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Group :: System/Libraries
RPM: xmltooling

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%define soname 10
%define pkgdocdir %_docdir/%name-%version

Name: xmltooling
Version: 3.2.4
Release: alt1

Summary: OpenSAML XML Processing library

License: Apache-2.0
Group: System/Libraries


BuildRequires: gcc-c++ boost-devel-headers boost-devel liblog4shib-devel libxerces-c-devel >= 3.2 libxml-security-c-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel doxygen libcurl-devel

The XMLTooling library contains generic XML parsing and processing
classes based on the Xerces-C DOM. It adds more powerful facilities
for declaring element- and type-specific API and implementation
classes to add value around the DOM, as well as signing and encryption

%package -n libxmltooling%soname
Summary: OpenSAML XMLTooling library
Group: System/Libraries

%description -n libxmltooling%soname
The XMLTooling library contains generic XML parsing and processing
classes based on the Xerces-C DOM. It adds more powerful facilities
for declaring element- and type-specific API and implementation
classes to add value around the DOM, as well as signing and encryption

This package contains just the shared library.

%package -n libxmltooling-lite%soname
Summary: OpenSAML XMLTooling library
Group: System/Libraries

%description -n libxmltooling-lite%soname
The XMLTooling library contains generic XML parsing and processing
classes based on the Xerces-C DOM. It adds more powerful facilities
for declaring element- and type-specific API and implementation
classes to add value around the DOM, as well as signing and encryption

This package contains just the shared library.

%package -n libxmltooling-devel
Summary: XMLTooling development Headers
Group: Development/C++

%description -n libxmltooling-devel
The XMLTooling library contains generic XML parsing and processing
classes based on the Xerces-C DOM. It adds more powerful facilities
for declaring element- and type-specific API and implementation
classes to add value around the DOM, as well as signing and encryption

This package includes files needed for development with XMLTooling.

%package -n xmltooling-schemas
Summary: XMLTooling schemas and catalog
Group: Development/Other
BuildArch: noarch

%description -n xmltooling-schemas
The XMLTooling library contains generic XML parsing and processing
classes based on the Xerces-C DOM. It adds more powerful facilities
for declaring element- and type-specific API and implementation
classes to add value around the DOM, as well as signing and encryption

This package includes XML schemas and related files.

%ifarch %e2k
# lcc's cpp adds an extra space breaking this regex
sed -r -i 's,\^boost(.)lib(.)version,boost\1lib\2version,' configure m4/boost.m4

# The default C++ standard used in GCC-11 is C++17,
# which does not support opensaml codebase.
CXXFLAGS="-std=c++11 %optflags"

make DESTDIR=%buildroot pkgdocdir=%pkgdocdir install
# Don't package unit tester if present.
rm -f %buildroot/%_bindir/xmltoolingtest
rm -f %buildroot/%_libdir/
rm -f %buildroot/%_libdir/

%files -n libxmltooling%soname

%files -n libxmltooling-lite%soname

%files -n xmltooling-schemas
%dir %_datadir/xml/xmltooling

%files -n libxmltooling-devel
%doc %pkgdocdir


Full changelog you can see here

design & coding: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
current maintainer: Michael Shigorin