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ALT Linux repos
5.0: 1.0.18-alt1
4.1: 1.0.15-alt1
4.0: 1.0.14-alt1.1
3.0: 1.0.9-alt1

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Group :: System/Kernel and hardware
RPM: alsa-tools

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Name: alsa-tools
Version: 1.0.18
Release: alt1
Summary: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) tools
Summary(ru_RU.UTF-8): Инструменты ALSA
Summary(uk_UA.UTF-8): Інструменти ALSA
License: GPL
Group: System/Kernel and hardware
Packager: Valery Inozemtsev <shrek at>

Obsoletes: alsa2-tools < 0.9.4
Provides: alsa2-tools = %version
Requires: libalsa >= %version
# due to %_bindir/as10k1
Conflicts: emu10k1-tools
# someone remind me how to cheat SourceIfExists clones
Provides: /etc/default/ld10k1

Source: %name-%version.tar
Patch: %name-%version-%release.patch

BuildRequires: gcc-c++ libfltk-devel libgtk+2-devel libqt3-devel
BuildRequires: kernel-headers-alsa libalsa-devel >= %version

Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) tools. Modularized architecture with
support for a large range of ISA and PCI cards. Fully compatible with OSS/Lite
(kernel sound drivers), but contains many enhanced features.

You may install this package if you really want use this low-level utils with
some audio cards.

%description -l ru_RU.UTF-8
Пакет содержит инструменты ALSA (современной звуковой подсистемы Linux),
предназначенные для низкоуровневой работы с некоторыми звуковыми картами
(на чипах Envy24, EMU10K1).

%description -l uk_UA.UTF-8
Пакунок містить інструменти ALSA (сучасної звукової підсистеми Linux), що
застосовуються для низькорівневої роботи із деякими звуковими картками
(на чіпах Envy24, EMU10K1).

%package -n ld10k1
Summary: EMU10K1 patch loader/linker
Group: System/Kernel and hardware

%description -n ld10k1
EMU10K1 patch loader/linker, see also as10k1

%package -n liblo10k1
Summary: lo10k1 library
Group: System/Libraries

%description -n liblo10k1
lo10k1 library

%package -n liblo10k1-devel
Summary: lo10k1 library, development part
Group: Development/C

%description -n liblo10k1-devel
lo10k1 library, development part

%setup -q
%patch -p1

mv seq/sbiload sbiload
rm -fr seq

export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/as10k1
for d in *; do
if [ -d $d ]; then
cd $d
cd ..

for d in *; do
if [ -d $d ]; then
cd $d
%make DESTDIR=%buildroot install
cd ..



%exclude %_bindir/lo10k1

%files -n ld10k1

%files -n liblo10k1

%files -n liblo10k1-devel


# - desktop files
# - patch ld10k1/setup/, remove fake Provides:
# - ld10k1 initscript? (Debian)


Full changelog you can see here

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin