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Group :: Publishing
RPM: fonts-type1-cm-super

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%define type1fontsdir %_datadir/fonts/type1/cm-super

Name: fonts-type1-cm-super
Version: 0.3.3
Release: alt8.qa1
Summary: Cyrillic Type 1 EC/TC and LH fonts
Group: Publishing
License: GPL

PreReq: %name-pfb = %version-%release, %name-afm = %version-%release
Obsoletes: cm-super-fonts
Provides: cm-super-fonts = %version-%release

Source: cm-super-%version.tar.bz2

BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: tex-common
BuildRequires: mkfontscale

%package pfb
Summary: Cyrillic Type 1 EC/TC and LH fonts in pfb format
Group: Publishing
Provides: fonts-cm-super cm-super-fonts-pfb = %version-%release
Obsoletes: fonts-cm-super cm-super-fonts
PreReq: fontconfig >= 2.4.2

%package afm
Summary: AFM metrics for Cyrillic Type 1 EC/TC and LH fonts
Group: Publishing
PreReq: %name-pfb = %version-%release
Provides: fonts-cm-super-afm cm-super-fonts-afm = %version-%release
Obsoletes: fonts-cm-super-afm cm-super-fonts-afm

%package tex
Summary: TeX support for Cyrillic Type 1 EC/TC and LH fonts
Group: Publishing
PreReq: %name-tex-dvips = %version-%release, %name-pfb = %version-%release
Provides: fonts-cm-super-tex cm-super-fonts-tex = %version-%release
Obsoletes: fonts-cm-super-tex cm-super-fonts-tex

%package tex-dvips
Summary: Encoding files for TeX support for Cyrillic Type 1 EC/TC and LH fonts
Group: Publishing
Provides: fonts-cm-super-tex-dvips cm-super-fonts-tex-dvips = %version-%release
Obsoletes: fonts-cm-super-tex-dvips cm-super-fonts-tex-dvips

%package tex-afm
Summary: AFM metrics for TeX support for Cyrillic Type 1 EC/TC and LH fonts
Group: Publishing
PreReq: %name-tex = %version-%release
Provides: fonts-cm-super-tex-afm cm-super-fonts-tex-afm = %version-%release
Obsoletes: fonts-cm-super-tex-afm cm-super-fonts-tex-afm

The cm-super package contains Type 1 fonts converted from METAFONT
fonts and covers entire EC/TC and LH fonts (Computer Modern font
families). All European and Cyrillic writings are covered. Each Type 1
font program contains ALL glyphs from the following standard LaTeX
font encodings: T1, TS1, T2A, T2B, T2C, X2, and also Adobe
StandardEncoding (583 glyphs per non-SC font and 466 glyphs per SC
font), and could be reencoded to any of these encodings using standard
dvips or pdftex facilities (the corresponding support files are
included in %name-tex package).

%description pfb
The %name-pfb package contains Type 1 fonts in pfb format,
converted from METAFONT fonts and covers entire EC/TC and LH fonts
(Computer Modern font families).
All European and Cyrillic writings are covered. Each Type 1
font program contains ALL glyphs from the following standard LaTeX
font encodings: T1, TS1, T2A, T2B, T2C, X2, and also Adobe
StandardEncoding (583 glyphs per non-SC font and 466 glyphs per SC
font), and could be reencoded to any of these encodings using standard
dvips or pdftex facilities (the corresponding support files are
included in %name-tex package).

%description afm
The %name-afm package contains Adobe Font Metrics for Type 1 fonts converted
from METAFONT fonts which cover entire EC/TC and LH fonts (Computer Modern font
families). All European and Cyrillic writings are covered. Each Type 1
font program contains ALL glyphs from the following standard LaTeX
font encodings: T1, TS1, T2A, T2B, T2C, X2, and also Adobe
StandardEncoding (583 glyphs per non-SC font and 466 glyphs per SC
font), and could be reencoded to any of these encodings using standard
dvips or pdftex facilities (the corresponding support files are
included in %name-tex package).

%description tex
The %name-tex package contains TeX support files for Type 1 fonts converted
from METAFONT fonts which cover entire EC/TC and LH fonts (Computer Modern font
families). All European and Cyrillic writings are covered. Each Type 1
font program contains ALL glyphs from the following standard LaTeX
font encodings: T1, TS1, T2A, T2B, T2C, X2, and also Adobe
StandardEncoding (583 glyphs per non-SC font and 466 glyphs per SC
font), and could be reencoded to any of these encodings using standard
dvips or pdftex facilities (the corresponding support files are also

%description tex-dvips
The %name-tex package contains encoding files for Type 1 fonts converted
from METAFONT fonts which cover entire EC/TC and LH fonts (Computer Modern font
families). All European and Cyrillic writings are covered. Each Type 1
font program contains ALL glyphs from the following standard LaTeX
font encodings: T1, TS1, T2A, T2B, T2C, X2, and also Adobe
StandardEncoding (583 glyphs per non-SC font and 466 glyphs per SC
font), and could be reencoded to any of these encodings using standard
dvips or pdftex facilities (the corresponding support files are also

%description tex-afm
The %name-tex-afm package contains Adobe Font Metrics for Type 1 fonts converted
from METAFONT fonts which cover entire EC/TC and LH fonts (Computer Modern font
families). All European and Cyrillic writings are covered. Each Type 1
font program contains ALL glyphs from the following standard LaTeX
font encodings: T1, TS1, T2A, T2B, T2C, X2, and also Adobe
StandardEncoding (583 glyphs per non-SC font and 466 glyphs per SC
font), and could be reencoded to any of these encodings using standard
dvips or pdftex facilities (the corresponding support files are
included in %name-tex package).

%setup -q -n cm-super

# Directories for cm-super fonts
%__mkdir -p %buildroot/%_datadir/texmf/fonts/{type1,afm}/public
%__mkdir -p %buildroot/%_datadir/texmf/dvips/{config,base}
%__mkdir -p %buildroot/%type1fontsdir/afms
%__mkdir -p %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/tex-fonts.d

# Install cm-super fonts

%__cp pfb/* %buildroot%type1fontsdir
%__cp afm/* %buildroot%type1fontsdir/afms/
pushd %buildroot%type1fontsdir
   gunzip afms/*.gz
   cd afms
   for i in *.afm ; do
%__ln_s afms/$i %buildroot%type1fontsdir/$i
%__ln_s %type1fontsdir %buildroot/%_datadir/texmf/fonts/type1/public/cm-super
%__ln_s %type1fontsdir/afms %buildroot/%_datadir/texmf/fonts/afm/public/cm-super

mkdir -p %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/texmf/updmap.d
mkdir -p %buildroot%_datadir/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/cm-super
mkdir -p %buildroot%_datadir/texmf/fonts/enc/dvips/cm-super
pushd dvips
   for i in *.map ; do
echo "Map $i" >> %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/tex-fonts.d/cm-super.cfg
echo "Map $i" >> %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/texmf/updmap.d/30-cm-super.cfg
%__cp $i %buildroot%_datadir/texmf/dvips/config/
  cp $i %buildroot%_datadir/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/cm-super/
   %__cp *.enc %buildroot%_datadir/texmf/dvips/base/
      cp *.enc %buildroot%_datadir/texmf/fonts/enc/dvips/cm-super/

mkfontscale %buildroot%type1fontsdir
ln -s fonts.scale %buildroot%type1fontsdir/fonts.dir

mkdir -p %buildroot%_sysconfdir/X11/fontpath.d
ln -s ../../../%type1fontsdir %buildroot%_sysconfdir/X11/fontpath.d/type1-cm-super:pri=40

%post pfb
%_bindir/fc-cache %type1fontsdir ||:


%files pfb
%dir %type1fontsdir

%files afm
%dir %type1fontsdir/afms

%files tex-afm

%files tex-dvips

%files tex


Full changelog you can see here

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin