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ALT Linux repositórios

Group :: Escritórios
RPM: calligra

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%add_findreq_skiplist %_K5xdgapp/*/scripts/*/*.py
%add_findreq_skiplist %_K5xdgapp/*/scripts/*/*.rb

# obsileted koffice version

%define koffice_ver 4:2.3.70
%def_disable plan

Name: calligra
Version: 3.2.1
Release: alt6
Epoch: 0
%K5init no_altplace
%define libname lib%name

Group: Office
Summary: An integrated office suite
License: GFDL-1.2-only AND GPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-later

Provides: koffice = %koffice_ver
Obsoletes: koffice < %koffice_ver

#Requires: %name-gemini

Requires: %name-words
Requires: %name-sheets
Requires: %name-stage
Requires: %name-karbon
%if_enabled plan
Requires: %name-plan
Requires: %name-okular-generators

# upstream
Patch1: 0001-Fix-some-more-warnings.patch
Patch2: 0002-Make-show-hidden-row-s-work.patch
Patch3: 0003-Fix-Bug-423038-Annotation-shape-crashes-on-paste.patch
Patch4: 0008-Fix-comparison-between-QString-and-0.patch
Patch5: 0009-Sheets-Fix-Bug-423474-Selections-not-retained-when-s.patch
Patch6: 0010-ChartTool-KoFormulaTool-Guard-against-crash-if-activ.patch
Patch7: 0018-Fix-assert-with-invalid-.local-share-autocorrect-cus.patch
Patch8: 0019-Repair-KFileWidget-integration.patch
Patch9: 0020-Fix-inserting-a-large-JPEG-image-into-a-presentation.patch
Patch10: 0032-Remove-duplicated-actions-provided-by-parent-view.patch
Patch12: 0053-Partial-update-of-Commit-62f51070-to-make-it-compile.patch
# FC
Patch30: calligra-c++17.patch
Patch31: calligra-gcc11.patch
# SuSE
Patch50: poppler-22.04_1.patch
Patch51: poppler-22.04_2.patch
Patch103: alt-disable-products.patch

BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-kf5
BuildRequires: kf5-attica-devel boost-devel eigen3 gcc-c++ glib2-devel rpm-build-python
BuildRequires: extra-cmake-modules
BuildRequires: qt5-base-devel qt5-svg-devel qt5-declarative-devel qt5-script-devel qt5-x11extras-devel
#BuildRequires: qt5-quick1-devel
#BuildRequires: qt5-webkit-devel
BuildRequires: kf5-attica-devel kde5-kholidays-devel
BuildRequires: kf5-kactivities-devel kf5-karchive-devel kf5-kcodecs-devel kf5-kcompletion-devel kf5-kconfig-devel kf5-kconfigwidgets-devel
BuildRequires: kf5-kcoreaddons-devel kf5-kdbusaddons-devel kf5-kdoctools-devel kf5-kguiaddons-devel kf5-khtml-devel kf5-kjs-devel kf5-ki18n-devel
BuildRequires: kf5-kiconthemes-devel kf5-kitemviews-devel kf5-kjobwidgets-devel kf5-kcmutils-devel kf5-kdelibs4support-devel
BuildRequires: kf5-kio-devel kf5-kross-devel kf5-knotifications-devel kf5-knotifyconfig-devel kf5-kparts-devel kf5-sonnet-devel
BuildRequires: kf5-ktextwidgets-devel kf5-threadweaver-devel kf5-kwallet-devel kf5-kwidgetsaddons-devel kf5-kwindowsystem-devel kf5-kxmlgui-devel
#BuildRequires: kde5-marble-devel
BuildRequires: kde5-kcalcore-devel kde5-kcontacts-devel kde5-akonadi-devel kde5-akonadi-contacts-devel
BuildRequires: kde5-okular-devel
BuildRequires: kf5-kdiagram-devel kf5-kreport-devel kf5-kproperty-devel
BuildRequires: qt5-phonon-devel libqca-qt5-devel libpoppler-qt5-devel
BuildRequires: libexiv2-devel libfftw3-devel libfreetds-devel libGLEW-devel libgsl-devel libicu-devel libjpeg-devel libopenjpeg2.0-devel libtiff-devel pstoedit
BuildRequires: liblcms2-devel libmysqlclient-devel
BuildRequires: libsqlite3-devel sqlite3 libxbase-devel openexr-devel postgresql-devel
BuildRequires: libvisio-devel libwpg-devel libwpd10-devel libwps-devel libodfgen-devel libetonyek-devel libxml2-devel
BuildRequires: libdrm-devel libpng-devel libexpat-devel libspnav-devel


%package common
Summary: %name common package
Group: System/Configuration/Other
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: kf5-filesystem
%description common
%name common package

%package core
Group: System/Libraries
Summary: Core support files for %name
Provides: koffice-core = %koffice_ver
Obsoletes: koffice-core < %koffice_ver
Provides:  koffice-kchart = %koffice_ver
Obsoletes: koffice-kchart < %koffice_ver
Provides:  koffice-kformula = %koffice_ver
Obsoletes: koffice-kformula < %koffice_ver
Requires: fonts-ttf-latex-xft
%description core

%package devel
Group: Development/KDE and QT
Summary: Header files and libraries needed for %name development
Conflicts: libflake-devel
%description devel
Header files and libraries needed for %name development

%package words
Group: Office
Summary: An intuitive word processor application with desktop publishing features
Provides: kword = %version-%release
Provides: koffice-kword = %koffice_ver
Obsoletes: koffice-kword < %koffice_ver
Requires: %name-core
%description words
KWord is an intuitive word processor and desktop publisher application.
With it, you can create informative and attractive documents with
pleasure and ease.

%package sheets
Group: Office
Summary: A fully-featured spreadsheet application
Provides: %name-tables = %EVR
Requires: %name-core
%description sheets
Tables is a fully-featured calculation and spreadsheet tool.  Use it to
quickly create and calculate various business-related spreadsheets, such
as income and expenditure, employee working hours...

%package stage
Group: Office
Summary: A full-featured presentation program
Provides: koffice-kpresenter = %koffice_ver
Obsoletes: koffice-kpresenter < %koffice_ver
Requires: %name-core
%description stage
Stage is a powerful and easy to use presentation application. You
can dazzle your audience with stunning slides containing images, videos,
animation and more.

%package karbon
Group: Graphics
Summary: A vector drawing application
Provides: karbon = %version-%release
Provides: koffice-karbon = %koffice_ver
Obsoletes: koffice-karbon < %koffice_ver
Requires: %name-core
Requires: pstoedit
%description karbon
Karbon is a vector drawing application with an user interface that is
easy to use, highly customizable and extensible. That makes Karbon a
great application for users starting to explore the world of vector
graphics as well as for artists wanting to create breathtaking vector

Whether you want to create clipart, logos, illustrations or photorealistic
vector images - look no further, Karbon is the tool for you!

%if_enabled plan
%package plan
Group: Office
Summary: A project planner
Provides: koffice-kplato = %koffice_ver
Obsoletes: koffice-kplato < %koffice_ver
Requires: %name-core
Requires: kf5-kreport
%description plan
Plan is a project management application. It is intended for managing
moderately large projects with multiple resources.

%package gemini
Group: Office
Summary: Office Suite
Requires: %name-core
%description gemini
The KDE Office suite for 2-in-1 devices.

%package  okular-generators
Group: Office
Summary:  OpenDocument text and presenter support for okular
Requires: %name-stage
Requires: kde5-okular-core
Provides: calligra-okular-odp = %EVR
Obsoletes: calligra-okular-odp < %EVR
Provides: calligra-okular-odf = %EVR
Obsoletes: calligra-okular-odf < %EVR
%description okular-generators

%package -n %libname
Summary: %name libraries
Group: System/Libraries
Requires: %name-common = %EVR
%description -n %libname
%name libraries

%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p1
%patch4 -p1
%patch5 -p1
%patch6 -p1
%patch7 -p1
%patch8 -p1
%patch9 -p1
%patch10 -p1
%patch11 -p1
%patch12 -p1
%patch30 -p1
%patch31 -p1
%patch50 -p1
%patch51 -p1
%patch103 -p1

# fix docs names

for subd in po/*/docs/{sheets,stage} ; do
   base_subd=`basename $subd`
   dir_subd=`dirname $subd`
   case "$base_subd" in
   mv $subd $dir_subd/calligrasheets
   mv $subd $dir_subd/calligrastage

%K5build \


## unpackaged files

rm -fv %buildroot%_datadir/mime/packages/{krita_ora,x-iwork-keynote-sffkey}.xml
rm -frv %buildroot/%_datadir/locale/x-test/

# remove InitialPreference

for f in %buildroot/%_K5xdgapp/*.desktop ; do
   sed -i '/^InitialPreference=/d' $f

%find_lang --with-kde --all-name %name

%files common -f %name.lang
%dir %_K5srv/ServiceMenus/calligra/

%files devel

%files core
%dir %_K5plug/calligra/
%dir %_K5plug/calligra/colorspaces/
%dir %_K5plug/calligra/devices/
%dir %_K5plug/calligra/dockers/
%dir %_K5plug/calligra/formatfilters/
%dir %_K5plug/calligra/pageapptools/
%dir %_K5plug/calligra/shapefiltereffects/
%dir %_K5plug/calligra/shapes/
%dir %_K5plug/calligra/tools/
%dir %_K5plug/calligra/textediting/
%dir %_K5plug/calligra/textinlineobjects/
%config(noreplace) %_K5xdgconf/calligra_stencils.knsrc

%files gemini

%files sheets
%config(noreplace) %_K5xdgconf/calligrasheetsrc

%files stage
%config(noreplace) %_K5xdgconf/calligrastagerc
%doc stage/AUTHORS stage/CHANGES

%files karbon
%config(noreplace) %_K5xdgconf/karbonrc

%if_enabled plan
%files plan
%doc plan/CHANGELOG plan/TODO
%config(noreplace) %_K5xdgconf/calligraplan*rc

%files words
%config(noreplace) %_K5xdgconf/calligrawordsrc

%files okular-generators

%files -n %libname
%exclude %_K5lib/*
%exclude %_K5lib/*


Todas as alterações você pod ver aqui

projeto & código: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
mantenedor atual: Michael Shigorin
mantenedor da tradução: Fernando Martini aka fmartini © 2009