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Group :: Sound
RPM: cqvamp

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Name: cqvamp
Version: 1.0
Release: alt2.hg20140808
Summary: Vamp plugin implementing the Constant-Q transform of a time-domain signal
License: MIT
Group: Sound
Packager: Eugeny A. Rostovtsev (REAL) <real at>

Source: %name-%version.tar

BuildPreReq: gcc-c++ libvamp-devel doxygen graphviz
BuildPreReq: boost-devel libsndfile-devel

A C++ library and Vamp plugin implementing the Constant-Q transform of
a time-domain signal.

The Constant-Q transform is a time-to-frequency-domain transform related
to the short-time Fourier transform, but with output bins spaced
logarithmically in frequency, rather than linearly. The output bins are
therefore linearly spaced in terms of musical pitch.

%package -n libcq
Summary: A C++ library implementing the Constant-Q transform of a time-domain signal
Group: System/Libraries

%description -n libcq
A C++ library implementing the Constant-Q transform of a time-domain

The Constant-Q transform is a time-to-frequency-domain transform related
to the short-time Fourier transform, but with output bins spaced
logarithmically in frequency, rather than linearly. The output bins are
therefore linearly spaced in terms of musical pitch.

%package -n libcq-devel
Summary: Development files of C++ library implementing the Constant-Q transform
Group: Development/C++
Requires: libcq = %EVR

%description -n libcq-devel
A C++ library implementing the Constant-Q transform of a time-domain

The Constant-Q transform is a time-to-frequency-domain transform related
to the short-time Fourier transform, but with output bins spaced
logarithmically in frequency, rather than linearly. The output bins are
therefore linearly spaced in terms of musical pitch.

This package contains development files of libcq.

%package -n libcq-devel-docs
Summary: Documentation for C++ library implementing the Constant-Q transform
Group: Development/Documentation
BuildArch: noarch

%description -n libcq-devel-docs
A C++ library implementing the Constant-Q transform of a time-domain

The Constant-Q transform is a time-to-frequency-domain transform related
to the short-time Fourier transform, but with output bins spaced
logarithmically in frequency, rather than linearly. The output bins are
therefore linearly spaced in terms of musical pitch.

This package contains development documentation for libcq.


%make_build -f Makefile.linux test/processfile
%make_build -f Makefile.linux LIBDIR=%_libdir


%makeinstall_std -f Makefile.linux LIBDIR=%_libdir


%files -n libcq

%files -n libcq-devel

%files -n libcq-devel-docs
%doc doc/html/*


Full changelog you can see here

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin