alterator-mkimage-0.2/000075500000000000000000000000001201522760100147525ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-mkimage-0.2/Makefile000064400000000000000000000002271201522760100164130ustar00rootroot00000000000000NAME=mkimage DESCRIPTION="Create distribution images" all: clean: install: install-module install-help include /usr/share/alterator/build/module.mak alterator-mkimage-0.2/applications/000075500000000000000000000000001201522760100174405ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-mkimage-0.2/applications/mkimage.desktop000064400000000000000000000003611201522760100224450ustar00rootroot00000000000000[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Categories=X-Alterator-System Icon=mkimage Terminal=false Name=Create distribution images Name[ru]=Создание образов дистрибутивов X-Alterator-URI=/mkimage X-Alterator-Help=mkimage alterator-mkimage-0.2/backend3/000075500000000000000000000000001201522760100164245ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-mkimage-0.2/backend3/mkimage000075500000000000000000000022131201522760100177620ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/bin/sh po_domain="alterator-mkimage" alterator_api_version=1 . alterator-sh-functions list_targets() { make __frontend=1 help/distro 2>/dev/null \ | while read i; do write_enum_item "$i" "$i" done } list_arches() { if [ "`arch`" = x86_64 ]; then write_enum_item "64-bit" "x86_64" fi write_enum_item "32-bit" "i586" } xfer_args() { set \ | sed -rn 's/^in_([A-Z_0-9]+=.*)$/\1/p' \ | sed -e "s/'#t'/1/" -e "s/'#f'//" } make_target() { if [ "$EUID" = 0 ]; then alterator-mailbox-send "message \"root builds unsupported\"" exit 0 fi #xfer_args >&2 # NB: distclean happens even after a failed build make __frontend=1 `xfer_args` "$1" distclean 2>&1 \ | while read -r time line; do alterator-mailbox-send "message \"$line\"" done } for dir in ~/mkimage/mkimage-profiles /usr/share/mkimage-profiles; do [ -d "$dir" ] && cd "$dir" && break done || exit 1 on_message() { case "$in_action" in read) ;; write) if [ -n "$in_target" ]; then make_target "$in_target" & fi ;; list) case "$in__objects" in targets) list_targets;; arches) list_arches;; esac ;; esac } message_loop alterator-mkimage-0.2/help/000075500000000000000000000000001201522760100157025ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-mkimage-0.2/help/en_US/000075500000000000000000000000001201522760100167135ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-mkimage-0.2/help/en_US/mkimage.html000064400000000000000000000014501201522760100212130ustar00rootroot00000000000000

Image build


This module should facilitate local builds of custom ALT Linux based images by means of mkimage using mkimage-profiles.

Currently it allows to:


Please see page on mkimage-profiles for more detailed documentation.

alterator-mkimage-0.2/ui/000075500000000000000000000000001201522760100153675ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-mkimage-0.2/ui/mkimage/000075500000000000000000000000001201522760100170015ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-mkimage-0.2/ui/mkimage/index.scm000064400000000000000000000113171201522760100206170ustar00rootroot00000000000000(document:surround "/std/frame") (define squashfs-list '("fast" "normal" "tight")) (gridbox columns "10;40;40;10" (spacer) (document:id targets (listbox name "target" header (_ "Target image") (when changed (allow-builds #t #f)) (when selected (let ((t (not-empty-string? (form-value "target")))) (test-button activity t) (if t (status-set (_ "Let's test it before building")) (choose-target)))))) (gridbox columns "20;80" ;; (hbox colspan 2 (label text (bold (_ "Image configuration:")) align "center")) ;; ;;; ARCH needs apt-conf support; let's assume native one for a while ; (document:id ARCH ; (combobox name "ARCH" ; enumref "/mkimage/arches")) ; (label (_ "Architecture") align "left") ;; (document:id SQUASHFS (combobox name "SQUASHFS" rows squashfs-list)) (label (_ "SquashFS compression") align "left") ;; (document:id ISOHYBRID (checkbox name "ISOHYBRID" align "right")) (label (_ "Hybrid ISO") align "left") ;; (hbox colspan 2 (separator)) ;; (document:id reset-button (button (_ "Reset") align "center")) (hbox (document:id test-button (button (_ "Test"))) (document:id build-button (button (_ "Build")))) (spacer)) (spacer) ;; (spacer) (document:id progress (progressbar)) (document:id status-label (label)) (spacer) ;; (spacer) (hbox colspan 2 (document:id result (edit alterability #f))) (spacer)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; interface handling (define (status-set message) (status-label text (bold message))) ;;; tweak availability/behaviour of the form in different states (define (status message inter active) (status-set message) ; (format (current-error-port) "status: ~S~%" message) (allow-changes inter) (if active (progress minimum 0 value 0 maximum 0) (progress minimum 0 value 0 maximum -1 text (_ "idle")))) ;;; process incoming messages from backend (define (message-handler args) (format (current-error-port) "message-handler: ~S~%" args) (and-let* ((msg (cond-plistq 'message args #f))) (cond ;;status ((string-match "root builds unsupported" msg) (status (_ "Builds using root privileges are not supported.") #f #f)) ;;; can be post- or pre-, and is generally pretty fast ; ((string-match "cleaning up after build" msg) ; #t) ; ((string-match "cleaning up" msg) ; (status-set (_ "Cleaning up"))) ((string-match "initializing BUILDDIR" msg) (status (_ "Initializing build directory...") #f #t)) ((string-match "preparing distro config" msg) (status (_ "Preparing image configuration...") #f #t)) ((string-match "starting image build" msg) (status (_ "Building image, please wait...") #f #t)) ((string-match "done" msg) (status (_ "Done.") #t #f)) ((string-match "failed" msg) (status (_ "Failed!") #t #f)) ((string-match ". Stop." msg) (begin (status (_ "Failed!") #t #f) (allow-builds #f #f) (result text msg))) ((string-match "skipping actual image build" msg) (begin (status (_ "Test passed") #t #f) (result text "(no actual image yet)"))) ((string-match "image: " msg) (begin (status "Image successfully built:" #t #f) (result text (substring msg 7)))) ))) ;;; FIXME: how to hook it up for pre-exit cleanup actions? ;(define (stop) ; (remove-mailbox message-handler)) (define (allow-builds test build) (test-button activity test) (build-button activity build)) (define (allow-changes v) (allow-builds v v) (targets activity v) ; (ARCH activity v) (SQUASHFS activity v) (ISOHYBRID activity v) (reset-button activity v)) (define (choose-target) (status-set "Choose target")) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; backend communication (define (reset-interface) (catch/message (lambda() (begin (form-update-enum "target" (woo-list "/mkimage/targets")) (ISOHYBRID state #t) (SQUASHFS current 1) ; (ARCH current 0) (targets activity #t) (choose-target) (allow-builds #f #f) )))) ;;; "not really" means CHECK=1 (define (run-build really) (begin (allow-changes #f) (catch/message (lambda() (woo-write "/mkimage" 'target (form-value "target") ; 'ARCH (ARCH text) 'SQUASHFS (SQUASHFS text) 'ISOHYBRID (form-value "ISOHYBRID") 'CHECK (not really) ))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; button handlers (test-button (when clicked (run-build #f))) (build-button (when clicked (run-build #t))) (reset-button (when clicked (reset-interface))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; initialization (document:root (when loaded (reset-interface) (add-mailbox message-handler)))