Sisyphus repositório
Última atualização: 1 outubro 2023 | SRPMs: 18631 | Visitas: 37760197
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ALT Linux repositórios
5.0: 4.7.27-alt1
4.1: 4.7.26-alt1
4.0: 4.7.21-alt1
3.0: 4.7.5-alt1

Group :: Rede/Outros
RPM: whois

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Name: whois
Version: 5.5.12
Release: alt1

Summary: Intelligent WHOIS client
License: GPLv2+
Group: Networking/Other

# git://

Source: %name-%version-%release.tar

BuildRequires: libcrypt-devel libidn2-devel perl-autodie

This package provides a commandline client for the WHOIS (RFC 3912)
protocol, which queries online servers for information such as contact
details for domains and IP address assignments.

This version of the WHOIS client tries to guess the right server to ask
for the specified object.

%package -n mkpasswd
Summary: A front end to the password hashing function crypt(3)
Group: Text tools

%description -n mkpasswd
mkpasswd hashes the given password with the crypt(3) function
using the given salt.

%setup -n %name-%version-%release
gzip -9k debian/changelog

%make_build \
CFLAGS="%optflags $(getconf LFS_CFLAGS)" \
CONFIG_FILE=/etc/whois.conf \

%make_install install BASEDIR=%buildroot
install -Dpm644 whois.conf %buildroot/etc/whois.conf

%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1
%define _stripped_files_terminate_build 1
%set_verify_elf_method strict

%find_lang %name

%files -f %name.lang
%doc README debian/changelog.gz debian/copyright
%config(noreplace) /etc/whois.conf

%files -n mkpasswd


Todas as alterações você pod ver aqui

projeto & código: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
mantenedor atual: Michael Shigorin
mantenedor da tradução: Fernando Martini aka fmartini © 2009