Sisyphus repositório
Última atualização: 1 outubro 2023 | SRPMs: 18631 | Visitas: 37751821
en ru br
ALT Linux repositórios
5.0: 2.6.3-alt2
4.1: 2.6.3-alt1.M41.1
3.0: 2.0.5-alt1

Group :: Desenvolvimento/Outros
RPM: cmake

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Name: cmake
Version: 2.6.3
Release: alt1.M41.1

Summary: Cross-platform, open-source make system

License: BSD
Group: Development/Other

Packager: Andrey Rahmatullin <wrar at>

Patch0: %name-2.6.0-alt-dynamic-linking.patch
Patch1: %name-2.6.3-alt-FindQt3-remove-glob.patch
Patch2: %name-2.6.3-alt-desktop-fix.patch

BuildPreReq: gcc-c++ libncurses-devel libtinfo-devel
BuildPreReq: libcurl-devel zlib-devel libqt4-devel
BuildPreReq: libxmlrpc-devel >= 1.08.00-alt2
BuildRequires(pre): shared-mime-info rpm-build-vim

Obsoletes: cpack < 2.4.5-alt3
Provides: cpack = %version-%release

Requires: %name-modules = %version-%release

%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1

CMake is used to control the software compilation process using
simple platform and compiler independent configuration files.
CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be
used in the compiler environment of your choice. CMake is quite
sophisticated: it is possible to support complex environments
requiring system configuration, pre-processor generation, code
generation, and template instantiation.

%package modules
Summary: Standard CMake modules
Group: Development/Other
BuildArch: noarch

%description modules
CMake is used to control the software compilation process using
simple platform and compiler independent configuration files.

This package contains the standard modules from the CMake distribution.

%package -n ccmake
Summary: Curses interface for CMake
Group: Development/Other
Requires: %name = %version-%release

%description -n ccmake
The "ccmake" executable is the CMake curses interface. Project
configuration settings may be specified interactively through this GUI.
Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the terminal when the
program is running.

%package -n ctest
Summary: CMake test driver program
Group: Development/Other
Requires: %name = %version-%release

%description -n ctest
The ctest executable is the CMake test driver program. CMake-generated
build trees created for projects that use the ENABLE_TESTING and
ADD_TEST commands have testing support. This program will run the tests
and report results.

%package gui
Summary: Qt interface for CMake
Group: Development/Other
Requires: %name = %version-%release

%description gui
The "cmake-gui" executable is the CMake GUI.  Project configuration settings
may be specified interactively.  Brief instructions are provided at the
bottom of the window when the program is running.

%package doc
Summary: CMake docs
Group: Documentation
BuildArch: noarch

%description doc
This package contains CMake docs in DocBook, html and txt formats.

%package -n vim-plugin-%name
Summary: Vim plugins for CMake files
Group: Editors
BuildArch: noarch

%description -n vim-plugin-%name
This package contains updated indent and syntax Vim plugins for CMake files.

%patch0 -p1 -b .orig
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1

mkdir build
pushd build
CFLAGS="%optflags" CXXFLAGS="%optflags" ../bootstrap \
--system-libs \
--qt-gui \
--prefix=%prefix \
--datadir=/share/CMake \
--mandir=/share/man \

%make_build VERBOSE=1
%make test

pushd build
install -m644 ChangeLog.manual %buildroot%_docdir/%name-%version
mv %buildroot/usr/lib %buildroot%_libdir || :
mkdir -p %buildroot%_niconsdir
mv %buildroot%_pixmapsdir/CMakeSetup.png %buildroot%_niconsdir/
mkdir -p %buildroot{%vim_indent_dir,%vim_syntax_dir}
install -m644 Docs/cmake-indent.vim %buildroot%vim_indent_dir/%name.vim
install -m644 Docs/cmake-syntax.vim %buildroot%vim_syntax_dir/%name.vim

%exclude %_datadir/CMake/Modules/
%dir %_docdir/%name-%version/

%files modules
%dir %_datadir/CMake/

%files -n ccmake

%files -n ctest

%files gui

%files doc
%dir %_docdir/%name-%version

%files -n vim-plugin-%name


Todas as alterações você pod ver aqui

projeto & código: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
mantenedor atual: Michael Shigorin
mantenedor da tradução: Fernando Martini aka fmartini © 2009