NEW.oob_out AND saddr = NEW.ip_saddr AND daddr = NEW.ip_daddr AND protocol = NEW.ip_protocol AND sport = ifnull (NEW.tcp_sport, 0) + ifnull (NEW.udp_sport, 0) AND dport = ifnull (NEW.tcp_dport, 0) + ifnull (NEW.udp_dport, 0); DELETE from ulog WHERE ROWID = NEW.ROWID; END;