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ALT Linux repositórios

Group :: Som
RPM: noise

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%def_enable snapshot
%define ver_major 5.1
%define gst_api_ver 1.0
# [ lastfm', 'audioplayer', 'cdrom', 'ipod' ]
%define plugins [ 'audioplayer', 'cdrom', 'ipod' ]
%define handy_api_ver 1

Name: noise
%define _name music
%define xdg_name org.pantheon.%name
%define rdn_name io.elementary.%_name
Version: %ver_major.1
Release: alt2

Summary: The official elementary music player
Group: Sound
License: GPL-3.0

%if_disabled snapshot
Source: %_name-%version.tar

Provides: %rdn_name = %version-%release

Requires: elementary-icon-theme
# gstreamer
Requires: gst-plugins-base%gst_api_ver
Requires: gst-plugins-good%gst_api_ver
Requires: gst-plugins-bad%gst_api_ver

# sync 0.4 uses sqlite via libgda

Requires: libgda5-sqlite

BuildRequires(pre): meson
BuildRequires: libappstream-glib-devel
BuildRequires: vala-tools libsqlite3-devel libgee0.8-devel
BuildRequires: libxml2-devel libgtk+3-devel libpeas-devel
BuildRequires: libgranite-devel gst-plugins%gst_api_ver-devel
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libhandy-%handy_api_ver)
BuildRequires: libsoup-devel libjson-glib-devel libpixman-devel libtag-devel
BuildRequires: libnotify-devel libgranite-vala libharfbuzz-devel
BuildRequires: libzeitgeist2.0-devel libgpod-devel libusbmuxd-devel
BuildRequires: gobject-introspection-devel
# for MPRIS plugin
#BuildRequires: libdbusmenu-devel libindicator-devel (pkgconfig(indicate-0.7))
# sync 0.4
BuildRequires: libgda5-devel
# for lastfm plugin
#BuildRequires: libaccounts-glib-devel libgsignon-glib-devel

Noise is an easy to use, stable, fast and good looking music library
organizer written in vala.

It has many modern features including Last.FM integration to download
artwork, information, and scrobble your music, playlists and smart playlists,
find music similar to the currently playing song, simple UI, fast searching
for music, queue system, mass song editing and more...

%package -n lib%name-core
Summary: Simple, fast, and good looking music player (core library)
Group: System/Libraries

%description -n lib%name-core
Noise is an easy to use, stable, fast and good looking music library
organizer written in vala.

It has many modern features including Last.FM integration to download
artwork, information, and scrobble your music, playlists and smart playlists,
find music similar to the currently playing song, simple UI, fast searching
for music, queue system, mass song editing and more...

This package contains the shared library.

%package -n lib%name-core-devel
Summary: Simple, fast, and good looking music player (development files)
Group: Development/C
Requires: lib%name-core = %version-%release

%description -n lib%name-core-devel
Noise is an easy to use, stable, fast and good looking music library
organizer written in vala.

It has many modern features including Last.FM integration to download
artwork, information, and scrobble your music, playlists and smart playlists,
find music similar to the currently playing song, simple UI, fast searching
for music, queue system, mass song editing and more...

This package contains the development files.

%setup -n %_name-%version

%meson -Dplugins="%plugins"


%find_lang --output=%name.lang %rdn_name

%files -f %name.lang

%files -n lib%name-core

%files -n lib%name-core-devel


Todas as alterações você pod ver aqui

projeto & código: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
mantenedor atual: Michael Shigorin
mantenedor da tradução: Fernando Martini aka fmartini © 2009