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Última atualização: 1 outubro 2023 | SRPMs: 18631 | Visitas: 37744371
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ALT Linux repositórios
5.0: 2006p-alt1.1
4.1: 2006p-alt1.1
4.0: 2006p-alt1

Group :: Desenvolvimento/Python
RPM: python-module-pytz

 Main   Changelog   Spec   Patches   Sources   Download   Gear   Bugs e FR  Repocop 

%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1
%define oname pytz

%def_with python3

Name: python-module-%oname
Epoch: 1
Version: 2021.1
Release: alt1

%setup_python_module %oname

Summary: World timezone definitions, modern and historical
License: MIT
Group: Development/Python
BuildArch: noarch

%if_with python3
BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-python3 python3-module-setuptools

pytz brings the Olson tz database into Python. This library allows
accurate and cross platform timezone calculations using Python 2.3
or higher. It also solves the issue of ambiguous times at the end
of daylight savings, which you can read more about in the Python
Library Reference (datetime.tzinfo).

%if_with python3
%package -n python3-module-%oname
Summary: World timezone definitions, modern and historical (Python 3)
Group: Development/Python3

%description -n python3-module-%oname
pytz brings the Olson tz database into Python. This library allows
accurate and cross platform timezone calculations using Python 2.3
or higher. It also solves the issue of ambiguous times at the end
of daylight savings, which you can read more about in the Python
Library Reference (datetime.tzinfo).

%package -n python3-module-%oname-tests
Summary: Tests for pytz (Python 3)
Group: Development/Python3
Requires: python3-module-%oname = %EVR

%description -n python3-module-%oname-tests
pytz brings the Olson tz database into Python. This library allows
accurate and cross platform timezone calculations using Python 2.3
or higher. It also solves the issue of ambiguous times at the end
of daylight savings, which you can read more about in the Python
Library Reference (datetime.tzinfo).

This package contains tests for pytz.

%package tests
Summary: Tests for pytz
Group: Development/Python
Requires: %name = %EVR

%description tests
pytz brings the Olson tz database into Python. This library allows
accurate and cross platform timezone calculations using Python 2.3
or higher. It also solves the issue of ambiguous times at the end
of daylight savings, which you can read more about in the Python
Library Reference (datetime.tzinfo).

This package contains tests for pytz.

%package -n %oname-zoneinfo
Summary: Archive with zoneinfo
Group: Development/Python

%description -n %oname-zoneinfo
Archive with zoneinfo.

%setup -q -n %{oname}-%{version}
%if_with python3
rm -rf ../python3
cp -a . ../python3

%if_with python3
pushd ../python3

%python_install --optimize=2 --record=INSTALLED_FILES
install -d %buildroot%python_sitelibdir/%modulename/tests
install -p -m644 %modulename/tests/* \
touch %buildroot%python_sitelibdir/%modulename/tests/

%if_with python3
pushd ../python3
install -d %buildroot%python3_sitelibdir/%oname/tests
install -p -m644 %oname/tests/* \
touch %buildroot%python3_sitelibdir/%oname/tests/

install -d %buildroot%_datadir/%modulename
pushd %buildroot%python_sitelibdir/%modulename/zoneinfo
tar -czf %buildroot%_datadir/%modulename/zoneinfo.tar.gz *

%exclude %python_sitelibdir/%modulename/tests
%doc *.txt

%files tests

%files -n %oname-zoneinfo

%if_with python3
%files -n python3-module-%oname
%doc *.txt
%exclude %python3_sitelibdir/%oname/tests

%files -n python3-module-%oname-tests


Todas as alterações você pod ver aqui

projeto & código: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
mantenedor atual: Michael Shigorin
mantenedor da tradução: Fernando Martini aka fmartini © 2009