Репозиторий Sisyphus
Последнее обновление: 1 октября 2023 | Пакетов: 18631 | Посещений: 37843047
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Репозитории ALT
5.1: 1.15.1-alt1
4.1: 1.13.99-alt5.M41.1
4.0: 1.12.1-alt2
3.0: 1.12-alt2.1

Группа :: Терминалы
Пакет: kbd

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Name: kbd
Serial: 0
Version: 1.12.1
Release: alt2

Group: Terminals
Summary: Tools for managing the Linux console (variant: kbd)
License: GPL
Url: ftp://ftp.win.tue.nl/pub/linux-local/utils/kbd/
# HOWTO at http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/kbd/

Packager: Alexey Gladkov <legion at altlinux.ru>

ExclusiveOS: Linux
ExcludeArch: s390 s390x

Provides: console-tools_or_kbd = %name%serial:%version-%release
Conflicts: console-tools_or_kbd < %name%serial:%version-%release
Conflicts: console-tools_or_kbd > %name%serial:%version-%release

# due to file extarctions from this pkg to other

# (console-data, console-common-scripts)
Conflicts: interactivesystem < 1:sisyphus-alt12

# for compatibility:

Requires: console-vt-tools

#TODO: the feature to build kernels: loadkeys-mktable-macros

Source0: ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kbd/kbd-%version.tar.bz2

# Debian kbd-1.12-10 patches (according to debian/patches/series):

Patch22: po_makefile.diff
Patch23: man_pages.diff

#NMU Patches:

Patch100: kbd-1.12-alt-unicode_start_vs_setfont.patch

# due to grep, sed, xargs

BuildRequires(install): grep, sed, findutils
# due to provided PAM config file:
# libpam-devel is required to compute what pkg provides
BuildRequires(install): libpam-devel

# Automatically added by buildreq on Tue Apr 12 2005

BuildRequires: flex

This package contains tools for managing the Linux console
(Linux console, virtual terminals on it, keyboard, etc.)--mainly,
what they do is loading console fonts and keyboard maps.

Basic tools for controlling the vitual terminals are in console-vt-tools package.

A set of various fonts and keyboard maps is provided by console-data package.

%description -l ru_RU.KOI8-R
Этот пакет содержит инструменты для управления консолью Linux
(консолью, виртуальными терминалами на ней, клавиатурой и т.п.), в основном, они
занимаются загрузкой консольных шрифтов и раскладок клавиатуры.

Простые инструменты для управления виртуальными терминалами находятся
в пакете console-vt-tools.

Набор разнообразных шрифтов и описаний раскладок предоставляется
пакетом console-data.

%package -n kbd-docs
Group: Documentation
Summary: Documentation for kbd

%description -n kbd-docs
Documentation for kbd

%package -n console-vt-tools
Group: Terminals
Summary: Tools to control VTs (virtual terminals) on the Linux console
# Separate pkg is made to distinguish dependencies to vt-tools and other
# (for interchangebility with console-tools).

# due to the same files before pkg split:

Conflicts: kbd < 0:1.12-alt1
Conflicts: console-tools < 0:0.2.3-ipl30mdk

# console-tools also produces a console-vt-tools pkg with its own version.

# So if you want to specify correct "obsoletion" order,
# you should make correct declarations here, incl. a Serial:
Serial: 0

%description -n console-vt-tools
console-vt-tools perform simple control operations on the VTs on Linux console
(like switching between them).

Usually, several VTs are used ontop of the Linux console.
These scripts are useful for writing scripts that need to control them.

%package -n kbdrate
Group: System/Configuration/Hardware
Summary: Reset the keyboard repeat rate and delay time

# due to the parent package change (util-linux --> kbd)

%define kbdrate_serial 1
Serial: %kbdrate_serial

# due to kbdrate

Conflicts: util-linux < 2.11h-alt2

# FIX: kbdrate l10n messages are in the common kbd catalogue

%description -n kbdrate
This package is used to change the keyboard repeat rate and delay time.
The delay is the amount of time that a key must be depressed before it
will start to repeat.

%package -n kbdrate-usermode
Group: System/Configuration/Hardware
Summary: Usermode bindings for kbdrate

# due to the parent package change (util-linux --> kbd)

Serial: %kbdrate_serial

Requires: kbdrate = %kbdrate_serial:%version-%release
Requires: consolehelper

%description -n kbdrate-usermode
Kbdrate package is used to change the keyboard repeat rate and delay time.
The delay is the amount of time that a key must be depressed before it
will start to repeat.

This package contains usermode bindings for kbdrate.

%setup -q

# Debian:

%patch22 -p1 -b .po_make
%patch23 -p1 -b .man

%patch100 -p1 -b .unicode_start_vs_setfont

# We don't use %% {configure} because the ./configure included here does not
# understand most of the options.
export CFLAGS="-Wextra"
./configure --prefix=/  --datadir=%_libdir/kbd --mandir=%_mandir

# Override CFLAGS because this configure ignores them anyway, and LDFLAGS

# because it defaults to -s, but that's a build policy decision.

%define _makeinstall_target install-progs install-man

# Basic install.

%makeinstall DESTDIR="%buildroot" \
BINDIR="%buildroot/%_bindir" \
LOADKEYS_BINDIR="%buildroot/bin" \
MANDIR="%buildroot/%_mandir" \
gnulocaledir="%buildroot/%_datadir/locale" \

# Move binaries which we use before /usr is mounted from %_bindir to /bin.

for binary in setfont dumpkeys kbd_mode unicode_start unicode_stop ; do
mv %buildroot/%_bindir/$binary %buildroot/bin
ln -s /bin/$binary %buildroot/%_bindir/$binary

# Set up kbdrate to be userhelpered.

mkdir -p %buildroot/sbin \
%buildroot/%_sysconfdir/security/console.apps \

install -p -m640 rpm/util-linux-2.9w-kbdrate.pamd %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/pam.d/kbdrate
install -p -m640 rpm/util-linux-2.9w-kbdrate.apps %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/security/console.apps/kbdrate

mv %buildroot/%_bindir/kbdrate %buildroot/sbin/
%__ln_s %_libdir/helper/consolehelper %buildroot/%_bindir/kbdrate

%find_lang %name

%files -f %name.lang
%exclude %_bindir/chvt
%exclude %_bindir/openvt
%exclude %_bindir/deallocvt
%exclude %_bindir/fgconsole
%exclude /sbin/kbdrate
%exclude %_bindir/kbdrate
%exclude %_man1dir/chvt*
%exclude %_man1dir/openvt*
%exclude %_man1dir/deallocvt*
%exclude %_man1dir/fgconsole*
%exclude %_man8dir/kbdrate.*

%files -n kbd-docs
%doc CHANGES CREDITS README doc/*.txt doc/kbd.FAQ*.html doc/font-formats/*.html doc/utf

%files -n console-vt-tools

# as in ALT util-linux:

%files -n kbdrate

%files -n kbdrate-usermode
%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/pam.d/kbdrate
%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/security/console.apps/kbdrate


Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь

дизайн и разработка: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
текущий майнтейнер: Michael Shigorin