See announcement at tacacs+-F4.0.4.14-k2.diff A patch against tacacs+-F4.0.4.14. New features: * Multiple group membership is allowed. Attribute search is done in depth-first manner. * A new keyword 'return' in ACL definitions causes termination of current ACL check and looking for further ACL-s in higher level groups. The program is upward compatible with tacacs+-F4.0.4.14, old config files can be used without any change. tacacs+-F4.0.4.14-k4.diff A patch against tacacs+-F4.0.4.14. Additional feature since tacacs+-F4.0.4.14-k2: * Including partial config files is allowed in arbitrary depth. The program is upward compatible with tacacs+-F4.0.4.14, old config files can be used without any change. tacacs+-F4.0.4.14-k5.diff A patch against tacacs+-F4.0.4.14. A bugfix since tacacs+-F4.0.4.14-k4: * -P printed configuration to stderr instead of stdout as manual states. Fixed. tacacs+-F4.0.4.14-k6.diff A patch against tacacs+-F4.0.4.14. A bugfix since tacacs+-F4.0.4.14-k5: * After forking daemon syslog was reopened always with 'daemon' facility even if config file specified 'logging'. Fixed. ---------------------------------------------------------------- tacacs+-F4.0.4.15-k1.diff A patch against tacacs+-F4.0.4.15. Adds the same functionality as the above tacacs+-F4.0.4.14-k5.diff: - Allows multiple group membership. - Adds new keyword 'return' to ACL-s. - Adds new keyword 'include'. - Fixes stderr/stdin confusion with -P option. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Newer releases are in Debian packages and can be dowloaded from repository at ********************************* * It is reachable by IPv6 only. * ********************************* Add these lines to your sources.list file: deb lenny contrib deb-src lenny contrib Packages are signed by GPG key 0xBB6ABB38. Before downloading packages you should add the key to your Debian keyring manually by "apt-key add" command in order to avoid complainments of aptitude about "untrusted source". (Key can be downloaded from your favorite GPG key server.) Latest release: tacacs+_4.0.4.19-8.kissg2 - it is the Debianized with my above enhancements added. (2010-10-15)