Sisyphus repository
Last update: 1 october 2023 | SRPMs: 18631 | Visits: 37761109
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ALT Linux repos
5.0: 1.1.24-alt1
4.1: 1.1.24-alt0.M41.1
4.0: 1.1.24-alt0.M40.1
3.0: 1.1.14-alt1

Group :: System/Libraries
RPM: libxslt

 Main   Changelog   Spec   Patches   Sources   Download   Gear   Bugs and FR  Repocop 

Name: libxslt
Version: 1.1.14
Release: alt1

%define xmlver 1:2.6.17

%def_disable static

Summary: Library providing XSLT support
Group: System/Libraries
License: MIT
Packager: XML Development Team <xml at>

Patch1: %name-1.0.20-alt-cflags.patch
Patch2: %name-1.0.21-alt-makefile.patch

%define pythonlibdir %(%__python -c "from distutils import sysconfig; print sysconfig.get_python_lib()")

Requires: libxml2 >= %xmlver

BuildRequires: libxml2-devel >= %xmlver
BuildPreReq: rpm-build-python

BuildRequires: libbfd-devel libgcrypt-devel libgpg-error-devel
BuildRequires: python-dev python-modules-encodings python-modules-libxml2
BuildRequires: xml-common xml-utils zlib-devel

%package -n xsltproc
Summary: XSLT processor using libxslt
Group: Text tools
Requires: %name = %version-%release

%package devel
Summary: Development environment for XSLT
Group: Development/C
Requires: %name = %version-%release, libxml2-devel >= %xmlver

%package devel-static
Summary: Static library for XSLT
Group: Development/C
Requires: %name-devel = %version-%release

%package -n python-modules-%name
Summary: Python bindings for the %name library
Group: Development/Python
Provides: libxslt-python
Obsoletes: libxslt-python
Requires: %name = %version-%release
Requires: python = %__python_version

XSLT library allows to transform XML files into other XML files
(or HTML, text, ...) using the standard XSLT stylesheet transformation

This package provides shared library required for run XSLT-based software.

%description -n xsltproc
This package provides an XSLT processor based on the libxslt C library.
It allows to transform XML files into other XML files
(or HTML, text, ...) using the standard XSLT stylesheet transformation

%description devel
XSLT library allows to transform XML files into other XML files
(or HTML, text, ...) using the standard XSLT stylesheet transformation

This package provides include files required for software development
with XSLT.

%description devel-static
XSLT library allows to transform XML files into other XML files
(or HTML, text, ...) using the standard XSLT stylesheet transformation

This package provides static library required for development of
statically linked programs with XSLT.

%description -n python-modules-%name
This package contains a module that permits applications
written in the Python programming language to use the interface
supplied by the libxslt library to apply XSLT transformations.

This library allows to parse sytlesheets, uses the %name-python
to load and save XML and HTML files. Direct access to XPath and
the XSLT transformation context are possible to extend the XSLT language
with XPath functions written in Python.

%setup -q
%patch1 -p1 -b .patch-cflags
%patch2 -p1 -b .patch-make

%__bzip2 -9k ChangeLog


# needed by patch1 & patch2

autoreconf -isfv

%configure \
--with-html-dir=%_docdir \
%{subst_enable static} \

perl -pi -e 's,-I/usr/include($|\s),,' %name.pc

# SMP-incompatible build.

%{?!_without_check:%{?!_disable_check:%make check}}

%define pkgdocdir %_docdir/%name-%version
%makeinstall \
%__install -p -m644 AUTHORS ChangeLog.bz2 COPYING FEATURES NEWS README TODO \

%post -p %post_ldconfig
%postun -p %postun_ldconfig

%dir %pkgdocdir

%files -n xsltproc

%files devel
%dir %pkgdocdir

%if_enabled static
%files devel-static
%endif # enabled static

%files -n python-modules-%name
%dir %pkgdocdir
%dir %pkgdocdir/python
%dir %pkgdocdir/python/examples


Full changelog you can see here

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin