alterator-livecd-0.8.4/000075500000000000000000000000001230535136000147605ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-livecd-0.8.4/Makefile000064400000000000000000000012051230535136000164160ustar00rootroot00000000000000NAME=livecd SUBDIRS = scripts notes hooks_dir = $(libexecdir)/alterator/hooks all: all-subdirs install: install-module install-data install-subdirs clean: include /usr/share/alterator/build/module.mak install-data: install -dm755 $(hooks_dir)/livecd-initinstall.d install -dm755 $(hooks_dir)/livecd-preinstall.d install -dm755 $(hooks_dir)/livecd-postinstall.d cp -a livecd-initinstall.d/* $(hooks_dir)/livecd-initinstall.d/ all-subdirs: for i in $(SUBDIRS); do \ make -C $$i || exit; \ done install-subdirs: for i in $(SUBDIRS); do \ make -C $$i install bindir=$(bindir) sbindir=$(sbindir) datadir=$(datadir) || exit; \ done alterator-livecd-0.8.4/backend3/000075500000000000000000000000001230535136000164325ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-livecd-0.8.4/backend3/livecd-finish000075500000000000000000000023401230535136000211030ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/bin/sh po_domain="alterator-livecd" alterator_api_version=1 postinstall_hooks_dir=/usr/lib/alterator/hooks/livecd-postinstall.d livecd_root_dir=/livecd-root . alterator-sh-functions . alterator-livecd-functions on_message() { case "$in_action" in write) case "$in__objects" in /) # update /etc/fstab after installation chroot "$livecd_root_dir" service livecd-fstab start >&2 ||: # resurrect fixed mount points at the end of installer work chroot "$livecd_root_dir" mount -a # turn on swap again chroot "$livecd_root_dir" swapon -a # Unmount /livecd-root and remove it. mount | sed -r -n "s;^.+ on ($livecd_root_dir/.+) type .+$;\1;p" | sort -r | xargs umount umount "$livecd_root_dir" && rmdir "$livecd_root_dir" || write_error "`_ "Can't remove $livecd_root_dir"`" ;; run-postinstall) # Run postintall scripts in livecd root. chroot "$livecd_root_dir" run-parts "$postinstall_hooks_dir" ;; esac ;; read) local languages= html_file= languages="$(printf '%s' "$in_language" |tr ';' ' ') all" html_file="$(find_htmlfile "livecd-finish" "$languages")" if [ -s "$html_file" ]; then write_string_param "url" "$html_file" else write_error "`_ "File not found"`" fi ;; esac } message_loop alterator-livecd-0.8.4/backend3/livecd-install000075500000000000000000000133351230535136000212770ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/bin/sh . shell-config . shell-var po_domain="alterator-livecd" alterator_api_version=1 source_dir="${source_dir:-/.ro}" target_dir="${target_dir:-/mnt/destination}" preinstall_hooks_dir=/usr/lib/alterator/hooks/livecd-preinstall.d du_exclude_list='/mnt /home /media /run /var/run /srv' install_pid= slideshow_conf="/etc/alterator/slideshow.conf" # Default slideshow timeout, sec default_slideshow_step=30 default_slideshow_path="/usr/share/install2/slideshow" export target_dir . alterator-sh-functions . livecd-functions . install2-remount-functions do_notify() { alterator-mailbox-send "$1 \"$(write_string "$2")\"" echo "message:$1 $2" >&2 sleep 0.1 } do_notify_error() { do_notify error "$1" } do_notify_status() { do_notify status "$1" } do_notify_stage() { do_notify stage "$1" } ## # Return free space in bytes on mounted file system # free_space() { local target="$1" && shift [ -e "$target" ] || return 1 df --block-size=1 "$target" | sed -e '1d' -e 's/[[:space:]]\+/ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 4 return 0 } ## # copy squashfs image # do_install() { local src="$1";shift local dst="$1";shift local total_size= total_files= free= checkpoint_step= checkpoint= pct= cur= dst_size= local checkpoints_number=200 local count=0 local prev_pct=-1 local du_exclude_dir= local du_exclude_file=/tmp/alterator-livecd-du-exclude-list if [ ! -d "$src" ]; then do_notify_error "Can't find image mountpoint ($src)" return 1 fi if ! mkdir -p -- "$dst";then do_notify_error "Can't write to $dst directory" return 1 fi do_notify_stage preinstall shopt -sq dotglob total_size="$(du -sb "$src" 2>/dev/null | cut -f1)" total_files="$(find "$src"/* 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" if [ -z "$total_size" -o $total_files -eq 0 ] ; then do_notify_error "Can't calculate image size" return 1 fi free=$(free_space "$dst") if [ $total_size -gt $free ]; then do_notify_error "No free space to copy image" return 1 fi checkpoint_step="$(($total_files / $checkpoints_number))" do_notify_stage install checkpoint="$checkpoint_step" if [ -n "$(find "$dst" -mount -type f -print -quit)" ]; then do_notify_error "$dst is not empty!" fi # exclude specified directories from du counts # if needed (mounted to the $dst) touch "$du_exclude_file" for du_exclude_dir in $du_exclude_list; do if mount | egrep -qs "^/dev.+ ${dst%/}$du_exclude_dir.* type.+$"; then echo "${dst%/}$du_exclude_dir" >>"$du_exclude_file" fi done cp -avf "$src"/* "$dst" | while read cur; do count="$(($count + 1))" [ $count -ge $checkpoint ] || continue checkpoint="$(($checkpoint + $checkpoint_step))" dst_size="$(du -sb --exclude-from="$du_exclude_file" "$dst" 2>/dev/null | cut -f1)" pct="$(($dst_size * 100 / $total_size))" [ $pct -le 100 ] || pct=100 # Don't sent the same percentage again [ $pct -gt $prev_pct ] || continue prev_pct="$pct" do_notify_status "$pct" done # Set right perms on root directory of installed system chmod 0755 "$dst" do_notify_stage postinstall for i in proc dev sys run; do mkdir -p -- "$dst/$i" mountpoint -q "$dst/$i" || mount --bind /$i "$dst/$i" done # Remount volumes (involves shutting down EVMS) if ! remount_chroot >&2; then do_notify_error "Can't remount destination filesystems" fi # Mount cgroups in the $dst: # can be needed in case of systemd if mountpoint -q /sys/fs/cgroup; then mkdir -p -- "$dst" mountpoint -q "$dst/sys/fs/cgroup" || mount --rbind /sys/fs/cgroup "$dst/sys/fs/cgroup" fi # Run preinstall scripts run-parts "$preinstall_hooks_dir" alteratord_socket_dir="/var/run/alteratord" # replace itself with alteratord from chroot [ -n "${dst:-}" ] || return mount -o bind "$dst/$alteratord_socket_dir" "$alteratord_socket_dir" chroot "$dst" /etc/init.d/alteratord start # Mount root to target dir for access from chroot at finish stage mkdir -p "$dst/livecd-root" mount --rbind / "$dst/livecd-root" 2>/dev/null mount --make-rslave "$dst/livecd-root" 2>/dev/null # wait until new alteratord is ready to use alterator-wait # notify interface about finish do_notify_stage done sync return 0 } ### slideshow configuration read_slideshow_conf() { local step="$(shell_config_get "$slideshow_conf" step)" if [ -z "$step" ] || echo "$step" | egrep -vqs '^[[:digit:]]+$'; then step="$default_slideshow_step" fi write_string_param step "$step" local once="$(shell_config_get "$slideshow_conf" once)" if [ -n "$once" ] && shell_var_is_yes "$once"; then once='true' else once='false' fi write_bool_param once "$once" local url="$(shell_config_get "$slideshow_conf" url)" [ -n "$url" ] || url="$default_slideshow_path" write_string_param url "$url" } on_message() { case "$in_action" in read) case "$in__objects" in slideshow-config) read_slideshow_conf ;; *) ;; esac ;; write) if [ -n "$install_pid" ] && kill -0 "$install_pid" ;then write_error "Process already running" return fi do_install "$source_dir" "$target_dir"& install_pid=$! ;; esac } message_loop alterator-livecd-0.8.4/backend3/livecd-start000075500000000000000000000024461230535136000207670ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/bin/sh po_domain="alterator-livecd" alterator_api_version=1 image_dir="${image_dir:-/image}" target_dir="${target_dir:-/mnt/destination}" initinstall_hooks_dir=/usr/lib/alterator/hooks/livecd-initinstall.d . alterator-sh-functions . alterator-livecd-functions on_message() { case "$in_action" in write) local dev mpoint rest sort -r -k2,2 /proc/mounts| while read dev mpoint rest; do [ "$mpoint" != "/" -a "$mpoint" != "$image_dir" ] || continue [ -n "${mpoint%%/.*}" ] || continue [ -b "$dev" ] || [ "${mpoint##$target_dir}" != "$mpoint" ] || continue if ! umount "$mpoint";then local msg="$(printf "`_ "Unable to unmount %s\n"`" "$mpoint")" write_error "$msg" return fi done if ! swapoff -a; then write_error "`_ "Unable to turn off swap partitions"`" return fi if ! mkdir -p -- "$target_dir"; then write_error "`_ "Unable to create directory for new system"`" return fi # Run initinstall scripts run-parts "$initinstall_hooks_dir" ;; read) local languages= html_file= languages="$(printf '%s' "$in_language" |tr ';' ' ') all" html_file="$(find_htmlfile "livecd-start" "$languages")" if [ -s "$html_file" ]; then write_string_param "url" "$html_file" else write_error "`_ "File not found"`" fi ;; esac } message_loop alterator-livecd-0.8.4/livecd-initinstall.d/000075500000000000000000000000001230535136000210005ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-livecd-0.8.4/livecd-initinstall.d/55-slideshow.sh000075500000000000000000000013311230535136000235650ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/bin/sh . livecd-functions . shell-config slideshow_conf='/etc/alterator/slideshow.conf' mem=$(cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal | egrep -o '[0-9]+') if [ "$mem" -le 500000 ] ; then # Don't bring up slideshow. if [ -s "$slideshow_conf" ]; then shell_config_set "$slideshow_conf" url /var/empty else # Just remove slideshow if there is no config file rm -fr /usr/share/install2/slideshow/* fi else url="$(shell_config_get "$slideshow_conf" url)" url="${url:-/usr/share/install2/slideshow}" # Setup proper localized slideshow lang=$(sed -n 's/^.*lang=\([^ ]*\).*/\1/gp' /proc/cmdline) lang="${lang%%_*}" if [ -n "$lang" -a -d "$url-$lang" ]; then shell_config_set "$slideshow_conf" url "$url-$lang" fi fi alterator-livecd-0.8.4/notes/000075500000000000000000000000001230535136000161105ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-livecd-0.8.4/notes/Makefile000064400000000000000000000001501230535136000175440ustar00rootroot00000000000000 install: install -d $(datadir)/alterator-livecd/notes cp -a *.html $(datadir)/alterator-livecd/notes alterator-livecd-0.8.4/notes/livecd-finish.all.html000064400000000000000000000003411230535136000222670ustar00rootroot00000000000000

All work is succesfully done.

New system is available at /mnt/destination mount point.


Работа успешно завершена.

Новая система располагается в каталоге /mnt/destination.



Close all open windows before you continue to work.

During process all devices will be unmounted and all swap partitions will be turned off.


Перед тем, как начать установку, пожалуйста, закройте все открытые окна приложений.

Во время работы все устройства будут отмонтированы, а все разделы подкачки отключены.

alterator-livecd-0.8.4/scripts/000075500000000000000000000000001230535136000164475ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-livecd-0.8.4/scripts/Makefile000064400000000000000000000005641230535136000201140ustar00rootroot00000000000000INSTALL = /usr/bin/install sbin_TARGETS = livecd-functions bin_TARGETS = alterator-livecd-functions all: install: install-bin install-sbin install-bin: $(bin_TARGETS) for i in $(bin_TARGETS); do $(INSTALL) -Dpm755 $$i $(bindir)/$$i || exit; done install-sbin: $(sbin_TARGETS) for i in $(sbin_TARGETS); do $(INSTALL) -Dpm755 $$i $(sbindir)/$$i || exit; done clean: alterator-livecd-0.8.4/scripts/alterator-livecd-functions000064400000000000000000000007101230535136000236370ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/bin/sh dirs="/usr/share/alt-notes /usr/share/alterator-livecd/notes" find_htmlfile() { local name="$1" local languages="$2" local path= html_file= for path in $dirs; do for lang in $languages; do case "$lang" in POSIX|C|all) lang="all";; *) lang="$(printf %s "${lang%%_*}" |tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')";; esac html_file="$path/$name.$lang.html" if [ -s "$html_file" ]; then echo "$html_file" return fi done done } alterator-livecd-0.8.4/scripts/livecd-functions000064400000000000000000000006541230535136000216530ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/bin/sh unset \ LANG \ LANGUAGE \ LC_CTYPE \ LC_NUMERIC \ LC_TIME \ LC_COLLATE \ LC_MONETARY \ LC_MESSAGES \ LC_PAPER \ LC_NAME \ LC_ADDRESS \ LC_TELEPHONE \ LC_MEASUREMENT \ LC_IDENTIFICATION \ LC_ALL \ TEXTDOMAIN TEXTDOMAINDIR action \ ||: . shell-error target_dir="${target_dir:-/mnt/destination}" destdir=$target_dir exec_chroot() { env -i PATH="$PATH" HOME="/root" TMPDIR="/tmp" \ chroot "$target_dir" "$@" } alterator-livecd-0.8.4/steps/000075500000000000000000000000001230535136000161165ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-livecd-0.8.4/steps/livecd-finish.desktop000064400000000000000000000003471230535136000222410ustar00rootroot00000000000000[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Categories=X-Alterator-Other Terminal=false Name=Finish installation Icon=steps/finish X-Alterator-URI=/livecd/finish X-Alterator-Help=livecd-finish Name[ru]=Завершение установки alterator-livecd-0.8.4/steps/livecd-install.desktop000064400000000000000000000003441230535136000224240ustar00rootroot00000000000000[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Categories=X-Alterator-Other Terminal=false Name=System installation Icon=steps/install X-Alterator-URI=/livecd/install X-Alterator-Help=livecd-install Name[ru]=Установка системы alterator-livecd-0.8.4/steps/livecd-start.desktop000064400000000000000000000003541230535136000221140ustar00rootroot00000000000000[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Categories=X-Alterator-Other Terminal=false Name=Preparing for install Icon=steps/greeting X-Alterator-URI=/livecd/start X-Alterator-Help=livecd-start Name[ru]=Подготовка к установке alterator-livecd-0.8.4/ui/000075500000000000000000000000001230535136000153755ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-livecd-0.8.4/ui/livecd/000075500000000000000000000000001230535136000166435ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-livecd-0.8.4/ui/livecd/finish/000075500000000000000000000000001230535136000201235ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-livecd-0.8.4/ui/livecd/finish/index.scm000064400000000000000000000011421230535136000217340ustar00rootroot00000000000000(document:surround "/std/frame") margin 10 spacing 10 (document:id finish-text (textbox (string-append "

" (_ "Finish text not found") "

") alterability #f)) (define (load-text) (woo-catch/ignore (thunk (finish-text url (woo-get-option (woo-read-first "/livecd-finish") 'url))))) (define (ui-on-next) (or (catch/message (lambda() (woo-write "/livecd-finish"))) 'cancel)) (define (run-postinstall) (catch/message (lambda() (woo-write "/livecd-finish/run-postinstall")))) (document:root (when loaded (load-text) (run-postinstall))) (frame:on-next ui-on-next) alterator-livecd-0.8.4/ui/livecd/install/000075500000000000000000000000001230535136000203115ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-livecd-0.8.4/ui/livecd/install/index.scm000064400000000000000000000035701230535136000221310ustar00rootroot00000000000000(document:surround "/std/frame") ;;; UI (box orientation "vertical" margin 10 (document:id sl (slideshow)) (label name "stage") (document:id progress (progressbar maximum 100 value 0 visibility #f)) (label name "status" text-wrap #t)) ;;; logic (define (ui-stop) (remove-mailbox ui-callback)) (define (ui-done) (ui-stop) (frame:next)) (define (ui-error reason) (ui-stop) (form-update-value "stage" (bold (_ "Fatal error"))) (form-update-value "status" reason)) (define (ui-stage stage) (form-update-value "status" "") (case stage ((install) (progress visibility #t))) (form-update-value "stage" (bold (case stage ((install)(_ "Installing system...")) ((preinstall) (_ "Preparing...")) ((postinstall) (_ "Finishing...")) ((done) (_ "Installation is done")))))) (define (ui-callback args) (case (car args) ((stage) (let ((stage (string->symbol (cadr args)))) (ui-stage stage) (and (eq? stage 'done) (ui-done)))) ((error) (ui-error (cadr args))) ((status) (let ((percent (cadr args))) (progress text (string-append percent "%")) (progress value percent))))) (define (slideshow-config) (catch/message (lambda() (let ((config (woo-read-first "/livecd-install/slideshow-config"))) (sl step (woo-get-option config 'step)) (sl once (woo-get-option config 'once)) (sl url (woo-get-option config 'url)))))) ;;;;;; ;;; Notify backend to start unpack squashfs ;;; (define (ready) (catch/message (lambda() (woo-write "/livecd-install")))) (document:root (when loaded (frame:next-activity #f) (frame:back-activity #f) (add-mailbox ui-callback) (slideshow-config) (sl start #t) (ready))) alterator-livecd-0.8.4/ui/livecd/start/000075500000000000000000000000001230535136000200005ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-livecd-0.8.4/ui/livecd/start/index.scm000064400000000000000000000007771230535136000216260ustar00rootroot00000000000000(document:surround "/std/frame") margin 10 spacing 10 (document:id start-text (textbox (string-append "

" (_ "Start text not found") "

") alterability #f)) (define (load-text) (woo-catch/ignore (thunk (start-text url (woo-get-option (woo-read-first "/livecd-start") 'url))))) (define (ui-on-next) (or (catch/message (lambda() (woo-write "/livecd-start"))) 'cancel)) (frame:on-next ui-on-next) (document:root (when loaded (load-text)))