#!/bin/bash # To enable this script, pass it to vdr with the -s option, eg. # "-s vdr-shutdown.sh" (sans quotes) in VDR_OPTIONS in /etc/sysconfig/vdr. # See also below for additional required sudo configuration, and # README.package for information how to get the time written to ACPI and # thus getting the system to wake up at the correct time. # How many minutes before the next timer event should the system wake up, # ie. how long does it take to boot until VDR is running and ready to record? # Some CI/CAM's take a long time to initialize so we use a pretty generous # value here by default. mins=${WAKEUP_BEFORE_RECORDING:-10} wakeupfile=/var/lib/vdr/next-wakeup rm -f $wakeupfile if [ ${1:-0} -gt 0 ] ; then echo $(( $1 - $mins * 60 )) > $wakeupfile fi # In order to make this work, the vdr user needs to be allowed to run # "/sbin/shutdown -h now" with sudo as root, without entering a password and # without a tty. Example sudoers(5) configuration to accomplish that: # Defaults:vdr !requiretty # vdr ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown -h now exec sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now