pax_global_header00006660000000000000000000000064123063723260014516gustar00rootroot0000000000000052 comment=8c646e7c955e5fe1abe024a982190c87780fade4 gear-uupdate-0.10/000075500000000000000000000000001230637232600140175ustar00rootroot00000000000000gear-uupdate-0.10/.gear/000075500000000000000000000000001230637232600150135ustar00rootroot00000000000000gear-uupdate-0.10/.gear/rules000064400000000000000000000000071230637232600160650ustar00rootroot00000000000000tar: . gear-uupdate-0.10/gear-uupdate000075500000000000000000000000751230637232600163320ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/bin/sh -xe gear-uupdate-prepare "$@" gear-uupdate-execute gear-uupdate-0.10/gear-uupdate-execute000075500000000000000000000005321230637232600177700ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/bin/sh -ex # TODO: implement proper $opt_destdir option support shopt -s nullglob # note on ./$stage && rm -f $stage are split in two lines: # -e; if ./$stage fails, we do not get here; ./$stage must be the last for -e to work set -x for stage in .git/uupdate/__~.uupdate-step-*.sh ; do [ -x $stage ] && ./$stage rm -f $stage done gear-uupdate-0.10/gear-uupdate-prepare000075500000000000000000000270011230637232600177640ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/usr/bin/perl -w use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use Pod::Usage; use Getopt::Long; use Gear::Rules 0.06; use RPM::Source::Editor; use RPM::Source::Tools::SourceArchive; use String::ShellQuote; my $verbose_default=1; my $verbose=$verbose_default; my $opt_sourcenum=0; my ($opt_version, $opt_tarball, $help, @opt_hook); my $script_prefix='__~.uupdate-step-'; my $opt_destdir='.git/uupdate'; my ($opt_unpack,$opt_merge,$opt_spec, $opt_force_unpack); # not yet opt my $opt_git_interactive_merge=0; my $options_result = GetOptions ( "h|help" => \$help, "destdir=s" => \$opt_destdir, "force-unpack" => \$opt_force_unpack, "hook=s" => \@opt_hook, "source=i" => \$opt_sourcenum, "upstream-version=s" => \$opt_version, "merge" => \$opt_merge, "prefix" => \$script_prefix, "update-spec" => \$opt_spec, "unpack" => \$opt_unpack, "verbose+" => \$verbose, "quiet" => sub {$verbose=0}, ); sub exit_usage { #exec "pod2usage --exit=0 $0"; pod2usage({ #-message => "the options below are package-specific:" , -exitval => 0 , -verbose => $verbose ? $verbose - $verbose_default : 0, #-output => $filehandle } ); } my $partial_mode= $opt_merge || $opt_unpack || $opt_spec; my ($do_unpack,$do_merge,$do_spec)=(1,1,1); ($do_unpack,$do_merge,$do_spec)=(0,0,0) if $partial_mode; $do_unpack =1 if $opt_unpack; $do_merge =1 if $opt_merge; $do_spec =1 if $opt_spec; if ($help or not @ARGV or @ARGV>2 or not defined $opt_version and @ARGV==1) { &exit_usage(); } $opt_tarball = shift @ARGV; $opt_version = shift @ARGV if not defined $opt_version; die "file $opt_tarball does not exists!\n" if ! -e $opt_tarball; my $rules=Gear::Rules->new(); my $specfile=$rules->get_spec(); my $spec=RPM::Source::Editor->new( SPECFILE=>$specfile, ); # TODO: using private internals !!! :( # like get_tag my $source0=$spec->macros->macro_subst($spec->raw_sourcelist_ref->[$opt_sourcenum]); die "can't find Source$opt_sourcenum\n" unless $source0; my $source0rule=$rules->match_srpm_file($source0,$specfile); die "can't find a matching rule for Source$opt_sourcenum: $source0\n" unless $source0rule; my ($pkgname,$pkgversion,$pkgrelease)=$rules->get_nvr(); if ($rules->__has_external_commits()) { die "Commits from external repository found. The tarball update seems to be not the right method of repository update. If you insist, use --force-unpack option\n" unless $opt_force_unpack; warn "Commits from external repository found, Tarball update will mess with them.\n"; } my $layout_analysis=$rules->__is_gear_layout_not_robot_recognizeable($source0rule); die "Gear layout is not ready for automatic update: $layout_analysis\n" if ($layout_analysis); unlink glob ($script_prefix."*"); my @diffs=$rules->sorted_diff_rules(); my $current_git_branch=&Gear::Git::Helper::get_current_git_branch(); $current_git_branch||=&Gear::Git::Helper::get_git_commit('HEAD'); my $default_upstream_branch_name='upstream'; my %TAG=map{$_=>1} &Gear::Git::Helper::ls_git_tags(); my $BRANCH=&Gear::Git::Helper::get_git_branch_commit_hash(); my $fh; my @NEW_NVR=($pkgname, $opt_version,'alt1'); my $script_count=0; my $should_gear_update_tag=0; my @MASTER_MERGE_DEFAULT; my @MASTER_MERGE_OURS; my ($source0_git_path) = $source0rule->git_paths(); my $source0tree=$source0rule->{-tree}; my $commit2branch={}; foreach my $branch (keys(%$BRANCH)) { my $commit=$BRANCH->{$branch}; my $ref=$commit2branch->{$commit}; unless ($ref) { $ref=[]; $commit2branch->{$commit}=$ref; } push @$ref, $branch; } &print_upstream_update() if $do_unpack; if ($do_merge and @diffs) { foreach my $diff (@diffs) { my @git_paths=$diff->git_paths(); if ($diff->{-tree2} eq '.') { # master branch; we will checkout it later... push @MASTER_MERGE_DEFAULT, &get_tag_new_nvr($git_paths[0]); } else { &new_uupdate_script('merge2diff'); print $fh "#!/bin/sh -ve\n"; print '# diff rule at line ', $diff->linenum, ': ',$diff->rulestring(),"\n"; &git_checkout_old_nvr($fh, $git_paths[1], 'diff_rule_line_'.$diff->linenum); print $fh 'git pull . ',&get_tag_new_nvr($git_paths[0]),"\n"; &git_create_tag($fh, $git_paths[1]); push @MASTER_MERGE_DEFAULT, &get_tag_new_nvr($git_paths[1]); } } } if ($source0tree ne '.') { my $merge_tag=&get_tag_new_nvr($source0_git_path); if (not grep {$_ eq $merge_tag} @MASTER_MERGE_DEFAULT,@MASTER_MERGE_OURS) { my $merge_strategy=$rules->__guess_merge_strategy($source0_git_path->{'commit'},'HEAD'); if (not $merge_strategy) { push @MASTER_MERGE_DEFAULT, $merge_tag; } elsif ($merge_strategy eq 'ours') { push @MASTER_MERGE_OURS, $merge_tag; } else { die "Oops: merge strategy $merge_strategy is not implemented. Please, report."; } } } &print_master_merge() if $do_merge and (@MASTER_MERGE_DEFAULT or @MASTER_MERGE_OURS); &print_update_spec() if $do_spec; sub print_upstream_update { &new_uupdate_script('update-upstream'); print $fh '#!/bin/sh -ve',"\n"; print $fh qq!# upstream tree: !.$source0tree,"\n"; if ($source0tree ne '.') { &git_checkout_old_nvr($fh, $source0_git_path, $default_upstream_branch_name); } my $upstream_subdir=$source0_git_path->{'path'}; my $new_tarball_path=$opt_tarball; my $tarball_obj=RPM::Source::Tools::SourceArchive->new(-file=>$opt_tarball); my @depth=$tarball_obj->depth(); warn "$opt_tarball has depth ".(scalar @depth)."Check the update by hands!\n" if @depth>1; my $gear_update_opt=''; if (@depth==0) { $gear_update_opt='-a'; warn "$opt_tarball has depth 0. using gear-update -a\n" if $verbose; } if ($upstream_subdir eq '.') { my $new_tarball_path=($opt_destdir ? $opt_destdir.'/' : '').$opt_tarball; print $fh "# move away $opt_tarball or it will appear as an untracked file to gear-update\n"; print $fh qq{[ "$new_tarball_path" != "$opt_tarball" ] && mv -f "$opt_tarball" "$new_tarball_path"},"\n"; print $fh qq!gear-update $gear_update_opt -f "$new_tarball_path" !.$upstream_subdir,"\n"; print $fh qq!rm -f "$new_tarball_path" !,"\n"; } else { print $fh qq!gear-update $gear_update_opt "$new_tarball_path" !.$upstream_subdir,"\n"; } print $fh "git commit -m $opt_version\n"; if ($source0tree ne '.') { &git_create_tag_new_nvr($fh, $source0_git_path); print $fh "git checkout -q $current_git_branch\n"; } } sub print_master_merge { &new_uupdate_script('merge2master'); print $fh '#!/bin/sh -ve',"\n"; print $fh "git checkout -q $current_git_branch\n"; my $nointeractive='--no-edit '; $nointeractive='' if $opt_git_interactive_merge; print $fh "git merge ", $nointeractive, join(' ',@MASTER_MERGE_DEFAULT), "\n" if @MASTER_MERGE_DEFAULT; print $fh "git merge -s ours ", $nointeractive, join(' ',@MASTER_MERGE_OURS), "\n" if @MASTER_MERGE_OURS; $should_gear_update_tag=1; } sub print_update_spec { &new_uupdate_script('update-spec'); my (@script, @line); push @line, qw/srpmnmu -i --version/, $opt_version, '--spec', $specfile, '--changelog', "- new version $opt_version"; foreach my $hook (@opt_hook) { push @line, " --hook ", $hook; } push @script, \@line; push @script, [qw/git add/, $specfile]; print $fh &runarray2sh(\@script); print $fh "rmdir $opt_destdir 2>/dev/null ||:\n"; print $fh "gear-update-tag -ac\n" if $should_gear_update_tag; } sub git_checkout_old_nvr { my ($fh, $git_paths,$fallback_branch_name)=@_; my $location_name=$git_paths->{'tag'}; my $commit=$git_paths->{'commit'}; my $branch_name; #print $fh '# nested call: git_checkout_old_nvr(...',",$fallback_branch_name)\n"; if (&Gear::Rules::template_is_likely_a_tag($git_paths->{'tag_template'})) { print $fh 'git checkout '.&_tag2git($git_paths),"\n"; my $find_branch=$commit2branch->{$commit}; if ($find_branch) {# and $find_branch->[0] if (grep {$_ eq $location_name} @$find_branch) { $branch_name=$location_name; } print $fh "# appropriate branches for $commit: ",join(',',@$find_branch),"\n"; $branch_name=$find_branch->[0]; $branch_name=undef if $branch_name eq 'master'; } } $branch_name=$fallback_branch_name unless defined $branch_name; if ($BRANCH->{$branch_name}) { if ($BRANCH->{$branch_name} eq $commit) { print $fh "git checkout $branch_name\n" if $current_git_branch ne $branch_name; return; } else { print $fh "git branch -D $branch_name\n"; } } print $fh "git checkout -q -b $branch_name ".$git_paths->{'commit'}."\n"; return; } sub new_uupdate_script { my ($script_name)=@_; $script_count++; close ($fh) if $fh; `mkdir -p "$opt_destdir"` if ($opt_destdir && ! -d $opt_destdir); my $filename= ($opt_destdir ? $opt_destdir.'/' : '') . $script_prefix.('0' x (3-length($script_count)))."$script_count-$"; print STDERR "Writing: $filename\n" if $verbose; open ($fh, '>', $filename) or die "can't create $filename: $!"; chmod(0755, $fh); } sub git_create_tag_new_nvr { my ($fh, $git_paths)=@_; my $tag_name=&get_tag_new_nvr($git_paths); if (&Gear::Rules::template_is_likely_a_tag($git_paths->{'tag_template'})) { print $fh "git tag -s -m $tag_name $tag_name\n"; } } sub get_tag_new_nvr { my ($git_paths)=@_; return &Gear::Rules::subst_gear_nvr($git_paths->{'tag_template'},@NEW_NVR); } sub _tag2git { my ($git_paths)=@_; my $tag=$git_paths->{'tag'}; return $tag if $TAG{$tag}; return $git_paths->{'commit'}; } sub runarray2sh { my ($scriptptr)=@_; print $fh '#!/bin/sh -xe',"\n"; foreach my $lineptr (@$scriptptr) { print $fh join (' ', shell_quote_best_effort @$lineptr), "\n"; } } sub runarray { my ($scriptptr)=@_; foreach my $lineptr (@$scriptptr) { &run(@$lineptr); } } sub run { print STDERR "running: ", join(' ',@_),"\n"; system(@_)==0 or die "command failed: ".join(' ',@_); } =head1 NAME gear-uupdate - generate NMU packages according to their upload method. =head1 SYNOPSIS B [B<-h,--help>] [B<-v,--verbose>] [B<-q,--quiet>] [B<--force-unpack>] [B<--destdir> I] [B<--source> I] [B<--prefix> I