Sisyphus repository
Last update: 1 october 2023 | SRPMs: 18631 | Visits: 37843541
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ALT Linux repos
5.0: 0.10-alt3
4.1: 0.10-alt2
4.0: 0.10-alt2

Group :: System/Libraries
RPM: lrmi

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%def_enable static
%def_with vbetest

Name: lrmi
%define lname lib%name
Version: 0.10
Release: alt3
Summary: Linux Real Mode Interface
License: Public domain
Group: System/Libraries
Source: %name-%version.tar
Patch0: %name-0.10-link.patch
Patch1: %name-0.10-linux-defs.patch
ExclusiveArch: %ix86

Linux Real Mode Interface library provides a DPMI like interface under
Linux and *BSD systems using vm86.
%if_with vbetest
There is also some VBE (VESA Bios Extension) interface utility called

%package -n %lname
Summary: Linux Real Mode Interface library
Group: System/Libraries
Provides: %name = %version-%release

%description -n %lname
Linux Real Mode Interface library provides a DPMI like interface under
Linux and *BSD systems using vm86.

%package -n %lname-devel
Summary: Linux Real Mode Interface library header
Group: Development/C
Requires: %lname = %version-%release

%description -n %lname-devel
Linux Real Mode Interface library provides a DPMI like interface under
Linux and *BSD systems using vm86.
This package contains header file for development with %lname.

%if_enabled static
%package -n %lname-devel-static
Summary: Linux Real Mode Interface static library
Group: Development/C
Requires: %lname-devel = %version-%release

%description -n %lname-devel-static
Linux Real Mode Interface library provides a DPMI like interface under
Linux and *BSD systems using vm86.
This package contains static library for development with %lname.

%if_with vbetest
%package -n vbetest
Summary: VBE interface utility
Group: System/Configuration/Hardware
Requires: %lname = %version

%description -n vbetest
VBE (VESA Bios Extension) interface utility.

%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1

%add_optflags %optflags_shared
%make_build CFLAGS="%optflags" CC=%__cc %{?_enable_static:%lname.a} %{?_with_vbetest:vbetest}

install -d -m 0755 %buildroot{%_libdir,%_includedir}
install -m 0644* %{?_enable_static:%lname.a} %buildroot%_libdir/
ln -sf %buildroot%_libdir/
install -m 0644 %name.h %buildroot%_includedir/
%{?_with_vbetest:install -D -m 0755 {,%buildroot%_sbindir/}vbetest}

%post -n %lname  -p %post_ldconfig
%postun -n %lname -p %postun_ldconfig

%files -n %lname

%files -n %lname-devel

%if_enabled static
%files -n %lname-devel-static

%if_with vbetest
%files -n vbetest


Full changelog you can see here

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin