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Group :: System/Libraries
RPM: libpcd

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# see
%define _localstatedir %{_var}
%define major 2
%define libname libpcd%{major}
%define devname libpcd-devel

Summary: Library for decoding PhotoCD images
Name: libpcd
Version: 1.0.1
Release: alt1_14
License: GPLv2
Group: System/Libraries

%{name} is a tiny library for decoding PhotoCD images. It used to come
bundled with xpcd, but software maintainer decided to release the library
separately after declaring xpcd obsolete.

%package -n %{libname}
Summary: Library for decoding PhotoCD images
Group: System/Libraries

%description -n %{libname}
%{name} is a tiny library for decoding PhotoCD images. It used to come
bundled with xpcd, but software maintainer decided to release the library
separately after declaring xpcd obsolete.

%package -n %{devname}
Summary: Development related files of %{name}
Group: Development/C
Provides: %{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{libname} = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: %{_lib}pcd2-devel < 1.0.1-10

%description -n %{devname}
%{name} is a tiny library for decoding PhotoCD images. It used to come
bundled with xpcd, but software maintainer decided to release the library
separately after declaring xpcd obsolete.

This package contains all files you need to compile applications/libraries
that has Photo CD image support.

%setup -q

export CFLAGS="%optflags"

# don't use makeinstall_std

find %{buildroot} -name "*.a" -delete

%files -n %{libname}

%files -n %{devname}
%doc pcd.css pcd.html


Full changelog you can see here

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin