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Group :: Sistema/Servidores
RPM: php8.1-jpgraph

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%define php_extension jpgraph

%define confextensiondir %_sysconfdir/php/%php_extension
%define extensiondir %php_moddir/%php_extension
%define docdir %_docdir/%name-%version-%release
%if "%_php_suffix" == "8.1"
%def_with pack_extension

Name: php%_php_suffix-%php_extension
Version: 4.4.1
Release: alt%php_version.%php_release.1

Summary: 2D graph plotting library for PHP
License: %qpl1
Group: System/Servers
BuildArch: noarch

%if_with pack_extension
Source: php-%php_extension-%version.tar
Source10: README.ALT
Patch: php-%php_extension-%version-alt-config.patch

Provides: %extensiondir

Requires: php%_php_suffix
Requires: php%_php_suffix-gd2
Requires: php-%php_extension = %version

BuildRequires: php-devel = %php_version

BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-php8.1-version
BuildRequires(pre): rpm-macros-branch
BuildRequires(pre): rpm-macros-apache2
BuildPreReq: rpm-build-licenses >= 2.0.4

The JpGraph library is a 2D graph plotting library for PHP. It is meant
to significantly simplify the creation of dynamic graphs using PHP
scripting. The libray can be used on its own or as an embedded part of
a large WEB development undertaking. In addition the library allows
images to be created using the command line version of PHP
(the cli version).

%if_with pack_extension
%package -n php-%php_extension-doc
Summary: JpGraph documentation
Group: Books/Other
AutoReq: no

%description -n php-%php_extension-doc
This package contains the JpGraph library documentation in HTML format.

%package -n php-%php_extension
Summary: %summary
Group: System/Servers

%description -n php-%php_extension
The JpGraph library is a 2D graph plotting library for PHP. It is meant
to significantly simplify the creation of dynamic graphs using PHP
scripting. The libray can be used on its own or as an embedded part of
a large WEB development undertaking. In addition the library allows
images to be created using the command line version of PHP
(the cli version).

%if_with pack_extension
%setup -n php-%php_extension-%version
%patch0 -p1

mkdir -p %buildroot%php_moddir/
mkdir -p %buildroot%confextensiondir/
cp -a src %buildroot%extensiondir
mv %buildroot%extensiondir/ \
mv %buildroot%extensiondir/ \
ln -snf $(relative %buildroot%confextensiondir/ \
%buildroot%extensiondir/ \
ln -snf $(relative %buildroot%confextensiondir/ \
%buildroot%extensiondir/ \

mkdir -p %buildroot%docdir
install -m 644 src/README VERSION  %buildroot%docdir/
install -m 644 %SOURCE10 %buildroot%docdir/
cp -a docs %buildroot%docdir/html/

%if_with pack_extension
%files -n php-%php_extension
%doc %docdir/
%exclude %docdir/html/
%exclude %extensiondir/Examples
%config(noreplace) %confextensiondir/

%files -n php-%php_extension-doc
%doc %docdir/html/



Todas as alterações você pod ver aqui

projeto & código: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
mantenedor atual: Michael Shigorin
mantenedor da tradução: Fernando Martini aka fmartini © 2009