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Group :: Development/C
RPM: gcc3.4

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%define gcc_branch 3.4

Name: gcc%gcc_branch
Version: 3.4.5
Release: alt8

Summary: GNU Compiler Collection
License: GPL
Group: Development/C
Packager: Dmitry V. Levin <ldv at>

%define priority 340
%define snapshot 20051201
%define srcver %version-%snapshot
%define srcfilename gcc-%srcver
%define srcdirname gcc-%srcver
%define os_release %distribution, build %version-%release
%define psuffix -%gcc_branch
%define _libexecdir /usr/libexec
%define gcc_target_libdir %_libdir/gcc/%_target_platform/%version
%define gcc_target_libexecdir %_libexecdir/gcc/%_target_platform/%version
%define gcc_doc_dir %_docdir/gcc%psuffix
%define alternatives_deps alternatives >= 0:0.4
%define binutils_deps binutils >= 1:

# Build parameters.

%def_disable debug
%def_disable multilib
%def_with fortran
%def_with objc
%def_disable objc_gc
%def_with treelang
%def_with java
%ifarch %ix86 x86_64
%def_with ada
%def_without ada
%def_without pdf
%def_disable check

Source: %srcfilename.tar
Source1: NEWS.html
Source2: README.Bugs

# RH patches.

Patch101: gcc34-rh-multi32-hack.patch
Patch102: gcc34-rh-ice-hack.patch
Patch103: gcc34-rh-ppc64-m32-m64-multilib-only.patch
Patch104: gcc34-rh-ia64-lib64.patch
Patch105: gcc34-rh-java-nomulti.patch
Patch106: gcc34-rh-gnuc-rh-release.patch
Patch107: gcc34-rh-pr16104.patch
Patch108: gcc34-rh-var-tracking-fix.patch
Patch109: gcc34-rh-i386-movsi-insv.patch
Patch110: gcc34-rh-pr18925.patch
Patch111: gcc34-rh-pr14084.patch
Patch112: gcc34-rh-hashtab-recursion.patch
Patch113: gcc34-rh-java-jnilink.patch
Patch114: gcc34-rh-pr21955.patch
Patch115: gcc34-rh-vsb-stack.patch
Patch116: gcc34-rh-pr18300.patch
Patch117: gcc34-rh-rh156291.patch
Patch118: gcc34-rh-weakref.patch
Patch119: gcc34-rh-dwarf2-usefbreg.patch
Patch120: gcc34-rh-dwarf2-prefer-1elt-vartracking.patch
Patch121: gcc34-rh-dwarf2-pr20268.patch
Patch122: gcc34-rh-dwarf2-inline-details.patch
Patch123: gcc34-rh-dwarf2-frame_base.patch
Patch124: gcc34-rh-dwarf2-i386-multreg1.patch
Patch125: gcc34-rh-dwarf2-i386-multreg2.patch
Patch126: gcc34-rh-rh176182.patch

# Debian patches.

Patch201: gcc34-deb-gcc-textdomain.patch
Patch202: gcc34-deb-libstdc++-doclink.patch
Patch203: gcc34-deb-protoize.patch
Patch204: gcc34-deb-amd64-specs.patch
Patch205: gcc34-deb-fastjar-update.patch
Patch206: gcc34-deb-gcj-without-rpath.patch
Patch207: gcc34-deb-libffi-soversion.patch
Patch208: gcc34-deb-libobjc.patch
Patch209: gcc34-deb-ada-gcc-name.patch
Patch210: gcc34-deb-cpu-default-i586.patch
Patch211: gcc34-deb-link-libs.patch

# SuSE patches.


# MDK patches.

Patch601: gcc32-mdk-mklibgcc-serialize-crtfiles.patch
Patch602: gcc32-mdk-multi-do-libdir.patch
Patch603: gcc32-mdk-c++-classfn-member-template.patch
Patch604: gcc32-mdk-pr7768.patch
Patch605: gcc32-mdk-pr8213.patch

# ALT patches.

Patch701: gcc34-alt-install.patch
Patch702: gcc34-alt-nowrap.patch
Patch703: gcc34-alt-as-needed.patch
Patch704: gcc34-alt-makeinfo.patch

Provides: gcc = %version-%release, %_bindir/%_target_platform-gcc, %_bindir/gcc
Obsoletes: egcs, gcc3.0, gcc3.1
Conflicts: glibc-devel < 2.2.6
PreReq: %alternatives_deps, gcc-common >= 1.4.7
Requires: cpp%gcc_branch = %version-%release, libgcc%gcc_branch >= %version-%release
Requires: %binutils_deps, glibc-devel

%set_autoconf_version 2.13
%set_automake_version 1.4
%set_gcc_version 3.4

BuildPreReq: rpm-build >= 4.0.4-alt39, %alternatives_deps, %binutils_deps
BuildPreReq: coreutils, flex, zlib-devel, glibc-devel-static
%{?_with_objc:%{?_enable_objc_gc:BuildPreReq: libgc-devel}}
%{?_with_java:BuildPreReq: imake libXt-devel libart_lgpl-devel libgtk+2-devel libltdl-devel xorg-cf-files}
%{?_with_ada:BuildPreReq: gcc%gcc_branch-gnat}
%{?_with_pdf:BuildPreReq: tetex-dvips}
%{?!_without_check:%{?!_disable_check:BuildRequires: dejagnu, /proc}}

This package contains the GNU Compiler Collection version %version.
You'll need this package in order to compile C code.
It is also required for all other GCC compilers, namely C++,
Fortran 77, Objective C and Java.

If you have multiple versions of the GNU Compiler Collection
installed on your system, you will have to type
in order to explicitly use the GNU C compiler version %version.


# GCC library

%package -n libgcc%gcc_branch
Summary: GNU GCC library
Group: System/Libraries
Provides: libgcc = %version-%release
Provides: libgcc3.2 = %version-%release, libgcc3.3 = %version-%release
Obsoletes: libgcc <= %version, libgcc3.0, libgcc3.1, libgcc3.2, libgcc3.3
Conflicts: libgcc > %version

%description -n libgcc%gcc_branch
This package contains GCC shared support library which is needed
e.g. for exception handling support.

%package -n libgcc%gcc_branch-debug
Summary: GNU GCC library with debugging information
Group: System/Libraries
AutoProv: yes, nolib
Requires: libgcc%gcc_branch = %version-%release

%description -n libgcc%gcc_branch-debug
This package contains GCC shared support library with debugging information.
You need this only if you want to step into GCC shared support library
routines during debugging.


# Preprocessor

%package -n cpp%gcc_branch
Summary: The GNU C-Compatible Compiler Preprocessor
Group: Development/C
Provides: cpp = %version-%release, %_bindir/cpp
Obsoletes: gcc-cpp, egcs-cpp, cpp = %version, cpp3.0, cpp3.1
PreReq: %alternatives_deps, gcc-common >= 1.4.7

%description -n cpp%gcc_branch
Cpp is the GNU C-Compatible Compiler Preprocessor.
The C preprocessor is a 'macro processor' which is used automatically
by the C compiler to transform your program before actual
compilation. It is called a macro processor because it allows
you to define 'macros,' which are abbreviations for longer

The C preprocessor provides four separate facilities that you can use as
you see fit:

* Inclusion of header files. These are files of declarations that can be
 substituted into your program.
* Macro expansion. You can define 'macros,' which are abbreviations for
 arbitrary fragments of C code, and then the C preprocessor will replace
 the macros with their definitions throughout the program.
* Conditional compilation. Using special preprocessing directives,
 you can include or exclude parts of the program according to various
* Line control. If you use a program to combine or rearrange source files
 into an intermediate file which is then compiled, you can use line
 control to inform the compiler about where each source line originated.

You should install this package if you are a programmer who is searching for
such a macro processor.

If you have multiple versions of the GNU Compiler Collection
installed on your system, you will have to type
in order to explicitly use the GNU C Preprocessor version %version.


# C++ Libraries

%package -n libstdc++%gcc_branch
Summary: GNU C++ library
Group: System/Libraries
Provides: libstdc++ = %version-%release
Obsoletes: libgcc3.0, libgcc3.1
Conflicts: libstdc++ > %version
Requires: libgcc%gcc_branch >= %version-%release

%description -n libstdc++%gcc_branch
The libstdc++ package contains a snapshot of the GCC Standard C++
Library v3, an ongoing project to implement the ISO/IEC 14882:1998
Standard C++ library.

%package -n libstdc++%gcc_branch-devel
Summary: Header files and libraries for C++ development
Group: Development/C++
Provides: libstdc++-devel = %version-%release, %_libdir/
Obsoletes: libstdc++-devel = %version, libstdc++3.0-devel, libstdc++3.1-devel
PreReq: %alternatives_deps, gcc-c++-common >= 1.4.7
Requires: libstdc++%gcc_branch >= %version-%release
Requires: glibc-devel

%description -n libstdc++%gcc_branch-devel
This is the GNU implementation of the standard C++ libraries.  This
package includes the header files and libraries needed for C++

%package -n libstdc++%gcc_branch-devel-static
Summary: Static libraries for C++ development
Group: Development/C++
Provides: libstdc++-devel-static = %version-%release, %_libdir/libstdc++.a
Obsoletes: libstdc++-devel-static = %version, libstdc++3.0-devel-static, libstdc++3.1-devel-static
PreReq: %alternatives_deps, gcc-c++-common >= 1.4.7
Requires: libstdc++%gcc_branch-devel = %version-%release

%description -n libstdc++%gcc_branch-devel-static
This is the GNU implementation of the standard C++ libraries.  This
package includes the static libraries needed for C++ development.

%package -n libstdc++%gcc_branch-devel-precompiled
Summary: Precompiled header files for C++ development
Group: Development/C++
Requires: libstdc++%gcc_branch-devel = %version-%release

%description -n libstdc++%gcc_branch-devel-precompiled
This is the GNU implementation of the standard C++ libraries.  This
package includes the precompiled header files needed for C++ development.

%package -n libstdc++%gcc_branch-debug
Summary: GNU C++ library with debugging information
Group: System/Libraries
AutoProv: yes, nolib
Requires: libstdc++%gcc_branch = %version-%release

%description -n libstdc++%gcc_branch-debug
The libstdc++ package contains a snapshot of the GCC Standard C++
Library v3 with debugging information.
You need this only if you want to step into GCC Standard C++ library
routines during debugging.


# C++ Compiler

%package c++
Summary: C++ support for gcc
Group: Development/C++
Provides: gcc-c++ = %version-%release, %_bindir/%_target_platform-g++, %_bindir/g++
Obsoletes: egcs-c++, gcc-c++ = %version, gcc3.0-c++, gcc3.1-c++
PreReq: %alternatives_deps, gcc-c++-common >= 1.4.7
Requires: %name = %version-%release, libstdc++%gcc_branch-devel = %version-%release

%description c++
This package adds C++ support to the GNU Compiler Collection.
It includes support for most of the current C++ specification,
including templates and exception handling.

If you have multiple versions of the GNU Compiler Collection
installed on your system, you will have to type
in order to explicitly use the GNU C++ compiler version %version.


# Objective C Libraries

%package -n libobjc%gcc_branch
Summary: Objective C runtime libraries
Group: System/Libraries
Provides: libobjc = %version-%release
Provides: libobjc3.2 = %version-%release, libobjc3.3 = %version-%release
Obsoletes: libobjc <= %version, libobjc3.0, libobjc3.1, libobjc3.2, libobjc3.3
Conflicts: libobjc > %version

%description -n libobjc%gcc_branch
This package contains Objective C shared library which is needed to run
Objective-C dynamically linked programs.

%package -n libobjc%gcc_branch-devel
Summary: Header files and libraries for Objective C development
Group: Development/Other
Provides: libobjc-devel = %version-%release
PreReq: %alternatives_deps, gcc-common >= 1.4.7
Requires: libobjc%gcc_branch >= %version-%release
Requires: glibc-devel

%description -n libobjc%gcc_branch-devel
This is the GNU implementation of the standard Objective C libraries.
This package includes the header files and libraries needed for
Objective C development.

%package -n libobjc%gcc_branch-devel-static
Summary: Static libraries for Objective C development
Group: Development/Other
Provides: libobjc-devel-static = %version-%release
PreReq: gcc-common >= 1.4.7
Requires: libobjc%gcc_branch-devel = %version-%release

%description -n libobjc%gcc_branch-devel-static
This is the GNU implementation of the standard Objective C libraries.  This
package includes the static libraries needed for Objective C development.

%package -n libobjc%gcc_branch-debug
Summary: Objective C runtime libraries with debugging information
Group: System/Libraries
AutoProv: yes, nolib
Requires: libobjc%gcc_branch = %version-%release

%description -n libobjc%gcc_branch-debug
This package contains Objective C shared library with debugging information.
You need this only if you want to step into GCC Objective C shared library
routines during debugging.


# Objective C Compiler

%package objc
Summary: Objective C support for gcc
Group: Development/Other
Provides: gcc-objc = %version-%release
Obsoletes: gcc-objc = %version, gcc3.0-objc, gcc3.1-objc
PreReq: %alternatives_deps, gcc-common >= 1.4.7
Requires: %name = %version-%release, libobjc%gcc_branch-devel = %version-%release

%description objc
This package provides Objective-C support for the GCC.
Mainly used on systems running NeXTSTEP, Objective-C is an
object-oriented derivative of the C language.


# Treelang Compiler

%package treelang
Summary: Treelang support for gcc
Group: Development/Other
Provides: gcc-treelang = %version-%release
PreReq: %alternatives_deps, gcc-treelang-common >= 1.4.7
Requires: %name = %version-%release

%description treelang
This package provides the GNU Treelang compiler.


# Fortran 77 Library

%package -n libg2c%gcc_branch
Summary: Fortran 77 runtime libraries
Group: System/Libraries
Provides: libg2c = %version-%release, libf2c = %version-%release
Provides: libg2c3.2 = %version-%release, libg2c3.3 = %version-%release
Obsoletes: libf2c, libf2c3.0, libf2c3.1, libg2c3.2, libg2c3.3
Conflicts: libg2c > %version

%description -n libg2c%gcc_branch
This package contains Fortran 77 shared library which is needed to run
Fortran 77 dynamically linked programs.

%package -n libg2c%gcc_branch-devel
Summary: Header files and libraries for Fortran 77 development
Group: Development/Other
Provides: libg2c-devel = %version-%release
PreReq: gcc-fortran-common >= 1.4.7
Requires: libg2c%gcc_branch >= %version-%release
Requires: glibc-devel

%description -n libg2c%gcc_branch-devel
This is the GNU implementation of the standard Fortran 77 libraries.
This package includes the header files and libraries needed for
Fortran 77 development.

%package -n libg2c%gcc_branch-devel-static
Summary: Static libraries for Fortran 77 development
Group: Development/Other
Provides: libg2c-devel-static = %version-%release
PreReq: gcc-fortran-common >= 1.4.7
Requires: libg2c%gcc_branch-devel = %version-%release

%description -n libg2c%gcc_branch-devel-static
This is the GNU implementation of the standard Fortran 77 libraries.  This
package includes the static libraries needed for Fortran 77 development.

%package -n libg2c%gcc_branch-debug
Summary: Fortran 77 runtime libraries with debugging information
Group: System/Libraries
AutoProv: yes, nolib
Requires: libg2c%gcc_branch = %version-%release

%description -n libg2c%gcc_branch-debug
This package contains Fortran 77 shared library with debugging information.
You need this only if you want to step into GCC Fortran 77 shared library
routines during debugging.


# Fortran 77 Compiler

%package g77
Summary: Fortran 77 support for gcc
Group: Development/Other
Provides: gcc-g77 = %version-%release, %_bindir/%_target_platform-g77, %_bindir/g77
Obsoletes: gcc-g77 = %version, gcc3.0-g77, gcc3.1-g77
PreReq: %alternatives_deps, gcc-fortran-common >= 1.4.7
Requires: %name = %version-%release, libg2c%gcc_branch-devel = %version-%release

%description g77
This package provides support for compiling Fortran 77
programs with the GNU Compiler Collection.

If you have multiple versions of the GNU Compiler Collection
installed on your system, you will have to type
in order to explicitly use the GNU Fortran 77 compiler version %version.


# Foreign Function Interface Library

%package -n libffi%gcc_branch
Summary: Foreign Function Interface library
Group: System/Libraries
Provides: libffi = %version-%release

%description -n libffi%gcc_branch
The libffi library provides a portable, high level programming
interface to various calling conventions.  This allows a programmer
to call any function specified by a call interface description
at run time.

This package contains Foreign Function Interface shared library
which is needed to run Foreign Function Interface dynamically
linked programs.

%package -n libffi%gcc_branch-devel
Summary: Header files and library for Foreign Function Interface development
Group: Development/Other
Provides: libffi-devel = %version-%release
Requires: libffi%gcc_branch = %version-%release
Requires: glibc-devel

%description -n libffi%gcc_branch-devel
The libffi library provides a portable, high level programming
interface to various calling conventions.  This allows a programmer
to call any function specified by a call interface description
at run time.

This package includes the header files and library needed for
Foreign Function Interface development.

%package -n libffi%gcc_branch-devel-static
Summary: Static library for Foreign Function Interface development
Group: Development/Other
Provides: libffi-devel-static = %version-%release
Requires: libffi%gcc_branch-devel = %version-%release

%description -n libffi%gcc_branch-devel-static
The libffi library provides a portable, high level programming
interface to various calling conventions.  This allows a programmer
to call any function specified by a call interface description
at run time.

This package includes the static library needed for
Foreign Function Interface development.

%package -n libffi%gcc_branch-debug
Summary: Foreign Function Interface runtime library with debugging information
Group: System/Libraries
AutoProv: yes, nolib
Requires: libffi%gcc_branch = %version-%release

%description -n libffi%gcc_branch-debug
The libffi library provides a portable, high level programming
interface to various calling conventions.  This allows a programmer
to call any function specified by a call interface description
at run time.

This package contains Foreign Function Interface shared library
with debugging information.
You need this only if you want to step into Foreign Function Interface
shared library routines during debugging.


# Java Libraries

%package -n libgcj%gcc_branch
Summary: GNU Java runtime libraries
Group: System/Libraries
Provides: libgcj = %version-%release
Provides: libgcj3.2 = %version-%release
Obsoletes: libgcj <= %version, libgcj3.0, libgcj3.1, libgcj3.2
Requires: libgcj-common, zip >= 2.1

%description -n libgcj%gcc_branch
The Java(tm) runtime library. You will need this package to run your Java
programs compiled using the Java compiler from GNU Compiler Collection (gcj).

%package -n libgcj%gcc_branch-awt
Summary: GNU Java AWT peer library
Group: System/Libraries
Provides: libgcj-awt = %version-%release
Obsoletes: libgcj-awt = %version, libgcj3.0-awt, libgcj3.1-awt
Requires: libgcj%gcc_branch = %version-%release

%description -n libgcj%gcc_branch-awt
The GNU Java AWT peer library.

%package -n libgcj%gcc_branch-devel
Summary: Header files and libraries for Java development
Group: Development/Java
Provides: libgcj-devel = %version-%release
Obsoletes: libgcj-devel = %version, libgcj3.0-devel, libgcj3.1-devel
Requires: libgcj%gcc_branch = %version-%release, libgcj%gcc_branch-awt = %version-%release, zlib-devel

%description -n libgcj%gcc_branch-devel
The Java(tm) development libraries and include files. You will need this
package to compile your Java programs using the GCC Java compiler (gcj).

%package -n libgcj%gcc_branch-devel-static
Summary: Static libraries for Java development
Group: Development/Java
Provides: libgcj-devel-static = %version-%release
Obsoletes: libgcj-devel-static = %version, libgcj3.0-devel-static, libgcj3.1-devel-static
Requires: libgcj%gcc_branch-devel = %version-%release

%description -n libgcj%gcc_branch-devel-static
The Java(tm) static libraries. You may need this
package to compile your Java programs using the GCC Java compiler (gcj).

%package -n libgcj%gcc_branch-debug
Summary: GNU Java runtime libraries with debugging information
Group: System/Libraries
AutoProv: yes, nolib
Requires: libgcj%gcc_branch = %version-%release

%description -n libgcj%gcc_branch-debug
The Java(tm) runtime library with debugging information.
You need this only if you want to step into GCC Java(tm) runtime library
routines during debugging.

%package -n libgcj%gcc_branch-awt-debug
Summary: GNU Java AWT peer library with debugging information
Group: System/Libraries
AutoProv: yes, nolib
Requires: libgcj%gcc_branch-awt = %version-%release

%description -n libgcj%gcc_branch-awt-debug
The GNU Java AWT peer library with debugging information.
You need this only if you want to step into GCC Java(tm) runtime library
routines during debugging.


# Java Compiler

%package java
Summary: Java support for gcc
Group: Development/Java
Provides: gcc-java = %version-%release, %_bindir/gcj
Obsoletes: gcc-java <= %version, gcc3.0-java, gcc3.1-java, gcj3.1-tools
PreReq: %alternatives_deps, gcc-java-common >= 1.4.7
Requires: %name = %version-%release, libgcj%gcc_branch-devel = %version-%release
Conflicts: kaffe < 1.0.7

%description java
This package adds support for compiling Java(tm) programs and
bytecode into native code.

If you have multiple versions of the GNU Compiler Collection
installed on your system, you will have to type
in order to explicitly use the GNU Java compiler version %version.


# Ada 95 Libraries

%package -n libgnat%gcc_branch
Summary: Ada 95 runtime libraries
Group: System/Libraries
Provides: libgnat = %version-%release

%description -n libgnat%gcc_branch
This package contains the shared libraries required to run programs
compiled with the GNU Ada compiler (GNAT) if they are compiled to use
shared libraries.  It also contains the shared libraries for the
Implementation of the Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS), the
implementation of Distributed Systems Programming (GLADE) and the
Posix 1003.5 Binding (Florist).

%package -n libgnat%gcc_branch-devel
Summary: Header files and libraries for Ada 95 development
Group: Development/Other
Provides: libgnat-devel = %version-%release
PreReq: gcc-common >= 1.4.7
Requires: libgnat%gcc_branch = %version-%release

%description -n libgnat%gcc_branch-devel
This is the GNU implementation of the standard Ada 95 libraries.
This package includes the include files and libraries needed for
Ada 95 development.

%package -n libgnat%gcc_branch-devel-static
Summary: Static libraries for Ada 95 development
Group: Development/Other
Provides: libgnat-devel-static = %version-%release
PreReq: gcc-common >= 1.4.7
Requires: libgnat%gcc_branch-devel = %version-%release

%description -n libgnat%gcc_branch-devel-static
This is the GNU implementation of the standard Ada 95 libraries.  This
package includes the static libraries needed for Ada 95 development.

%package -n libgnat%gcc_branch-debug
Summary: Ada 95 runtime libraries with debugging information
Group: System/Libraries
AutoProv: yes, nolib
Requires: libgnat%gcc_branch = %version-%release

%description -n libgnat%gcc_branch-debug
This package contains Ada 95 shared library with debugging information.
You need this only if you want to step into GCC Ada 95 shared library
routines during debugging.


# Ada 95 Compiler

%package gnat
Summary: Ada 95 support for gcc
Group: Development/Other
Provides: gcc-gnat = %version-%release, %_bindir/gnat
Obsoletes: gcc-gnat <= %version
Conflicts: gcc-gnat > %version
PreReq: %alternatives_deps, gcc-common >= 1.4.7
Requires: %name = %version-%release, libgnat%gcc_branch-devel = %version-%release

%description gnat
This package provides support for compiling Ada 95
programs with the GNU Compiler Collection.

If you have multiple versions of the GNU Compiler Collection
installed on your system, you will have to type
in order to explicitly use the GNU Ada compiler version %version.


# GCC documentation

%package doc
Summary: GCC documentation
Group: Development/Other
Provides: gcc-doc = %version-%release
Obsoletes: gcc-doc <= %version, gcc3.0-doc, gcc3.1-doc, gcc3.2-doc, gcc3.3-doc
Requires(post): %install_info
Requires(preun): %uninstall_info
Conflicts: gcc-doc > %version

%description doc
This package contains documentation for the GNU Compiler Collection
version %version.

%setup -q -n %srcdirname
find -type d -name CVS -print0 |
xargs -r0 rm -rf --
rm -f gcc/po/*rw.po

# RH patches.

%ifarch sparc ppc
%patch101 -p0
%patch102 -p0
%patch103 -p0
%ifarch ia64
%if "%_lib" == "lib64"
%patch104 -p0
%patch105 -p0
#%patch106 -p0
%patch107 -p0
%patch108 -p0
%patch109 -p0
%patch110 -p0
%patch111 -p0
%patch112 -p0
%patch113 -p0
#%patch114 -p0
%patch115 -p0
%patch116 -p0
%patch117 -p0
%patch118 -p0
%patch119 -p0
%patch120 -p0
%patch121 -p0
%patch122 -p0
%patch123 -p0
%patch124 -p0
%patch125 -p0
%patch126 -p0

# Debian patches.

%patch201 -p0
%patch202 -p0
%patch203 -p0
%patch204 -p1
%patch205 -p0
%patch206 -p1
%patch207 -p0
%patch208 -p0
%patch209 -p0
%patch210 -p0
%patch211 -p0

# SuSE patches.

#%patch501 -p0

# MDK patches.

%patch601 -p1
%patch602 -p1

# ALT patches.

%patch701 -p1
%patch702 -p1
%patch703 -p1
%patch704 -p1

find -type f -name \*.orig -delete -print

# Set proper version & contact info.

cp -p gcc/version.c gcc/version.c.orig
%__subst 's/3\.4\.[56]/%version/g' gcc/version.c gcc/doc/include/gcc-common.texi
%__subst 's/\(%gcc_branch\(\.[0-9]\+\)*\)\( [0-9]\+[a-z]*\)\?.*"/\1\3 (%os_release)"/' gcc/version.c
%__subst 's,<URL:[^>]*>,<URL:>,' gcc/version.c

# Misdesign in libstdc++.

cp -a libstdc++-v3/config/cpu/i{4,3}86/atomicity.h

# Link lib-gnu-java-awt-peer-gtk with libgcj.

%__subst -p '/^lib_gnu_java_awt_peer_gtk_la_DEPENDENCIES =/ d' libjava/Makefile.*
%__subst -p 's|^lib_gnu_java_awt_peer_gtk_la_LIBADD = .*|& -L$(here)/.libs\nlib_gnu_java_awt_peer_gtk_la_DEPENDENCIES = libgcj.spec|' libjava/Makefile.*

sleep 1s

# Since autoreconf is not available for this package, just override deplibs_check_method.
export lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all

%if "%_lib" == "lib64"
find -type f -name Makefile\* -print0 |
xargs -r0 grep -lZ '^[[:alpha:]_]*toolexeclibdir *=' -- |
xargs -r0 subst -p 's,^\(^[[:alpha:]_]*toolexeclibdir *=\).*,\1 $(libdir),' --

for f in */; do
if [ "$d/" -nt "$d/configure" ]; then
pushd "$d"
for f in */; do
if [ "$d/" -nt "$d/" ]; then
pushd "$d"

%define buildtarget build-%_target_platform
rm -rf %buildtarget
mkdir %buildtarget
pushd %buildtarget

%remove_optflags %optflags_nocpp %optflags_notraceback

CC="$CC" \
CFLAGS="%optflags" \
CXXFLAGS="%optflags" \
GCJFLAGS="%optflags" \
XCFLAGS="%optflags" \
TCFLAGS="%optflags" \
../configure --prefix=%prefix \
--libdir=%_libdir \
--with-slibdir=/%_lib \
--mandir=%_mandir \
--infodir=%_infodir \
--enable-shared \
--enable-__cxa_atexit \
--enable-languages="c,c++%{?_with_fortran:,f77}%{?_with_objc:,objc}%{?_with_treelang:,treelang}%{?_with_java:,java}%{?_with_ada:,ada}" \
--program-suffix=%psuffix \
%{?_with_objc:%{?_enable_objc_gc:--enable-objc-gc}} \
%{?_with_java:--enable-java-gc=boehm --enable-java-awt=gtk} \
--with-system-zlib \
--without-included-gettext \
%{subst_enable multilib} \
--host=%_target_platform --build=%_target_platform --target=%_target_platform

%ifarch %ix86 x86_64
%make_build profiledbootstrap
%make_build bootstrap-lean

%if_with ada
# SMP-incompatible build.
make -C gcc gnatlib-shared
make -C gcc gnattools
%endif #with_ada

%{?!__buildreqs:%{?!_without_check:%{?!_disable_check:if [ -w /dev/ptmx ]; then make -k check ||:; ../contrib/test_summary ||:; fi}}}

popd #%buildtarget

# build printable documentation

%if_with pdf
(cd gcc/doc; for f in gcc cpp cppinternals; do
 texi2dvi -p -t  at afourpaper -t  at finalout -I ../doc/include $f.texi
%if_with fortran
(cd gcc/f; for f in g77; do
 texi2dvi -p -t  at afourpaper -t  at finalout -I ../doc/include $f.texi
%endif #with_fortran
%if_with java
(cd gcc/java; for f in gcj
 texi2dvi -p -t  at afourpaper -t  at finalout -I ../doc/include $f.texi
%endif #with_java
%if_with ada
(cd gcc/ada; for f in gnat_rm gnat_ug_unx; do
 texi2dvi -p -t  at afourpaper -t  at finalout -I ../doc/include $f.texi
mv gnat_ug_unx.pdf gnat_ug.pdf
%endif #with_ada
%endif #with_pdf

mkdir -p %buildroot%gcc_doc_dir

# Copy various doc files here and there

local n="$1"
mkdir -p "%buildroot%gcc_doc_dir/$n"
local d="$1"
local f
for f in "$d"/*{README,NEWS,ChangeLog,LICENSE,THREADS}*; do
[ -f "$f" ] || continue
install -pv -m644 "$f" "%buildroot%gcc_doc_dir/$n/"

CopyDocs gcc gcc
CopyDocs g++ gcc/cp
CopyDocs libstdc++ libstdc++-v3
cp -av libstdc++-v3/docs/html %buildroot%gcc_doc_dir/libstdc++/
ln -s documentation.html %buildroot%gcc_doc_dir/libstdc++/html/index.html

%if_with fortran
CopyDocs g77 gcc/f
CopyDocs libg2c libf2c
%endif #with_fortran

%if_with objc
CopyDocs objc gcc/objc
CopyDocs libobjc libobjc
%endif #with_objc

%if_with treelang
CopyDocs treelang gcc/treelang
%endif #with_treelang

%if_with java
CopyDocs boehm-gc boehm-gc
install -pv -m644 boehm-gc/doc/* %buildroot%gcc_doc_dir/boehm-gc/
CopyDocs java gcc/java
CopyDocs fastjar fastjar
CopyDocs libffi libffi
CopyDocs libjava libjava
%endif #with_java

%if_with ada
CopyDocs ada gcc/ada
%endif #with_ada

# Compress changelogs.

find %buildroot%gcc_doc_dir -type f -name *ChangeLog\* \! -name \*.bz2 -print0 |
xargs -r0 bzip2 -9 --

install -pv -m644 %SOURCE1 %SOURCE2 %buildroot%gcc_doc_dir/

pushd %buildtarget
%make_install install DESTDIR=%buildroot
popd #%buildtarget

# Remove install-tools.

rm -r %buildroot{%gcc_target_libdir,%gcc_target_libexecdir}/install-tools

# Rename binaries which will be packaged under alternatives control.

pushd %buildroot%_bindir
rm gccbug%psuffix %_target_platform-gcc-%version {%_target_platform-,}c++%psuffix
%{?_with_java:rm addr2name.awk%psuffix}
%{?_with_fortran:mv {g77,gfortran}%psuffix}
%{?_with_treelang:mv {tree1,gtreelang}%psuffix}
%{?_with_java:mv {jar,fastjar}%psuffix}
%{?_with_java:mv {,g}rmic%psuffix}
%{?_with_java:mv {,g}rmiregistry%psuffix}
for n in \
 cpp \
 gcc gcov protoize unprotoize \
 g++ \
 %{?_with_fortran:gfortran} \
 %{?_with_treelang:gtreelang} \
 %{?_with_java:fastjar gcj gcjh gij jcf-dump jv-convert jv-scan grepjar grmic grmiregistry} \
 ; do
[ -f "%_target_platform-$n%psuffix" ] ||
mv -v "$n%psuffix" "%_target_platform-$n%psuffix"
ln -snf "%_target_platform-$n%psuffix" "$n%psuffix"
%{?_with_ada:ln -s gcc%psuffix gnatgcc}

# Relocate libraries to the right directories.

pushd %buildroot%_libdir
rm -f libiberty.a lib*.la
mv *.a %buildroot%gcc_target_libdir/
for f in *.so; do
v=`objdump -p "$f" |awk '/SONAME/ {print $2}'`
[ -f "$v" ]
ln -s ../../../"$v" "%buildroot%gcc_target_libdir/$f"
rm -f "$f"
pushd %buildroot/%_lib
for f in *.so; do
v=`objdump -p "$f" |awk '/SONAME/ {print $2}'`
[ -f "$v" ]
ln -s ../../../../../%_lib/"$v" "%buildroot%gcc_target_libdir/$f"
rm -f "$f"

%if_with ada
# Dispatch Ada 95 libraries.
pushd %buildroot%gcc_target_libdir
for n in gnat gnarl; do
mv adalib/lib$n-*.so.* %buildroot%_libdir/
rm -f adalib/lib$*
ln -s ../../../lib$n-*.so.* lib$
ln -s ../../../lib$n-*.so.* lib$
mv adalib/*.a .
%endif #with_ada

%if_with java
# Relocate Java headers to version-specific compiler directory.
mv %buildroot%_includedir/{ffi,j}*.h %buildroot%gcc_target_libdir/include/
mv %buildroot%_includedir/{java,javax,gnu} %buildroot%gcc_target_libdir/include/
mv %buildroot%_includedir/gcj/* %buildroot%gcc_target_libdir/include/gcj/
rmdir %buildroot%_includedir/gcj

# Fix libgcj.spec and move it to compiler-specific directory.

%__subst -p 's/-lgcjgc//g;s/-lzgcj//g;s/-lpthread//g' %buildroot%_libdir/libgcj.spec
mv %buildroot%_libdir/libgcj.spec %buildroot%gcc_target_libdir/

# Rename libgcj.pc to avoid conflict with libgcj4.1-devel.

mv %buildroot%_pkgconfigdir/libgcj{,%psuffix}.pc

# Relocate ffitarget.h

mv %buildroot%gcc_target_libdir/include/libffi/*.h \
rmdir %buildroot%gcc_target_libdir/include/libffi
%endif #with_java

# buildreq substitution rules.

mkdir -p %buildroot%_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d
for n in cpp gcc gcc-c++ gcc-g77 gcc-gnat gcc-java gcc-objc gcc-treelang libg2c libg2c-devel libg2c-devel-static libgcc libffi libffi-devel libffi-devel-static libgcj libgcj-awt libgcj-devel libgcj-devel-static libgnat libgnat-devel libgnat-devel-static libobjc libobjc-devel libobjc-devel-static libstdc++ libstdc++-devel libstdc++-devel-static; do
echo "$n" >"%buildroot%_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/$t"
chmod 644 %buildroot%_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/*

# buildreq ignore rules.

mkdir -p %buildroot%_sysconfdir/buildreqs/files/ignore.d
cat >%buildroot%_sysconfdir/buildreqs/files/ignore.d/%name <<EOF

# no valid g++ manpage exists in 3.4 series.

rm -fv %buildroot%_man1dir/g++%psuffix.1
ln -s gcc%psuffix.1.bz2 %buildroot%_man1dir/g++%psuffix.1.bz2

%find_lang gcc%psuffix

mkdir -p %buildroot%_libdir/debug
cp -a %buildroot{/%_lib,%_libdir}/*.so.* %buildroot%_libdir/debug/

%if_enabled debug
# Don't strip in debug mode
%set_strip_method none
%endif #enabled_debug

%set_compress_method bzip2

#install alternatives stuff

install -d %buildroot%_altdir
cat >%buildroot%_altdir/cpp%gcc_branch <<EOF
%_bindir/%_target_platform-cpp %_bindir/%_target_platform-cpp%psuffix %priority
%_man1dir/cpp.1.bz2 %_man1dir/cpp%psuffix.1.bz2 %_bindir/%_target_platform-cpp%psuffix

cat >%buildroot%_altdir/%name <<EOF
%_bindir/%_target_platform-gcc %_bindir/%_target_platform-gcc%psuffix %priority
%_bindir/%_target_platform-gcov %_bindir/%_target_platform-gcov%psuffix %_bindir/%_target_platform-gcc%psuffix
%_bindir/%_target_platform-protoize %_bindir/%_target_platform-protoize%psuffix %_bindir/%_target_platform-gcc%psuffix
%_bindir/%_target_platform-unprotoize %_bindir/%_target_platform-unprotoize%psuffix %_bindir/%_target_platform-gcc%psuffix
%_man1dir/gcc.1.bz2 %_man1dir/gcc%psuffix.1.bz2 %_bindir/%_target_platform-gcc%psuffix
%_man1dir/gcov.1.bz2 %_man1dir/gcov%psuffix.1.bz2 %_bindir/%_target_platform-gcc%psuffix

cat >%buildroot%_altdir/c++%gcc_branch <<EOF
%_bindir/%_target_platform-g++ %_bindir/%_target_platform-g++%psuffix %priority
%_bindir/%_target_platform-c++filt %_bindir/%_target_platform-c++filt%psuffix %_bindir/%_target_platform-g++%psuffix
%_man1dir/g++.1.bz2 %_man1dir/g++%psuffix.1.bz2 %_bindir/%_target_platform-g++%psuffix

%if_with fortran
cat >%buildroot%_altdir/gfortran%gcc_branch <<EOF
%_bindir/%_target_platform-gfortran %_bindir/%_target_platform-gfortran%psuffix %priority
%_man1dir/gfortran.1.bz2 %_man1dir/g77%psuffix.1.bz2 %_bindir/%_target_platform-gfortran%psuffix

%if_with treelang
cat >%buildroot%_altdir/gtreelang%gcc_branch <<EOF
%_bindir/%_target_platform-gtreelang %_bindir/%_target_platform-gtreelang%psuffix %priority

%if_with java
cat >%buildroot%_altdir/java%gcc_branch <<EOF
%_bindir/%_target_platform-gcj %_bindir/%_target_platform-gcj%psuffix %priority
$(for i in fastjar gcjh gij grepjar grmic grmiregistry jcf-dump jv-convert jv-scan; do
echo "%_bindir/%_target_platform-$i %_bindir/%_target_platform-$i%psuffix %_bindir/%_target_platform-gcj%psuffix"
$(for i in gcj gcjh gij grepjar jcf-dump jv-convert jv-scan; do
echo "%_man1dir/$i.1.bz2 %_man1dir/$i%psuffix.1.bz2 %_bindir/%_target_platform-gcj%psuffix"
%_man1dir/grmic.1.bz2 %_man1dir/rmic%psuffix.1.bz2 %_bindir/%_target_platform-gcj%psuffix
%_man1dir/fastjar.1.bz2 %_man1dir/jar%psuffix.1.bz2 %_bindir/%_target_platform-gcj%psuffix
%_man1dir/grmiregistry.1.bz2 %_man1dir/rmiregistry%psuffix.1.bz2 %_bindir/%_target_platform-gcj%psuffix

%post doc
%install_info {cpp,cppinternals,gcc,gccint%{?_with_fortran:,g77}%{?_with_java:,gcj,fastjar}%{?_with_ada:,gnat{_rm,-style,_ugn_unw}}}.info

%preun doc
%uninstall_info {cpp,cppinternals,gcc,gccint%{?_with_fortran:,g77}%{?_with_java:,gcj,fastjar}%{?_with_ada:,gnat{_rm,-style,_ugn_unw}}}.info

%files -f gcc%psuffix.lang
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/%name
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/files/ignore.d/%name
%dir %gcc_doc_dir
%dir %gcc_target_libdir
%dir %gcc_target_libdir/include
%dir %gcc_target_libexecdir

%files -n libgcc%gcc_branch
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/libgcc%gcc_branch

%files -n libgcc%gcc_branch-debug

%files -n cpp%gcc_branch
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/cpp%gcc_branch
%dir %gcc_target_libexecdir

%files -n libstdc++%gcc_branch
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/libstdc++%gcc_branch

%files -n libstdc++%gcc_branch-devel
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/libstdc++%gcc_branch-devel
%dir %gcc_doc_dir
%exclude %_includedir/c++/*/*/*/*.gch
%dir %gcc_target_libdir

%files -n libstdc++%gcc_branch-devel-static
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/libstdc++%gcc_branch-devel-static
%dir %gcc_target_libdir

%files -n libstdc++%gcc_branch-devel-precompiled

%files -n libstdc++%gcc_branch-debug

%files c++
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/%name-c++
%dir %gcc_doc_dir
%dir %gcc_target_libexecdir

%if_with objc
%files -n libobjc%gcc_branch
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/libobjc%gcc_branch

%files -n libobjc%gcc_branch-devel
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/libobjc%gcc_branch-devel
%dir %gcc_doc_dir
%dir %gcc_target_libdir
%dir %gcc_target_libdir/include

%files -n libobjc%gcc_branch-devel-static
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/libobjc%gcc_branch-devel-static
%dir %gcc_target_libdir

%files -n libobjc%gcc_branch-debug

%files objc
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/%name-objc
%dir %gcc_doc_dir
%dir %gcc_target_libexecdir
%endif #with_objc

%if_with treelang
%files treelang
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/%name-treelang
%dir %gcc_doc_dir
%dir %gcc_target_libexecdir
%endif #with_treelang

%if_with fortran
%files -n libg2c%gcc_branch
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/libg2c%gcc_branch

%files -n libg2c%gcc_branch-devel
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/libg2c%gcc_branch-devel
%dir %gcc_doc_dir
%dir %gcc_target_libdir
%dir %gcc_target_libdir/include

%files -n libg2c%gcc_branch-devel-static
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/libg2c%gcc_branch-devel-static
%dir %gcc_target_libdir

%files -n libg2c%gcc_branch-debug

%files g77
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/%name-g77
%dir %gcc_doc_dir
%dir %gcc_target_libdir
%dir %gcc_target_libexecdir
%endif #with_fortran

%if_with java
%files -n libffi%gcc_branch
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/libffi%gcc_branch

%files -n libffi%gcc_branch-devel
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/libffi%gcc_branch-devel
%dir %gcc_target_libdir
%dir %gcc_target_libdir/include

%files -n libffi%gcc_branch-devel-static
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/libffi%gcc_branch-devel-static
%dir %gcc_target_libdir

%files -n libffi%gcc_branch-debug

%files -n libgcj%gcc_branch
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/libgcj%gcc_branch

%files -n libgcj%gcc_branch-awt
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/libgcj%gcc_branch-awt

%files -n libgcj%gcc_branch-devel
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/libgcj%gcc_branch-devel
%dir %gcc_doc_dir
%dir %gcc_target_libdir
%dir %gcc_target_libdir/include

%files -n libgcj%gcc_branch-devel-static
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/libgcj%gcc_branch-devel-static
%dir %gcc_target_libdir

%files -n libgcj%gcc_branch-debug

%files -n libgcj%gcc_branch-awt-debug

%files java
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/%name-java
%dir %gcc_doc_dir
%dir %gcc_target_libexecdir
%endif #with_java

%if_with ada
%files gnat
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/%name-gnat
%dir %gcc_target_libdir
%dir %gcc_target_libexecdir

%files -n libgnat%gcc_branch
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/libgnat%gcc_branch

%files -n libgnat%gcc_branch-devel
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/libgnat%gcc_branch-devel
%ifarch %ix86
%dir %gcc_doc_dir

%files -n libgnat%gcc_branch-devel-static
%config %_sysconfdir/buildreqs/packages/substitute.d/libgnat%gcc_branch-devel-static

%files -n libgnat%gcc_branch-debug
%endif #with_ada

%files doc

%if_with pdf
%doc gcc/doc/cpp*.pdf
%doc gcc/doc/gcc*.pdf
%{?_with_fortran:%doc gcc/doc/g77.pdf}
%{?_with_ada:%doc gcc/doc/gnat*.pdf}
%endif #with_pdf


Full changelog you can see here

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin