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ALT Linux repos

Group :: Development/Tools
RPM: spdk

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%set_verify_elf_skiplist %_libdir/libspdk*

%define dpdk_build_path "dpdk/build"
%define dpdk_path "dpdk"

%def_disable dpdk_internal
%def_disable static
%def_disable tests
%def_disable clang

Name: spdk
Version: 23.05
Release: alt2.1

Summary: Storage Performance Development Kit

License: BSD-3-Clause
Group: Development/Tools

ExcludeArch: i586 ppc64le armh

Source: spdk-%version.tar.gz
Patch: spdk-21.10-alt-scripts-syntax.patch
Patch1: spdk-21.10-alt-scripts-startup.patch
Patch2: spdk-23.05-alpinelinux-use-system-isal.patch
Patch3: spdk-23.05-alpinelinux-remove-stupid.patch
Patch4: spdk-23.05-alpinelinux-backtrace.patch

# This is a minimal set of requirements needed for SPDK apps to run when built with

# default configuration. These are also predetermined by rpmbuild. Extra requirements
# can be defined through a comma-separated list passed via $requirements when building
# the spec.
#Requires: glibc
#Requires: libaio
#Requires: libgcc
#Requires: libstdc++
#Requires: libuuid
#Requires: ncurses-libs
#Requires: numactl-libs
#Requires: openssl-libs
#Requires: zlib

%add_python3_req_skip common spdk.rpc spdk.rpc.client spdk.rpc.helpers spdk.sma spdk.sma.proto.nvmf_tcp_pb2 spdk.sma.proto.nvmf_tcp_pb2_grpc spdk.sma.proto.sma_pb2 spdk.sma.proto.sma_pb2_grpc spdk.spdkcli
%filter_from_requires /\%_prefix\/libexec\/spdk\/scripts\/pkgdep/d
%filter_from_requires /apt*/d
%filter_from_requires /pacman/d
# %%filter_from_requires /bpftrace/d

Requires: systemd-utils

BuildPreReq: libfuse3-devel
%if_enabled clang
#BuildRequires(pre): rpm-macros-llvm-common
BuildRequires: clang-devel
BuildRequires: lld-devel
BuildRequires: llvm-devel
BuildRequires: gcc-c++
BuildRequires: libstdc++-devel
BuildRequires: glibc-devel rpm-build-python3 libuuid-devel libssl-devel libaio-devel libncurses-devel libisal-devel libdbus-devel
BuildRequires: rdma-core-devel libbpf-devel libelf-devel zlib-devel libpcap-devel libjansson-devel
BuildRequires: libzstd-devel
# BuildPreReq: libpmem-devel rdma-core-devel libiscsi-devel liburing-devel librbd-devel libpmem-devel
%if_enabled dpdk_internal
BuildPreReq: libnuma-devel libfdt-devel
BuildPreReq: libarchive-devel libbsd-devel libjansson-devel libpcap-devel
BuildPreReq: doxygen python3-module-sphinx-sphinx-build-symlink
BuildRequires: meson rpm-build-ninja python3-module-elftools
BuildRequires: dpdk-devel libdpdk
%if_enabled tests
BuildRequires: CUnit-devel

The Storage Performance Development Kit (SPDK) provides a set of tools and
libraries for writing high performance, scalable, user-mode storage
applications. It achieves high performance by moving all of the necessary
drivers into userspace and operating in a polled mode instead of relying
on interrupts, which avoids kernel context switches and eliminates interrupt
handling overhead.

%package devel
Summary: SPDK development libraries and headers
Group: Development/C

%description devel
SPDK development libraries and headers

%package libs
Summary: SPDK libraries
Group: System/Libraries

%description libs
SPDK libraries

%if_enabled static
%package devel-static
Summary: SPDK static libraries
Group: System/Libraries

%description devel-static
SPDK devel libraries

%patch -p1
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p1
%patch4 -p1

sed -i 's|__bitwise__|__bitwise|' include/linux/virtio_types.h

sed -i 's|/etc/lsb-release|/etc/os-release|' \

sed -i 's|/usr/lib64/iscsi|%_libdir|' \
 configure \

sed -i 's|/lib|/%_lib|; s|/include|/include/spdk|' \

sed -i 's|libdir?=$(CONFIG_PREFIX)/lib|libdir?=$(CONFIG_PREFIX)/%_lib|' \

sed -i 's|/usr/local/bin/pip|%_bindir/pip3|' \

sed -i 's|/usr/local/bin/|%_prefix/libexec/spdk/bin/|' \
 docker/build_base/post-install \

# Use system isa-l.

sed -i 's|-L$(ISAL_DIR)/.libs -lisal|-L%_libdir -lisal|' \
 lib/util/Makefile \
 lib/accel/Makefile \
 dpdkbuild/Makefile \
sed -i 's|-I$(ISAL_DIR)/..|-I%_includedir/isa-l|' \

# Use system isa-l_crypto.

sed -i 's|-L$(ISAL_CRYPTO_DIR)/.libs -lisal_crypto|-L%_libdir -lisal_crypto|' \
 lib/accel/Makefile \
sed -i 's|-I$(ISAL_CRYPTO_DIR)/..|%_includedir/isa-l_crypto|' \

# Remove illegal absolute entry from RPATH.

sed -i '/-Wl,-rpath=$(DESTDIR)\/$(libdir)/d' \
%if_disabled dpdk_internal
sed -i 's| -Wl,-rpath=$(DPDK_LIB_DIR)||' \
sed -i 's|-rpath=$(SPDK_LIB_DIR),||' \
sed -i 's|-rpath=$(SPDK_LIB_DIR)||' \

%if_enabled clang
%define optflags_lto %nil
export CC=clang
export CXX=clang++
export LDFLAGS="-fuse-ld=lld $LDFLAGS"
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
export CONFIG_DPDK_LIB_DIR=%_libdir
export CONFIG_DPDK_INC_DIR=%_includedir/dpdk
export DPDK_ABS_DIR=%_prefix
export DPDK_INC_DIR=%_includedir/dpdk
export DPDK_LIB_DIR=%_libdir
%_configure_script \
--prefix=%prefix \
%if_disabled clang
--cross-prefix=%_target_alias \
--with-system-isal \
--without-crypto \
--with-fuse \
%if_enabled dpdk_internal
--without-dpdk \
--with-dpdk=%_libdir \
%if_disabled static
%if_disabled clang
--enable-lto \
--disable-lto \
--with-shared \
%if_disabled tests
--disable-tests \
--disable-unit-tests \


export CONFIG_DPDK_LIB_DIR=%_libdir
export CONFIG_DPDK_INC_DIR=%_includedir/dpdk


# And some useful setup scripts SPDK uses

mkdir -p %buildroot%_prefix/libexec/spdk
mkdir -p %buildroot%_prefix/libexec/spdk/bin
mkdir -p %buildroot%_prefix/libexec/spdk/examples
mkdir -p %buildroot%_sysconfdir/bash_completion.d
mkdir -p %buildroot%_sysconfdir/profile.d
mkdir -p %buildroot%_sysconfdir/

%if_enabled dpdk_internal
# Include DPDK libs in case --with-shared is in use.
mkdir -p %buildroot%_libdir/
cp -a %dpdk_build_path/lib/* %buildroot%_libdir/
# Special case for SPDK_RUN_EXTERNAL_DPDK setup
[[ -e %dpdk_path/intel-ipsec-mb ]] && find %dpdk_path/intel-ipsec-mb/ -name '*.so*' -exec cp -a {} %buildroot%_libdir/ ';'
[[ -e %dpdk_path/isa-l/build/lib ]] && cp -a %dpdk_path/isa-l/build/lib/*.so* %buildroot%_libdir/

# Try to include all the binaries that were potentially built

[[ -e build/examples ]] && cp -a build/examples/* %buildroot%_prefix/libexec/spdk/examples/
[[ -e build/bin ]] && cp -a build/bin/* %buildroot%_prefix/libexec/spdk/bin/
#[[ -e build/fio ]] && cp -a build/fio %%buildroot%%_prefix/libexec/spdk/fio

cat <<-'EOF' > %buildroot%_sysconfdir/

cat <<-'EOF' > %buildroot%_sysconfdir/profile.d/
export PATH

cp -a scripts %buildroot%_prefix/libexec/spdk/scripts
ln -s %_prefix/libexec/spdk/scripts/bash-completion/spdk %buildroot%_sysconfdir/bash_completion.d/spdk

# We need to take into the account the fact that most of the scripts depend on being

# run directly from the repo. To workaround it, create common root space under dir
# like /usr/libexec/spdk and link all potential relative paths the script may try
# to reference.

# uses pci_ids.h

ln -s %_includedir/spdk %buildroot%_prefix/libexec/spdk/include

mv -f %buildroot%_bindir/* %buildroot%_prefix/libexec/spdk/bin/

# statically linked?!

rm -f %buildroot%_libdir/*
rm -f %buildroot%_pkgconfigdir/spdk_ut_mock.pc

%if_disabled static
# remove static libraries
rm -f %buildroot%_libdir/*.a

%dir %_prefix/libexec/spdk/

%files devel
%dir %_includedir/spdk/

%files libs

%if_enabled static
%files devel-static


Full changelog you can see here

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin