pax_global_header00006660000000000000000000000064123175447060014523gustar00rootroot0000000000000052 comment=dcc06169ae994c54d4ca2346f8a35dd79324784f gear-cronbuild-1.26/000075500000000000000000000000001231754470600143465ustar00rootroot00000000000000gear-cronbuild-1.26/.gear/000075500000000000000000000000001231754470600153425ustar00rootroot00000000000000gear-cronbuild-1.26/.gear/rules000064400000000000000000000000071231754470600164140ustar00rootroot00000000000000tar: . gear-cronbuild-1.26/gear-cronbuild000075500000000000000000000013141231754470600171700ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/bin/sh -e . shell-quote if [ x"$1" = x--help ]; then cat < gear-cronbuild is a shell wrapper for the sequence gear-cronbuild-apply-hooks && gear && gear-commit EOF exit 0 fi echo running gear-cronbuild-apply-hooks ... gear-cronbuild-apply-hooks echo running gear "$@" ... gear "$@" [ -n "\$(git status --porcelain -s -uno)" ] || { echo unuse gear-commit exit 0 } commitmsg= [ -x .gear/cronbuild-commitmsg ] && commitmsg=`.gear/cronbuild-commitmsg` [ -n "$commitmsg" ] && commitmsg="\"$(quote_shell "$commitmsg")\"" echo running gear-commit ${commitmsg:+-m "$commitmsg"} ... gear-commit ${commitmsg:+-m "$commitmsg"} gear-cronbuild-1.26/gear-cronbuild-apply-hooks000075500000000000000000000107051231754470600214400ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/bin/sh ############################## ## TODO: PIPESTATUS is bashism ############################## logfile=cronbuild-apply-hooks.log difffile=cronbuild-apply-hooks.diff EXIT_MAGIC_CODE_NOTHING_TO_DO=77 error_hook() { local hook_name="$1"; shift; echo "cronbuild: the hook $hook_name exited ubnormally. see $logfile for details." exit 2 } do_hook() { local hook="$1"; shift; echo running "$hook" "$@" "$hook" "$@" 2>&1 | tee -a "$logfile" [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -gt 0 ] && error_hook "$hook" return 0 } add_changelog_builtin() { local gear_specfile="$1"; shift; adate=$(date +"%Y%m%d") add_changelog -e "- repocop cronbuild $adate. At your service." $gear_specfile } find_watchfile() { local pkgname=$1 watchfile= for i in .gear/$pkgname*.watch $pkgname*.watch .gear/ .gear/*.watch *.watch ; do if [ -f $i ]; then watchfile=$i return 0 fi done watchfile=`find . -path '*/debian/watch' -type f | head -1` [ -f "$watchfile" ] && return 0 return 1 } if ! [ -d .gear ]; then echo ".gear directory not found. exiting." exit 1 fi [ -e "$logfile" ] && rm -f "$logfile" [ -e "$difffile" ] && rm -f "$difffile" gear_specfile="$(gear --command sh -- -c 'printf %s "$gear_specfile"')" if [ -z "$gear_specfile" ] || ! [ -e "$gear_specfile" ]; then echo "cronbuild: can't find spec file. exiting." exit 1 fi if [ -e ./.gear/cronbuild-git-config ]; then cat ./.gear/cronbuild-git-config | xargs git config fi saved_specfile="$gear_specfile".sav.~ saved_changelog="$gear_specfile".changelog.sav.~ gear_changelog="$gear_specfile" cat "$gear_specfile" > "$saved_specfile" sed -e '1,/^%changelog/d' "$gear_specfile" > "$saved_changelog" exit_cleanup() { rm -f "$saved_specfile" "$saved_changelog" "$gear_changelog" } last_commit=`git show-ref --head HEAD | awk '{if ($2=="HEAD") print $1;}'` last_commit=${last_commit:=HEAD} gear_pkg_name="$(gear --command sh -- -c 'printf %s "$gear_pkg_name"')" if [ -x ./.gear/cronbuild-update-source ]; then do_hook ./.gear/cronbuild-update-source $gear_specfile elif find_watchfile $gear_pkg_name; then echo "INFO: using watchfile $watchfile" rpm-uscan --any-archive --watchfile="$watchfile" --force-action=gear-uupdate else echo "cronbuild: the required hook ./.gear/cronbuild-update-source is missing or not executable." exit_cleanup exit 3 fi git diff $last_commit > "$difffile" if ! [ -s "$difffile" ]; then echo "INFO: source files did not change after cronbuild-update. Nothing to do."; rm -f "$difffile" exit $EXIT_MAGIC_CODE_NOTHING_TO_DO; fi rm -f "$difffile" if [ -x ./.gear/cronbuild-update-version ]; then do_hook ./.gear/cronbuild-update-version $gear_specfile elif cmp "$saved_specfile" "$gear_specfile"; then echo "INFO: spec file did not change after cronbuild-update-source." echo "INFO: running built-in cronbuild-update-version" do_hook gear-cronbuild-update-spec-timestamp $gear_specfile else echo "INFO: spec file changed after cronbuild-update-source." echo "INFO: skip built-in built-in cronbuild-update-version" fi sed -e '1,/^%changelog/d' "$gear_specfile" > "$gear_changelog" if [ -x ./.gear/cronbuild-add-changelog ]; then do_hook ./.gear/cronbuild-add-changelog $gear_specfile elif cmp "$saved_changelog" "$gear_changelog"; then echo "INFO: changelog did not change before cronbuild-add-changelog." echo "INFO: running built-in cronbuild-add-changelog" do_hook add_changelog_builtin $gear_specfile else echo "INFO: changelog changed before cronbuild-add-changelog." echo "INFO: skip built-in built-in cronbuild-add-changelog" fi exit_cleanup git add $gear_specfile : <<'__EOF__' =head1 NAME gear-cronbuild-apply-hooks =head1 SYNOPSIS B =head1 DESCRIPTION B =head1 OPTIONS = head1 FILES =over =item B<.gear/cronbuild-update-source> Required. =item B<.gear/cronbuild-update-version> Optional. =item B<.gear/cronbuild-add-changelog> Optional. =back =head1 SEE ALSO =head1 AUTHOR Written by Igor Vlasenko . =head1 COPYING Copyright (c) 2010,2011 Igor Vlasenko, ALT Linux Team. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. =cut __EOF__ gear-cronbuild-1.26/gear-cronbuild-apply-hooks-in-hsh-chroot000075500000000000000000000112571231754470600241230ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/bin/sh -e gitbranch= verbose= quiet= while :; do case "$1" in "") break ;; --) shift; break ;; -d|--gitbranch) shift; gitbranch="$1" ;; -h|--help) pod2usage --exit=0 "$0"; exit 0 ;; -q|--quiet) quiet=-q; verbose= ;; -v|--verbose) verbose=-v; quiet= ;; *) pod2usage --exit=2 "$0"; exit 2 ;; esac shift done [ -n "$verbose" ] && set $verbose if ! [ -d .git ]; then echo `pwd`" is not a .git repository" exit 2 fi # getting workdir eval `hsh --printenv "$@"` hsh --initroot-only "$@" cronbuild_requires= [ -e ./.gear/cronbuild-options ] && . ./.gear/cronbuild-options ||: # skip git-arch git-svn git-cvs mc hsh-install wget curl git-core vim-console less rpm-utils unzip xz gear-cronbuild libshell $cronbuild_requires if [ -e ~/.gitconfig ]; then cp ~/.gitconfig "$workdir"/chroot/.in/ elif [ -e ~/.config/git/config ]; then cp ~/.config/git/config "$workdir"/chroot/.in/.gitconfig else cat </dev/null git init --shared=664 popd >/dev/null if [ -x .gear/cronbuild-prepare-chroot-as-rooter ]; then install -m755 .gear/cronbuild-prepare-chroot-as-rooter "$workdir"/chroot/.in/ hsh-run "$@" --rooter /.in/cronbuild-prepare-chroot-as-rooter fi cat < "$workdir"/chroot/.in/ #!/bin/bash -e . shell-quote set -v mkdir -p ~/.config/git cp /.in/.gitconfig ~/.config/git/config cd /.in/cronbuild.git gear-cronbuild-apply-hooks [ -n "\$(git status --porcelain -s -uno)" ] || exit 0 commitmsg= [ -x .gear/cronbuild-commitmsg ] && commitmsg="\$(.gear/cronbuild-commitmsg)" [ -n "\$commitmsg" ] && commitmsg="\"\$(quote_shell "\$commitmsg")\"" gear-commit \${commitmsg:+-m "\$commitmsg"} --no-edit EOF chmod 755 "$workdir"/chroot/.in/ hsh-run "$@" /.in/ git pull "$workdir"/chroot/.in/cronbuild.git $gitbranch : <<'__EOF__' =head1 NAME gear-cronbuild-apply-hooks-in-hsh-chroot =head1 SYNOPSIS B [B<-h>] [B<-d> I] [B<-v>] [B<-q>] [-- ] =head1 DESCRIPTION B The safe variant of the gear-cronbuild-apply-hooks. It use hasher chroot to apply gear-cronbuild hooks. Separate this utility options and hsh-initroot/hsh-run arguments and options with --. Example: gear-cronbuild-apply-hooks-in-hsh-chroot -v -- $TMP/hasher --mountpoints=/proc --number=1 or just gear-cronbuild-apply-hooks-in-hsh-chroot to run hasher with default settings. =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<-d> I Name of the local branch to apply gear-cronbuild hooks. Default is current branch. =item B<-h> Display this help and exit. =item B<-v> verbose =item B<-q> quiet =back = head1 FILES =over =item B<.gear/cronbuild-options> By default, gear-cronbuild-apply-hooks-in-hsh-chroot will install in hasher chroot the following packages: wget curl git-core vim-console less rpm-utils unzip xz gear-cronbuild. Any other package to be installed in hasher chroot should be explicitly listed in I variable. Example: cronbuild_requires="git-svn rpm-macros-mingw32" =item B<.gear/cronbuild-prepare-chroot-as-rooter> Optional script that will be run in the hasher chroot with hasher's rooter user privileges before the main gear-cronbuild scripts. Should be used for chroot setup, like editing configs in /etc and so on. The script should be executable. =item B<.gear/cronbuild-commitmsg> Optional script to provide commit message. By default, the default message of gear-commit is used. The script should be executable. =back =head1 SEE ALSO =head1 AUTHOR Written by Igor Vlasenko . =head1 COPYING Copyright (c) 2010,2011 Igor Vlasenko, ALT Linux Team. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. =cut __EOF__ gear-cronbuild-1.26/gear-cronbuild-update-spec-timestamp000075500000000000000000000032071231754470600234040ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/usr/bin/perl -w #use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use Getopt::Long; use File::Basename; use RPM qw/vercmp/; use RPM::Source::Editor; my ($spec); my $verbose=1; my $result = GetOptions ( "verbose+" => \$verbose); $specfile=$ARGV[0]; if (!$specfile) { print "usage:$0 specfile\n"; exit (1); } if (! -e $specfile) { print "ERROR: $specfile does not found\n"; exit (64); } $spec=RPM::Source::Editor->new( SPECFILE=> $specfile, VERBOSE=> $verbose, ); my $mainsec=$spec->get_section('package',''); my $timestamp=`date +"\%Y\%m\%d"`; chomp $timestamp; &update_tag('Release'); &update_tag('Version'); &update_tag('Serial'); &update_tag('Epoch'); sub update_tag{ my $tagname=shift; my $val = $mainsec->get_tag($tagname, RAW=>1); if ($val and $val=~/20[012]\d(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])[0-3][0-9]/) { $val=~s/20[012]\d(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])[0-3][0-9]/$timestamp/; print "changed timestamp in tag $tagname\n"; $mainsec->set_tag($tagname, $val); &write_spec_and_exit(); } } if ($mainsec->match_body(qr'^\%define\s+[\w_]+\s+20[012]\d(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])[0-3][0-9]\s*$')) { print "changed timestamp in macro definition\n"; $mainsec->subst_body_if(qr'20[012]\d(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])[0-3][0-9]',$timestamp, qr'^\%define\s+[\w_]+\s+20[012]\d(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])[0-3][0-9]\s*$'); &write_spec_and_exit(); }; print "timestamp not found in spec file. exiting.\n"; exit 3; sub write_spec_and_exit { system('mv',$specfile,$specfile.'~')==0 or die "can't backup specfile $specfile"; open SPEC, '>', $specfile or die "can't rewrite specfile $specfile: $!"; print SPEC $spec->get_spec(); close SPEC; exit 0; } gear-cronbuild-1.26/gear-cronbuild.spec000064400000000000000000000071361231754470600201260ustar00rootroot00000000000000Name: gear-cronbuild Version: 1.26 Release: alt1 Summary: gear repository automated build utility License: GPL Group: Development/Other Packager: Igor Vlasenko Url: BuildArch: noarch Source: %name-%version.tar BuildRequires: perl-RPM-Source-Editor perl-RPM perl-devel /usr/bin/pod2man Requires: gear rpm-uscan > 0.4 %description %summary %prep %setup %build #make_build rm gear-cronbuild.spec %install #make_install install DESTDIR=%buildroot install -D -m755 gear-cronbuild %buildroot%_bindir/gear-cronbuild install -D -m755 gear-cronbuild-update-spec-timestamp %buildroot%_bindir/gear-cronbuild-update-spec-timestamp install -D -m755 gear-cronbuild-apply-hooks %buildroot%_bindir/gear-cronbuild-apply-hooks install -D -m755 gear-cronbuild-apply-hooks-in-hsh-chroot %buildroot%_bindir/gear-cronbuild-apply-hooks-in-hsh-chroot for i in gear-cronbuild-apply-hooks gear-cronbuild-apply-hooks-in-hsh-chroot; do pod2man --name $i --center 'gear-cronbuild' --section 1 --release %version $i > $i.1 done mkdir -p %buildroot%_man1dir install -m 644 *.1 %buildroot%_man1dir/ %files %_bindir/* %_mandir/man?/* %changelog * Fri Apr 04 2014 Igor Vlasenko 1.26-alt1 - new version * Mon Jun 03 2013 Igor Vlasenko 1.25-alt1 - support for .gear/cronbuild-git-config * Thu Dec 06 2012 Igor Vlasenko 1.24-alt1 - bugfix release * Tue Dec 13 2011 Igor Vlasenko 1.23-alt1 - gear-commit is optional (thanks to solo@) * Mon Nov 14 2011 Igor Vlasenko 1.22-alt1 - added help, cleanup * Wed Oct 19 2011 Igor Vlasenko 1.21-alt1 - support for .watch files * Wed Oct 12 2011 Igor Vlasenko 1.20-alt1 - bugfix release * Wed Oct 12 2011 Igor Vlasenko 1.19-alt1 - bugfix release * Wed Oct 12 2011 Igor Vlasenko 1.18-alt1 - bugfix release * Sat Oct 08 2011 Igor Vlasenko 1.17-alt1 - bugfixes in commit msg, by solo@ (closes: 26428) * Wed Oct 05 2011 Igor Vlasenko 1.16-alt1 - update-version, add-changelog hooks are now optional. * Wed Oct 05 2011 Igor Vlasenko 1.15-alt1 - added msg shell quoting, by solo@ (closes: 26412) * Sun Oct 02 2011 Igor Vlasenko 1.14-alt1 - bugfix release * Sun Oct 02 2011 Igor Vlasenko 1.13-alt1 - new version - Merged Alexey Avdeev'support for commit msg (closes: 26400) * Tue Sep 20 2011 Igor Vlasenko 1.12-alt1 - bugfix release - added manuals * Wed Sep 07 2011 Igor Vlasenko 1.11-alt1 - bugfix release * Sun Sep 04 2011 Igor Vlasenko 1.10-alt1 - added gear-cronbuild-apply-hooks-in-hsh-chroot * Wed Mar 30 2011 Igor Vlasenko 1.09-alt1 - more verbose messages * Sat Feb 19 2011 Igor Vlasenko 1.08-alt1 - bugfix release * Wed Feb 16 2011 Igor Vlasenko 1.07-alt1 - bugfix release * Sat Oct 16 2010 Igor Vlasenko 1.06-alt1 - no eval in sh script (thanks to raorn@) * Sat Jul 03 2010 Igor Vlasenko 1.05-alt1 - added proper commit diff * Thu Jul 01 2010 Igor Vlasenko 1.04-alt1 - added nothing-to-do check * Wed Jun 30 2010 Igor Vlasenko 1.03-alt1 - bugfix release * Tue Jun 29 2010 Igor Vlasenko 1.02-alt1 - renamed gear-cronbuild-apply to gear-cronbuild-apply-hooks * Sat Jun 26 2010 Igor Vlasenko 1.01-alt1 - added gear-cronbuild-apply * Thu Jun 24 2010 Igor Vlasenko 1.0-alt1 - first release