: 1 2023 | : 18631 | : 37433415
en ru br
5.1: 1.9-alt1
4.1: 1.2-alt7.M41.10
4.0: 0.1-alt3

:: //
: alterator-xinetd

                   Gear   Bugs and FR  Repocop 

DESCRIPTION="Xinetd Server"


install: install-module install-data

include /usr/share/alterator/build/module.mak
install -d $(sysconfdir)/alterator
cp -a xinetd $(sysconfdir)/alterator
alterator-xinetd-1.9/applications/000075500000000000000000000000001126537563300173505ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-xinetd-1.9/applications/xinetd.desktop000064400000000000000000000004331126537563300222360ustar00rootroot00000000000000[Desktop Entry]
Name=Xinetd server
Name[ru]=Службы xinetd
Name[pt_BR]=Servidor Xinetd
Name[es]=Servidor xinetd
alterator-xinetd-1.9/backend3/000075500000000000000000000000001126537563300163345ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-xinetd-1.9/backend3/xinetd000075500000000000000000000330271126537563300175620ustar00rootroot00000000000000#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Alterator::Backend3;

# set translation domain
$TEXTDOMAIN = "alterator-xinetd";


# Данные из всех конфигурационных файлов (/etc/xinetd.d/*, /etc/xinetd.conf)
# читаются в общую структуру данных (хэш по id сервиса).
# Чтение происходит по первому запросу list (чтоб успел правильно выставиться
# язык)
# id берется из параметра "id", или, если его нет, из названия сервиса.
# Названия сервисов с разными id могут совпадать (и для udp и tcp версий
# INTERNAL services обычно совпадают) - так удивительно сделано в xinetd.
# Названия конф.файлов и то, сколько секций в них содержится - роли не играет
# (раньше было не так). Секция default ищется только в /etc/xinetd.conf.
# Секция default записывается в общую структуру под id __common_settings__
# Вообще, default settings требуют дальнейшего изучения...
# (Параметры default settings влияют на те секции, в которых эти параметры не
# установлены. То есть, для секций надо различать понятия "не установлен" и
# "пустая строка". Как это сделать - непонятно, даже на уровне интерфейса.)
# Пока сделал так, что пустые строки в конф.файл не записываются. Это больше
# всего соответствует заявленному поведению "common settings используются для
# тех сервисов, для которых соответствующие поля не установлены". Возможно,
# стоит вообще убрать редактирование секции defaults - пользы от нее мало,
# а путаница возможна...
# Для каждого сервиса хранится имя файла, в котором находится секция и
# порядковый номер секции с таким именем в этом файле (для различия одноименных
# секций).
# Польза от того, что все данные читаются сразу:
# - хочется сделать "лампочки" с состоянием сервиса в списке,
# а для этого так и так надо разбирать все файлы
# - при чтении списка можно правильно обрабатывать id
# - можно устраивать отдельные команды бакенду commit/reset...
# По команде list бекенд, ничего не перечитывая, быстро отдает список.
# По команде read бакенд перечитывает только нужный файл
# (Возможно, несколько секций!) и отдает соответствующую информацию
# По команде write бакенд сохраняет информацию в структуру и перезаписывает
# нужную секцию в нужном файле...
# Команды commit/reset пока не делаю...

my $SERVICE_PROG = "/sbin/service";
my $XINETD_DIR = "/etc/xinetd.d";
my $XINETD_CONF = "/etc/xinetd.conf";
#my $LOGFILE = "/var/log/configd.log";
#open LOG, $LOGFILE or warn "can't open $LOGFILE\n";

my @params_returned_by_list =
("label", "label2", "pic");

my @params_returned_by_read =
("name", "label", "label2", "description", "user", "group", "server", "server_args", "rlimit_as",
"instances", "per_source", "only_from", "state", "type", "bind");

my @params_for_read =
("user", "group", "server", "server_args", "rlimit_as",
"instances", "per_source", "only_from", "disable", "id", "type", "bind", "interface");

my @params_for_write =
("user", "group", "server", "server_args", "rlimit_as",
"instances", "per_source", "only_from", "disable", "bind", "interface");

my @params_for_write_defaults =
("instances", "per_source", "only_from");

my @params_for_read_defaults =
("instances", "per_source", "only_from");

# main data table
my %data; # hash of hashes

#sub debug{
# my $text = shift;
# my $errno = shift;
# printf LOG "%s $TEXTDOMAIN: $text: $errno\n", time;

### reading defaults section and putting data to %data
sub read_defaults{
my $file = shift;
my $is_in = 0;
my %service_info = ();

open CF, $file or warn "can't open $file\n";
foreach my $line (<CF>){

# outside defaults section
if ($is_in == 0){
if ($line =~ /^\s*defaults/){
$is_in = 1;
$service_info{name} = "__common_settings__";
$service_info{id} = "__common_settings__";
$service_info{label} = _("Common settings");
$service_info{label2} = _("Common settings");
$service_info{file} = $file;
$service_info{description} =
_("These settings will be applied to services with undefined fields");
$service_info{state} = '#t';
$service_info{type} = '#f';
$service_info{pic} = '';

if (($is_in == 1 ) && ($line =~ /^\s*{/)) {
foreach (@params_for_read_defaults){
$service_info{$_} = "";
$is_in = 2;

# inside section
if ($is_in == 2){

foreach (@params_for_read_defaults){
if ($line =~ /^\s*$_\s*=\s*(.*)$/){
$service_info{$_} = $1;

if ($line =~ /^\s*}/) { # end of section
$is_in = 0;
$data{$service_info{id}} = {%service_info};

# this stuff is doing after write action to
# provide correct data for list
sub set_label{
my $info = shift; # ref to object hash
my $label_prefix="";
$label_prefix = "+ " if $info->{disable} eq 'no';
$label_prefix = "-- " if $info->{disable} eq 'yes';
$info->{label} = $label_prefix . $info->{id};
$info->{label2} = $info->{id};
$info->{pic} = ($info->{disable} eq 'no')? 'on':'off';

### reading service sections and putting data to %data
sub read_file{
my $file = shift;

my $is_desc = 0;
my $is_in = 0;
my %service_info = ();
my %counts = (); # numbers of sections with same name

open CF, $file or warn "can't open $file\n";
foreach my $line (<CF>){

# outside service section
if ($is_in == 0){

# reading description
if ($line =~ /^#\s*description:\s*([^\\]*)(\\?)$/) {
if (defined $2){ $is_desc = 1; } # to be continued...
else {$is_desc = 0; }
if (($is_desc == 1) && ($line =~ /^#\s*([^\\]*)(\\?)$/)) {
$service_info{description}.=" $1";
if (defined $2){ $is_desc = 1; } # to be continued...
else {$is_desc = 0; }

if ($line =~ /^\s*service\s+(\S+)\s*$/){
foreach (@params_for_read){
$service_info{$_} = '';
$service_info{name} = $1;
$service_info{id} = $1;
if (!exists($counts{$1})) {$counts{$1}=1;}
else {$counts{$1}++;}
$service_info{num} = $counts{$1};

$is_in = 1;

if (($is_in == 1 ) && ($line =~ /^\s*{/)) {
$is_in = 2;

# inside service section
if ($is_in == 2){

foreach (@params_for_read){
if ($line =~ /^\s*$_\s*=\s*(.*)$/){
$service_info{$_} = $1;

if ($line =~ /^\s*}/) { # end of section
$is_in = 0;
$service_info{file} = $file;
$service_info{state} = ($service_info{disable} eq 'no')? '#t':'#f';
$service_info{description} = '' unless exists($service_info{description});
my $dt="/etc/alterator/xinetd/$service_info{id}.desktop";
$service_info{description} =
`alterator-dump-desktop -v lang="$LANGUAGE" -v out="Comment" "$dt"` if -f $dt;
$service_info{type} = ($service_info{type} eq "INTERNAL")? '#t':'#f';
$service_info{bind} = $service_info{interface} if ($service_info{bind} eq '');
$data{$service_info{id}} = {%service_info};
%service_info = ();
close CF;


sub write_section{
my $id = shift;
my $temp = `mktemp`; chomp($temp);
my $file = $data{$id}->{file};
my $name = $data{$id}->{name};
my $num = $data{$id}->{num};
my $is_in=0;

open CF, $file or write_error(_("Can't open file"), $file);
open TEMP, "> $temp" or write_error(_("Can't open temporary file"), $temp);

$data{$id}->{disable} = (defined($data{$id}->{state}) && ($data{$id}->{state} eq '#t'))?

# It can be more then one section with the same name
# Let's find $num-th section with
# name $name in $file

foreach my $line (<CF>){

# outside service section
if ($is_in == 0){
print TEMP $line;
if ($line =~ /^\s*service\s*$name\s*$/){
$is_in = 1 if ($num == 0);

if (($is_in == 1 ) && ($line =~ /^\s*{/)) {
print TEMP $line;
# writing down all changable params
foreach (@params_for_write){
next if !exists($data{$id}->{$_}) ||
!defined($data{$id}->{$_}) ||
($data{$id}->{$_} eq "");
print TEMP "\t$_\t=\t$data{$id}->{$_}\n";
$is_in = 2;

# inside service section
if ($is_in == 2){

# deleting old values
my $del=0;
foreach (@params_for_write){
if ($line =~ /^\s*$_\s*=/){
print TEMP $line unless $del;

if ($line =~ /^\s*}/) { # end of section
$is_in = 0;
close (CF);
close (TEMP);
# do not use rename!
`mv $temp $file`;

sub write_defaults{
my $id = '__common_settings__';
my $temp = `mktemp`; chomp($temp);
my $file = $XINETD_CONF;
my $name = $data{$id}->{name};
my $num = $data{$id}->{num};
my $is_in=0;

open CF, $file or write_error(_("Can't open file"), $file);
open TEMP, "> $temp" or write_error(_("Can't open temporary file"), $temp);

# It can be more then one section with the same name
# Let's find $num-th section with
# name $name in $file

foreach my $line (<CF>){

# outside service section
if ($is_in == 0){
print TEMP $line;
if ($line =~ /^\s*defaults/){
$is_in = 1 if ($num <= 0);

if (($is_in == 1 ) && ($line =~ /^\s*{/)) {
print TEMP $line;

# writing down all changable params
foreach (@params_for_write_defaults){
next if !exists($data{$id}->{$_}) ||
!defined($data{$id}->{$_}) ||
($data{$id}->{$_} eq "");
print TEMP "\t$_\t=\t$data{$id}->{$_}\n";
$is_in = 2;

# inside service section
if ($is_in == 2){

# deleting old values
my $del=0;
foreach (@params_for_write_defaults){
if ($line =~ /^\s*$_\s*=/){
print TEMP $line unless $del;

if ($line =~ /^\s*}/) { # end of section
$is_in = 0;
close (CF);
close (TEMP);
# do not use rename!
`mv $temp $file`;


sub read_all_the_list{
# reading "default" section
# other enties - from /etc/xinetd.d/*
open LS, "ls -1 $XINETD_DIR |" or warn "can't execute ls $XINETD_DIR\n";
foreach my $file (<LS>){
next if $file !~ /\/?(\S+)/;
next if $file =~ /\.rpm/;
close LS;

sub action_constraints{
write_plain('state (default #f)');

sub action_list{
foreach my $id (sort keys %data){

my @alist;
foreach (@params_returned_by_list){
push @alist, $_;
push @alist, exists($data{$id}->{$_})? $data{$id}->{$_}:'';
write_auto_named_list($id, @alist);

sub action_read{
my $params = shift;
my $id = $params->{name};
if (exists $data{$id}){

#re-read data (only one file!)
if ($id eq "__common_settings__"){ read_defaults($XINETD_CONF);}
else {read_file($data{$id}->{file});}

foreach (@params_returned_by_read){
my $v = exists($data{$id}->{$_})? $data{$id}->{$_}:'';

if ($_ eq 'name') { $v=$data{$id}->{id}; }
write_auto_param($_, $v);

sub action_write{
my $params = shift;
my $id = $params->{name};

if (exists $data{$id}){

foreach (@params_for_write){
$data{$id}->{$_} = exists($params->{$_})? $params->{$_}:'';
$data{$id}->{state} = $params->{state};

if ($id eq "__common_settings__"){ write_defaults();}
else {
`service xinetd reload`;
} else {
write_error(_("Unknown service"), $id);

sub action_type{
write_string_param("only_from", "hostname-list");
write_string_param("bind", "ipv4-address");

my $have_list=0;
sub on_message{
my $params = shift;

read_all_the_list() unless $have_list;

return if (! defined $params->{action});

if ($params->{action} eq 'list') { action_list();}
elsif ($params->{action} eq 'read') { action_read($params);}
elsif ($params->{action} eq 'write') { action_write($params);}
elsif ($params->{action} eq 'type') { action_type();}

alterator-xinetd-1.9/ui/000075500000000000000000000000001126537563300152775ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-xinetd-1.9/ui/xinetd/000075500000000000000000000000001126537563300165725ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-xinetd-1.9/ui/xinetd/ajax.scm000064400000000000000000000025171126537563300202260ustar00rootroot00000000000000(define-module (ui xinetd ajax)
:use-module (alterator ajax)
:use-module (alterator woo)
:use-module (alterator card-index)
:export (init))

(define (ui-enable)
'("user" "group" "server" "server_args" "rlimit_as"
"instances" "per_source" "only_from" "bind")
(form-value "state")))

(define (ui-read)
(f-update-ci-list "name" "/xinetd")
(let ((name (f-get-ci-value "name") ))

(f-reset "/xinetd" 'name name)

(form-update-visibility '("state" "rlimit_as" "bind")
(not (string=? name "__common_settings__")))

(form-update-visibility '("user" "group" "server" "server_args")
(not (or (form-value "type") (string=? name "__common_settings__"))))

(form-update-visibility '("internal_label") (form-value "type"))

'("user" "group" "server" "server_args" "rlimit_as"
"instances" "per_source" "only_from" "bind")
(form-value "state"))

(form-update-value "changed" #f)
(form-update-value "common" (string=? name "__common_settings__"))

(define (ui-write)
(f-submit "/xinetd" 'name (f-get-ci-value "name"))

(define (init)
(form-bind "name" "change" ui-read)
(form-bind "apply" "click" ui-write)
(form-bind "reset" "click" ui-read)
(form-bind "state" "change" ui-enable) )

alterator-xinetd-1.9/ui/xinetd/index.html000064400000000000000000000053411126537563300205720ustar00rootroot00000000000000<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
<html wf="none">

<form method="POST">
<td style="width:30%">
<span translate="_">Services</span>:
<select name="name" size="20" style="width:98%"/><br/>
<span class="alterator-label" name="cardlabel"></span>
<span name="internal_label">(<span translate="_">internal service</span>)</span>
<p><span class="alterator-label" name="description"></span></p>
<input type="checkbox" name="type" style="display:none" value="#t"/>
<table class="form-table">
<td><input type="checkbox" name="state" value="#t"/>
<span translate="_" name="state">Enable service</span></td>
<td><span translate="_" name="user">User:</span></td>
<td><input type="text" class="text" name="user"/></td>
<td><span translate="_" name="group">Group:</span></td>
<td><input type="text" class="text" name="group"/></td>
<td><span translate="_" name="server">Server:</span></td>
<td><input type="text" class="text" name="server"/></td>
<td><span translate="_" name="server_args">Server args:</span></td>
<td><input type="text" class="text" name="server_args"/></td>
<td><span translate="_" name="rlimit_as">Rlimit as:</span></td>
<td><input type="text" class="text" name="rlimit_as"/></td>
<td><span translate="_" name="instances">Instances:</span></td>
<td><input type="text" class="text" name="instances"/></td>
<td><span translate="_" name="per_source">Per source:</span></td>
<td><input type="text" class="text" name="per_source"/></td>
<td><span translate="_" name="only_from">Only from:</span></td>
<td><input type="text" class="text" name="only_from"/></td>
<td><span translate="_" name="bind">Interface:</span></td>
<td><input type="text" class="text" name="bind"/></td>
<p><input type="button" name="apply" value="Apply" class="btn"/>
<input type="button" name="reset" value="Reset" class="btn"/></p>
alterator-xinetd-1.9/ui/xinetd/index.scm000064400000000000000000000106511126537563300204100ustar00rootroot00000000000000(document:surround "/std/frame")

; note: label - for html, with +/- prefix
; here we use label2

;; UI

(checkbox value #f visibility #f name "type")
(checkbox value #t visibility #f name "common")

(checkbox value #f visibility #f name "changed")
(edit value "" visibility #f name "old-name")
(edit value "" visibility #f name "label2")

(splitbox columns "30;70"

(listbox name "name"
header (vector (_ "Services"))
row '#((label2 . pic)) )

(groupbox title ""
(label name "label")
(textbox "" alterability #f name "description")

(gridbox columns "0;100"

(checkbox (_ "Enable service") name "state" (when changed (form-update-value "changed" #t)))

(label text (_ "User:") align "right" name "user")
(edit value "" name "user" (when changed (form-update-value "changed" #t)))

(label text (_ "Group:") align "right" name "group")
(edit value "" name "group" (when changed (form-update-value "changed" #t)))

(label text (_ "Server:") align "right" name "server")
(edit value "" name "server" (when changed (form-update-value "changed" #t)))

(label text (_ "Server args:") align "right" name "server_args")
(edit value "" name "server_args" (when changed (form-update-value "changed" #t)))

(label text (_ "Rlimit as:") align "right" name "rlimit_as")
(edit value "" name "rlimit_as" (when changed (form-update-value "changed" #t)))

(label text (_ "Instances:") align "right" name "instances")
(edit value "" name "instances" (when changed (form-update-value "changed" #t)))

(label text (_ "Per source:") align "right" name "per_source")
(edit value "" name "per_source" (when changed (form-update-value "changed" #t)))

(label text (_ "Only from:") align "right" name "only_from")
(edit value "" name "only_from" (when changed (form-update-value "changed" #t)))

(label text (_ "Interface:") align "right" name "bind")
(edit value "" name "bind" (when changed (form-update-value "changed" #t)))

(gridbox columns "0;0;100"
(button text (_ "Apply") name "apply")
(button text (_ "Reset") name "reset")
(spacer) ))))

; functions

(define (ui-read)

(let* ((listdata (woo-list "/xinetd"))
(name1 (form-value "name"))
(name (if (string=? name1 "")
(woo-get-option (cond-car listdata) 'name) name1))
(readdata (woo-read-first "/xinetd/" 'name name)) )

(form-update-value "old-name" name)
(form-update-value "name" name)
(catch/message ( lambda ()
(form-update-enum "name" listdata)
(form-update-value "name" name)

`("description" "label2" "state" "user" "group" "server" "server_args" "rlimit_as"
"instances" "per_source" "only_from" "bind" "type") readdata)))

(form-update-value "changed" #f)
(form-update-value "common" (string=? name "__common_settings__"))

(form-update-value "label"
"<b>" (form-value "label2")
(if (form-value "type") (string-append " (" (_"internal service") ")") "")
"</b>" ))

(define (my-update-effect)
(form-update-visibility '("state" "rlimit_as" "bind")
(not (string=? (form-value "name") "__common_settings__")))

(form-update-visibility '("user" "group" "server" "server_args")
(not (or (form-value "type") (string=? (form-value "name") "__common_settings__"))))

(form-update-activity '("user" "group" "server" "server_args" "rlimit_as"
"instances" "per_source" "only_from" "bind")
(form-value "state"))

(form-update-visibility '("internal_label")
(form-value "type"))

(define (ui-change)
(and (form-value "changed")
(eq? 'yes (document:popup-question (_"There are unsaved changes in the service settings. Do you want to apply these changes?") 'yes 'no))
(let ((name (form-value "name") ))
(form-update-value "name" (form-value "old-name"))
(form-update-value "name" name) ))

(define (ui-write)
(catch/message ( lambda ()
(apply woo-write "/xinetd/" (form-value-list)) ))
(form-update-value "changed" #f))

(define (ui-init)
(form-bind "name" "change" ui-change)
(form-bind "apply" "click" ui-write)
(form-bind "reset" "click" ui-read)
(form-bind "state" "change" my-update-effect) )

(document:root (when loaded (ui-init)))

alterator-xinetd-1.9/xinetd/000075500000000000000000000000001126537563300161555ustar00rootroot00000000000000alterator-xinetd-1.9/xinetd/chargen-dgram.desktop000064400000000000000000000001031126537563300222410ustar00rootroot00000000000000[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A chargen server. This is the udp version.
alterator-xinetd-1.9/xinetd/chargen-stream.desktop000064400000000000000000000001031126537563300224420ustar00rootroot00000000000000[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A chargen server. This is the tcp version.
alterator-xinetd-1.9/xinetd/daytime-dgram.desktop000064400000000000000000000001031126537563300222660ustar00rootroot00000000000000[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A daytime server. This is the udp version.
alterator-xinetd-1.9/xinetd/daytime-stream.desktop000064400000000000000000000001031126537563300224670ustar00rootroot00000000000000[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A daytime server. This is the tcp version.
alterator-xinetd-1.9/xinetd/discard-dgram.desktop000064400000000000000000000001031126537563300222430ustar00rootroot00000000000000[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A discard server. This is the udp version.
alterator-xinetd-1.9/xinetd/discard-stream.desktop000064400000000000000000000001031126537563300224440ustar00rootroot00000000000000[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A discard server. This is the tcp version.
alterator-xinetd-1.9/xinetd/echo-dgram.desktop000064400000000000000000000001011126537563300215460ustar00rootroot00000000000000[Desktop Entry]
Comment=An echo server. This is the udp version.
alterator-xinetd-1.9/xinetd/echo-stream.desktop000064400000000000000000000001011126537563300217470ustar00rootroot00000000000000[Desktop Entry]
Comment=An echo server. This is the tcp version.
alterator-xinetd-1.9/xinetd/ftp.desktop000064400000000000000000000001141126537563300203350ustar00rootroot00000000000000[Desktop Entry]
Comment=The vsftpd FTP server.
alterator-xinetd-1.9/xinetd/git.desktop000064400000000000000000000002031126537563300203260ustar00rootroot00000000000000[Desktop Entry]
Comment=The git server offers access to git repositories.
Comment[ru]=Доступ к репозитариям GIT
alterator-xinetd-1.9/xinetd/printer.desktop000064400000000000000000000003121126537563300212270ustar00rootroot00000000000000[Desktop Entry]
Comment=The cups-lpd mini daemon enable cups accepting jobs from a remote LPD client
Comment[ru]=Печать через CUPS заданий от удаленных LPD-клиентов
alterator-xinetd-1.9/xinetd/time-dgram.desktop000064400000000000000000000001111126537563300215670ustar00rootroot00000000000000[Desktop Entry]
Comment=An RFC 868 time server. This is the udp version.
alterator-xinetd-1.9/xinetd/time-stream.desktop000064400000000000000000000001111126537563300217700ustar00rootroot00000000000000[Desktop Entry]
Comment=An RFC 868 time server. This is the tcp version.
: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
: Michael Shigorin