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Patch: otp-R15B-1d-beam_lib.patch

 lib/stdlib/src/Makefile       |    2 +
 lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl   |  300 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 lib/stdlib/src/beam_strip.erl |  193 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/stdlib/src/getopt.erl     |   90 +++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 560 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/Makefile b/lib/stdlib/src/Makefile
index 90e239b..228d306 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/Makefile
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/Makefile
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ MODULES= \
 	array \
 	base64 \
 	beam_lib \
+	beam_strip \
 	binary \
 	c \
 	calendar \
@@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ MODULES= \
 	gen_event \
 	gen_fsm \
 	gen_server \
+	getopt \
 	io \
 	io_lib \
 	io_lib_format \
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl
index e9a5e68..415fbac 100644
--- a/lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/beam_lib.erl
@@ -29,9 +29,18 @@
+	 hipe_chunk/0,
+	 hipe_chunks/0,
+	 hipe_chunks/1,
+	 significant_chunks/0,
+	 mandatory_chunks/0,
+	 strip/2,
+	 strip/3,
+	 strip_files/2,
+	 strip_files/3,
@@ -48,7 +57,7 @@
 -export_type([attrib_entry/0, compinfo_entry/0, labeled_entry/0]).
 -import(lists, [append/1, delete/2, foreach/2, keysort/2, 
-		member/2, reverse/1, sort/1, splitwith/2]).
+		member/2, reverse/1, sort/1, splitwith/2, foldl/3, foldr/3]).
@@ -157,6 +166,27 @@ cmp(File1, File2) ->
     try cmp_files(File1, File2)
     catch Error -> Error end.
+hipe_chunk() ->
+    try hipe_unified_loader:chunk_name(erlang:system_info(hipe_architecture))
+    catch _ -> "" end.
+hipe_chunks() ->
+    try [hipe_chunk()]
+    catch _ -> [] end.
+hipe_chunks(File) ->
+    try foldr(
+	fun(E, L) ->
+	    case E of
+		[$H|_] -> [E|L];
+		_ -> L
+	    end
+	end,
+        [],
+        all_chunks_list(File))
+    catch _ -> [] end.
 -spec cmp_dirs(Dir1, Dir2) ->
            {Only1, Only2, Different} | {'error', 'beam_lib', Reason} when
       Dir1 :: atom() | file:filename(),
@@ -185,6 +215,18 @@ diff_dirs(Dir1, Dir2) ->
 strip(FileName) ->
     try strip_file(FileName)
     catch Error -> Error end.
+strip(FileName, C) when is_atom(C) ->
+     try strip_file(FileName, C)
+     catch Error -> Error end;
+strip(FileName, Chunks) ->
+     try strip_file(FileName, Chunks)
+     catch Error -> Error end.
+strip(FileName, Chunks, C) when is_atom(C) ->
+     try strip_file(FileName, Chunks, C)
+     catch Error -> Error end.
 -spec strip_files(Files) ->
         {'ok', [{module(), Beam}]} | {'error', 'beam_lib', info_rsn()} when
@@ -195,7 +237,20 @@ strip_files(Files) when is_list(Files) ->
     try strip_fils(Files)
     catch Error -> Error end.
--spec strip_release(Dir) ->
+strip_files(Files, C) when is_atom(C) ->
+     try strip_fils(Files, C)
+     catch Error -> Error end;
+strip_files(Files, Chunks) ->
+     try strip_fils(Files, Chunks)
+     catch Error -> Error end.
+strip_files(Files, Chunks, C) when is_atom(C) ->
+     try strip_fils(Files, Chunks, C)
+     catch Error -> Error end.
+-spec strip_release( Dir | file:filename()) ->
         {'ok', [{module(), file:filename()}]}
       | {'error', 'beam_lib', Reason} when
       Dir :: atom() | file:filename(),
@@ -390,34 +445,115 @@ strip_rel(Root) ->
     strip_fils(filelib:wildcard(filename:join(Root, "lib/*/ebin/*.beam"))).
 %% -> {ok, [{Mod, BinaryOrFileName}]} | throw(Error)
+strip_fils({Files, Dir}, C) when is_atom(C) ->
+    {ok, [begin {ok, Reply} = strip_file({F, Dir}, C), Reply end || F <- Files]};
+%% -> {ok, [{Mod, BinaryOrFileName}]} | throw(Error)
+strip_fils(Files, C) when is_atom(C) ->
+    {ok, [begin {ok, Reply} = strip_file(F, C), Reply end || F <- Files]};
+%% -> {ok, [{Mod, BinaryOrFileName}]} | throw(Error)
+strip_fils({Files, Dir}, Chunks) ->
+    {ok, [begin {ok, Reply} = strip_file({F, Dir}, Chunks), Reply end || F <- Files]};
+%% -> {ok, [{Mod, BinaryOrFileName}]} | throw(Error)
+strip_fils(Files, Chunks) ->
+    {ok, [begin {ok, Reply} = strip_file(F, Chunks), Reply end || F <- Files]}.
+%% -> {ok, [{Mod, BinaryOrFileName}]} | throw(Error)
+strip_fils({Files, Dir}, Chunks, C) when is_atom(C)->
+    {ok, [begin {ok, Reply} = strip_file({F, Dir}, Chunks, C), Reply end || F <- Files]};
+%% -> {ok, [{Mod, BinaryOrFileName}]} | throw(Error)
+strip_fils(Files, Chunks, C) when is_atom(C)->
+    {ok, [begin {ok, Reply} = strip_file(F, Chunks, C), Reply end || F <- Files]}.
+%% -> {ok, [{Mod, BinaryOrFileName}]} | throw(Error)
 strip_fils(Files) ->
-    {ok, [begin {ok, Reply} = strip_file(F), Reply end || F <- Files]}.
+    strip_fils(Files, compress).
+%% -> {ok, {Mod, FileName}} | {ok, {Mod, binary()}} | throw(Error)
+strip_file(File, ChunkList, C) when is_atom(C) ->
+    {ok, {Mod, Chunks}} = read_chunks(file0(File), ChunkList),
+    strip_file_output(File, Mod, Chunks, C).
+%% -> {ok, {Mod, FileName}} | {ok, {Mod, binary()}} | throw(Error)
+strip_file(File, C) when is_atom(C) ->
+    {ok, {Mod, Chunks}} = read_unstripped_chunks(file0(File)),
+    strip_file_output(File, Mod, Chunks, C);
+%% -> {ok, {Mod, FileName}} | {ok, {Mod, binary()}} | throw(Error)
+strip_file(File, ChunkList) ->
+    {ok, {Mod, Chunks}} = read_chunks(file0(File), ChunkList),
+    strip_file_output(File, Mod, Chunks).
 %% -> {ok, {Mod, FileName}} | {ok, {Mod, binary()}} | throw(Error)
 strip_file(File) ->
-    {ok, {Mod, Chunks}} = read_significant_chunks(File, significant_chunks()),
-    {ok, Stripped0} = build_module(Chunks),
-    Stripped = compress(Stripped0),
-    case File of
-	_ when is_binary(File) ->
-	    {ok, {Mod, Stripped}};
-	_ ->
-	    FileName = beam_filename(File),
-	    case file:open(FileName, [raw, binary, write]) of
-		{ok, Fd} ->
-		    case file:write(Fd, Stripped) of
-			ok ->
-			    ok = file:close(Fd),
-			    {ok, {Mod, FileName}};
-			Error ->
-			    ok = file:close(Fd),
-			    file_error(FileName, Error)
-		    end;
+    strip_file(File, compress).
+dir_file(Dir, File) when is_atom(Dir) ->
+    dir_file(atom_to_list(Dir), File);
+dir_file(Dir, File) when is_integer(Dir) ->
+    dir_file(integer_to_list(Dir), File);
+dir_file(Dir, File) when is_float(Dir) ->
+    dir_file(float_to_list(Dir), File);
+dir_file(Dir, File) when is_atom(File) ->
+    dir_file(Dir, atom_to_list(File));
+dir_file(Dir, File) when is_integer(File) ->
+    dir_file(Dir, integer_to_list(File));
+dir_file(Dir, File) when is_float(File) ->
+    dir_file(Dir, float_to_list(File));
+dir_file(Dir, File) ->
+    filename:join(Dir, filename:basename(File)).
+strip_file_output0({File, Dir}, Mod, Data) ->
+    strip_file_output0(dir_file(Dir, File), Mod, Data);
+strip_file_output0(File, Mod, Data) ->
+    FileName = beam_filename(File),
+    case file:open(FileName, [raw, binary, write]) of
+	{ok, Fd} ->
+	    case file:write(Fd, Data) of
+		ok ->
+		    ok = file:close(Fd),
+		    {ok, {Mod, FileName}};
 		Error ->
+		    ok = file:close(Fd),
 		    file_error(FileName, Error)
-	    end
+	    end;
+	Error ->
+	    file_error(FileName, Error)
+strip_file_output(File, Mod, Data) when is_binary(File) ->
+    strip_file_output(File, Mod, Data, nocompress).
+strip_file_output(File, Mod, Data, nocompress) when is_binary(File) ->
+    {ok, {Mod, Data}};
+strip_file_output(File, Mod, Data, compress) when is_binary(File) ->
+    {ok, {Mod, compress(Data)}};
+strip_file_output(File, Mod, Chunks, nocompress) ->
+    {ok, Data} = build_module(Chunks),
+    strip_file_output0(File, Mod, Data);
+strip_file_output(File, Mod, Chunks, compress) ->
+    {ok, Data} = build_module(Chunks),
+    strip_file_output0(File, Mod, compress(Data)).
+file0({File, _}) ->
+    file0(File);
+file0(File) ->
+    beam_filename(File).
 build_module(Chunks0) ->
     Chunks = list_to_binary(build_chunks(Chunks0)),
     Size = byte_size(Chunks),
@@ -438,6 +574,104 @@ pad(Size) ->
 	Rem -> lists:duplicate(4 - Rem, 0)
+read_chunks_info(File) when is_atom(File) ->
+    read_chunks_info(beam_filename(File));
+read_chunks_info(File) ->
+    try
+        {ok, _, Data} = scan_beam(File, info),
+        {ok, Data}
+    catch Error -> Error end.
+empty_chunks(File) when is_atom(File) ->
+    empty_chunks(beam_filename(File));
+empty_chunks(File) ->
+    case read_chunks_info(File) of
+	{ok, List} ->
+	    MC = mandatory_chunks(),
+	    foldr(
+		fun(T, L) ->
+		    case T of
+			{E, _, 0} ->
+			    case lists:member(E, MC) of
+				true -> L;
+				_ -> [E|L]
+			    end;
+			_ -> L
+		    end
+		end,
+		[],
+		List);
+	{error, beam_lib, _} ->
+	    [];
+	_ ->
+	    []
+    end.
+all_chunks_list(File, Opt) when is_atom(File) ->
+    all_chunks_list(beam_filename(File), Opt);
+all_chunks_list(File, Opt) ->
+    case read_chunks_info(File) of
+	{ok, List} ->
+	    foldr(
+		fun(T, L) ->
+		    case T of
+			{_, _, 0} when Opt =:= nonempty -> L;
+			_ -> [element(1, T)|L]
+		    end
+		end,
+		[],
+		List);
+	{error, beam_lib, _} ->
+	    [];
+	_ ->
+	    []
+    end.
+all_chunks_list(File) -> all_chunks_list(File, all).
+chunk_id(C, F) when is_atom(C) ->
+    chunk_name_to_id(C, F);
+chunk_id(C, _) -> C.
+chunks_id(Chunks, F) when is_list(Chunks) ->
+    foldr(
+	fun(E, L) ->
+	    case chunk_id(E, F) of
+		C when is_list(hd(C)) ->
+		    C ++ L;
+		C ->
+		    [C|L]
+	    end
+	end,
+	[],
+	Chunks);
+chunks_id(C, F) ->
+    chunk_id(C, F).
+%% -> {ok, {Module, Chunks}} | throw(Error)
+read_chunks(File, {include, Chunks}) ->
+    read_significant_chunks(File, chunks_id(Chunks, File));
+%% -> {ok, {Module, Chunks}} | throw(Error)
+read_chunks(File, {exclude, Chunks}) ->
+    read_chunks(File, foldl(fun(E, L) -> delete(chunk_id(E, File), L) end, all_chunks_list(File), chunks_id(Chunks, File)));
+%% -> {ok, {Module, Chunks}} | throw(Error)
+read_chunks(File, Chunks) ->
+    read_chunk_data(File, chunks_id(Chunks, File), [allow_missing_chunks]).
+%% -> {ok, {Module, Chunks}} | throw(Error)
+read_significant_chunks(File, IncChunks) ->
+    case read_chunks(File, significant_chunks() ++ IncChunks) of
+	{ok, {Module, Chunks}} ->
+	    {ok, {Module, filter_significant_chunks(Chunks, mandatory_chunks(), File, Module)}}
+    end.
 %% -> {ok, {Module, Chunks}} | throw(Error)
 read_all_but_useless_chunks(File0) when is_atom(File0);
@@ -452,15 +686,21 @@ read_all_but_useless_chunks(File0) when is_atom(File0);
 is_useless_chunk("CInf") -> true;
 is_useless_chunk(_) -> false.
-%% -> {ok, {Module, Chunks}} | throw(Error)
-read_significant_chunks(File, ChunkList) ->
-    case read_chunk_data(File, ChunkList, [allow_missing_chunks]) of
+read_unstripped_chunks(File) ->
+    case read_chunk_data(File, unstripped_chunks(), [allow_missing_chunks]) of
 	{ok, {Module, Chunks0}} ->
 	    Mandatory = mandatory_chunks(),
 	    Chunks = filter_significant_chunks(Chunks0, Mandatory, File, Module),
 	    {ok, {Module, Chunks}}
+%% -> {ok, {Module, Chunks}} | throw(Error)
+read_significant_chunks(File) ->
+    case read_chunks(File, significant_chunks()) of
+	{ok, {Module, Chunks}} ->
+	    {ok, {Module, filter_significant_chunks(Chunks, mandatory_chunks(), File, Module)}}
+    end.
 filter_significant_chunks([{_, Data}=Pair|Cs], Mandatory, File, Mod)
   when is_binary(Data) ->
     [Pair|filter_significant_chunks(Cs, Mandatory, File, Mod)];
@@ -659,6 +899,8 @@ chunk_to_data(atoms=Id, _Chunk, _File, Cs, AtomTable0, _Mod) ->
     AtomTable = ensure_atoms(AtomTable0, Cs),
     Atoms = ets:tab2list(AtomTable),
     {AtomTable, {Id, lists:sort(Atoms)}};
+chunk_to_data(hipe_arch=Id, Chunk, File, _Cs, AtomTable, _Module)  ->
+    {AtomTable, {chunk_name_to_id(Id, File), Chunk}}; % Chunk is a binary
 chunk_to_data(ChunkName, Chunk, File,
 	      Cs, AtomTable, _Mod) when is_atom(ChunkName) ->
     case catch symbols(Chunk, AtomTable, Cs, ChunkName) of
@@ -681,6 +923,10 @@ chunk_name_to_id(labeled_locals, _)  -> "LocT";
 chunk_name_to_id(attributes, _)      -> "Attr";
 chunk_name_to_id(abstract_code, _)   -> "Abst";
 chunk_name_to_id(compile_info, _)    -> "CInf";
+chunk_name_to_id(hipe_arch, _)       -> hipe_chunk();
+chunk_name_to_id(hipe_arches, File)  -> hipe_chunks(File);
+chunk_name_to_id(hipe_noarch, File)  -> hipe_chunks(File) -- [hipe_chunk()];
+chunk_name_to_id(empty_chunks, File) -> empty_chunks(File);
 chunk_name_to_id(Other, File) -> 
     error({unknown_chunk, File, Other}).
@@ -835,6 +1081,9 @@ file_error(FileName, {error, Reason}) ->
 error(Reason) ->
     throw({error, ?MODULE, Reason}).
+unstripped_chunks() ->
+    significant_chunks() ++ ["Attr"].
 %% The following chunks must be kept when stripping a BEAM file.
 significant_chunks() ->
@@ -1077,3 +1326,4 @@ alt_lookup_key([], _) ->
 error(Fmt, Args) ->
     error_logger:error_msg(Fmt, Args),
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/beam_strip.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/beam_strip.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f95b2ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/beam_strip.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+-define(VERSION, "0.0.1").
+-export([start/1, start/0, version/0]).
+-import(getopt, [getopt/4, optval/2]).
+-define(IsUpper(X), X >= $A, X =< $Z).
+-define(UNKNOWN_KEY, 3).
+-define(MISSING_KEY_ARG, 4).
+error(E) ->
+    case E of
+	{unknown_key, K} ->
+	    io:fwrite("Unknoun key '~s' in command line~n", [K]),
+	    halt(?UNKNOWN_KEY);
+	_ ->
+	    halt(1)
+    end.
+usage(O) ->
+    io:fwrite("Usage: beam_strip [OPTIONS] FILE ...~n"),
+    lists:foreach(
+	fun(T) ->
+	    if
+		element(4, T) ->
+		    SA=" argument",
+		    LA="=argument";
+		true ->
+		    SA="",
+		    LA=""
+	    end,
+	    io:fwrite("\t-~s~s|--~s~s~n", [element(3, T), SA, element(2, T), LA])
+	end,
+	O).
+info(Files) ->
+    lists:foreach(
+	fun(F) ->
+	    I = beam_lib:info(F),
+	    case lists:keysearch(file, 1, I) of {value, {file, FileName}} -> io:fwrite("File:\t~s~n", [FileName]) end,
+	    case lists:keysearch(module, 1, I) of {value, {module, ModuleName}} -> io:fwrite("Module:\t~s~n", [ModuleName]) end,
+	    case lists:keysearch(chunks, 1, I) of {value, {chunks, Chunks}} ->
+		    io:fwrite("~-6s ~-16s ~s~n", ["Chunk:", "Addr:", "Size:"]),
+		    lists:foreach(
+			fun(C) ->
+			    case C of {Id, Addr, Size} when is_list(Id), is_integer(Addr), is_integer(Size) ->
+				io:fwrite("~-6s ~16.16.0B ~10.10B~n", [Id, Addr, Size])
+			    end
+			end,
+			Chunks),
+		    io:nl()
+	    end
+	end,
+	Files).
+chunk_ids(L) ->
+    lists:map(
+	fun([H|_] = E) ->
+	    if
+		length(E) =:= 4, ?IsUpper(H) -> E;
+		true -> list_to_atom(E)
+	    end
+	end,
+	L).
+start() -> start([]).
+start(Args) ->
+    DOpts = [{version, false},
+	    {help, false},
+	    {info, false},
+	    {compress, false},
+	    {debug, false},
+	    {empty, true},
+	    {remove, []},
+	    {keep, []},
+	    {hipe, true},
+	    {arch, false},
+	    {noarch, true},
+	    {all, false}],
+    VOpts = [{info, "info", "i", none},
+	    {dir, "output", "o", true},
+	    {compress, "compress", "c", none, true},
+	    {compress, "no-compress", "C", none, false},
+	    {debug, "debug", "d", none, true},
+	    {debug, "debug", "g", none, true},
+	    {debug, "strip-debug", "S", none, true},
+	    {empty, "strip-empty", "E", none, true},
+	    {empty, "keep-empty", "e", none, false},
+	    {remove, "remove-section", "R", true, true},
+	    {remove, "remove-chunk", "r", true, true},
+	    {keep, "keep-section", "K", true, true},
+	    {keep, "keep-chunk", "k", true, true},
+	    {hipe, "strip-hipe", "H", none, true},
+	    {hipe, "keep-hipe", "h", none, false},
+	    {arch, "strip-arch", "A", none, true},
+	    {arch, "keep-arch", "a", none, false},
+	    {noarch, "strip-noarch", "N", none, true},
+	    {noarch, "keep-noarch", "n", none, false},
+	    {all, "strip-all", "s", none},
+	    {version, "version", "V", none},
+	    {help, "help", "h", none}],
+    {Opts, Files} = case getopt(init:get_plain_arguments(), VOpts, DOpts, Args) of
+	{error, Error} -> erlang:error(Error);
+	O -> O
+    end,
+    case optval(help, Opts) of
+	true ->
+	    usage(VOpts);
+	_ ->
+	    case optval(info, Opts) of
+		true ->
+		    info(Files);
+		_ ->
+		    case optval(version, Opts) of
+			true ->
+			    version(),
+			    halt;
+			_ ->
+			    C = case optval(compress, Opts) of
+				true -> compress;
+				_ -> nocompress
+			    end,   
+			    F = case optval(dir, Opts) of
+				none -> Files;
+				Dir -> {Files, Dir}
+			    end,
+			    case optval(all, Opts) of
+				true ->
+				    H = case optval(hipe, Opts) of
+					true ->
+					    case optval(noarch, Opts) of
+						true ->
+						    case optval(arch, Opts) of
+							true -> [];
+							_ -> [hipe_arch]
+						    end;
+						_ ->
+						    [hipe_arch]
+					    end;
+					_ ->
+					    [hipe_arches]
+				    end,
+				    if
+					H =:= [] ->
+					    beam_lib:strip_files(F, C);
+					true ->
+					    beam_lib:strip_files(F, {include, H}, C)
+				    end;
+				_ ->
+				    H = case optval(hipe, Opts) of
+					true ->
+					    [hipe_arches];
+					false ->
+					    [];
+					_ ->
+					    case optval(arch, Opts) of
+						true ->
+						    [hipe_arches];
+						_ ->
+						    case optval(noarch, Opts) of
+							true -> [hipe_noarches];
+							_ -> []
+						    end
+					    end
+				    end,
+				    R = lists:reverse(
+					    lists:foldl(
+						fun(E, L) ->
+						    case E of
+							{remove, V} -> chunk_ids(V) ++ L;
+							{empty, true} -> [empty_chunks|L];
+							{debug, true} -> [abstract_code|L];
+							_ -> L
+						    end
+						end,
+						[],
+						Opts)),
+				    beam_lib:strip_files(F, {exclude, case H ++ R of [] -> [empty_chunks]; E -> E end}, C)
+			    end
+		    end
+	    end
+    end,
+    halt().
+version() ->
+    io:fwrite("~s version ~s~n", [?MODULE, ?VERSION]).
diff --git a/lib/stdlib/src/getopt.erl b/lib/stdlib/src/getopt.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f803a17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/stdlib/src/getopt.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+-export([getopt/2, getopt/4, optval/2]).
+normalize_files({Files, Rest}) ->
+    normalize_files(Files) ++ Rest;
+normalize_files(Files) ->
+    lists:reverse(Files).
+getopt(List, Valid) ->
+    getopt(List, Valid, [], []).
+getopt([], _, Opts, Files) ->
+    {Opts, normalize_files(Files)};
+getopt(["--"|Rest], _, Opts, Files) ->
+    getopt([], [], Opts, {Files, Rest});
+getopt([O|Rest], Valid, Opts, Files) ->
+    case O of
+	[$-|SKey] ->
+	    {K, A} = case SKey of
+		[$-|LKey] ->
+		    case string:chr(LKey, $=) of
+			0 ->
+			    {lists:keysearch(LKey, 2, Valid), none};
+			EP ->
+			    {lists:keysearch(string:left(LKey, EP-1), 2, Valid), string:substr(LKey, EP+1)}
+		    end;
+		_ ->
+		    if
+			length(SKey) =:= 1 ->
+			    {lists:keysearch(SKey, 3, Valid), none};
+			true ->
+			    {lists:keysearch(string:left(SKey, 1), 3, Valid), string:substr(SKey, 2)}
+		    end
+	    end,
+	    case K of
+		false ->
+		    {error, {unknown_key, O}};
+		{value, VO} ->
+		    Key = element(1, VO),
+		    if
+			element(4, VO) ->
+			    if
+				A =:= none ->
+				    [V|R] = if
+					Rest =:= [] -> [none];
+					true -> Rest
+				    end;
+				true ->
+				    R = Rest,
+				    V = A
+			    end,
+			    Val = case VO of
+				{_, _, _, true, true} ->
+				    case optval(Key, Opts) of
+					none ->
+					    [V];
+					PV ->
+					    [V|PV]
+				    end;
+				_ ->
+				    V
+			    end;
+			true ->
+			    R = Rest,
+			    Val = case VO of
+				{_, _, _, none, B} ->
+				    B;
+				_ ->
+				    true
+			    end
+		    end,
+		    getopt(R, Valid, lists:keystore(Key, 1, Opts, {Key, Val}), Files)
+	    end;
+	_ ->
+	    getopt(Rest, Valid, Opts, [O|Files])
+    end.
+optval(Key, Opts) when is_atom(Key) ->
+    case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, Opts) of
+	false ->
+	    none;
+	{value, {_, Val}} ->
+	    Val
+    end.
projeto & código: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
mantenedor atual: Michael Shigorin
mantenedor da tradução: Fernando Martini aka fmartini © 2009