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Последнее обновление: 1 октября 2023 | Пакетов: 18631 | Посещений: 37701319
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Репозитории ALT
5.1: 0.8.1-alt2
4.1: 0.8.0-alt4
4.0: 0.8.0-alt3

Группа :: Система/Библиотеки
Пакет: clanlib0.8

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Name: clanlib0.8
Version: 0.8.0
Release: alt4

Summary: The ClanLib Game SDK
License: LGPL
Group: System/Libraries
Url: http://www.clanlib.org/
Packager: Damir Shayhutdinov <damir at altlinux.ru>

# http://clanlib.org/~sphair/download/

Source: http://clanlib.org/download/releases-0.8/ClanLib-%version.tar.gz
Source1: launch_x11_clanapp.sh

Patch0: ClanLib-0.8.0-link-fix.patch
Patch1: ClanLib-0.8.0-doc-install.patch
Patch2: ClanLib-0.8.0-fix-pkgconfig.patch

Obsoletes: clanLib, lib%name
Provides: lib%name = %version

# Added by buildreq2 on Wed Sep 20 2006

BuildRequires: gcc-c++ libSDL-devel libXi-devel libXmu-devel libXxf86vm-devel libjpeg-devel libmesa-devel libmikmod-devel libpng-devel libvorbis-devel linux-libc-headers xorg-cf-files xsltproc libSDL_gfx-devel

The ClanLib Game SDK is a crossplatform game library designed to ease the work
for game developers. The goal is to provide a common interface to classical
game problems (loading graphics eg.), so games can share as much code as
possible. Ideally anyone with small resources should be able to write
commercial quality games.

%package devel
Summary: Headers for developing programs that will use %name
Group: Development/C++
Requires: %name = %version-%release, %name-gl = %version-%release, %name-gui = %version-%release
Requires: %name-mikmod = %version-%release, %name-network = %version-%release
Requires: %name-sound = %version-%release, %name-vorbis = %version-%release
Provides: lib%name-devel = %version
Obsoletes: lib%name-devel

%description devel
This package contains the headers that programmers will need to develop
applications which will use %name.

%package devel-static
Summary: Static libraries for developing programs that will use %name
Group: Development/C++
Requires: %name-devel = %version-%release
Provides: lib%name-devel-static = %version

%description devel-static
This package contains the static libraries that programmers will need
to develop applications which will use %name.

%package sound
Summary: ClanLib Sound module
Group: System/Libraries
Requires: %name = %version-%release
Provides: lib%name-sound = %version
Obsoletes: lib%name-sound

%description sound
The ClanLib Game SDK is a crossplatform game library designed to ease the
work for game developers. This package is the Sound module (clanSound).

%package sdl
Summary: ClanLib SDL module
Group: System/Libraries
Requires: %name = %version-%release
Provides: lib%name-sdl = %version
Obsoletes: lib%name-sdl

%description sdl
The ClanLib Game SDK is a crossplatform game library designed to ease the
work for game developers. This package is the SDL module (clanSDL).

%package vorbis
Summary: ClanLib Vorbis module
Group: System/Libraries
Requires: %name = %version-%release
Provides: lib%name-vorbis = %version
Obsoletes: lib%name-vorbis

%description vorbis
The ClanLib Game SDK is a crossplatform game library designed to ease the
work for game developers. This package is the Vorbis module (clanVorbis).

%package gl
Summary: ClanLib GL module
Group: System/Libraries
Requires: %name = %version-%release
Provides: lib%name-gl = %version
Obsoletes: lib%name-gl

%description gl
The ClanLib Game SDK is a crossplatform game library designed to ease the
work for game developers. This package is the GL module (clanGL).

%package network
Summary: ClanLib Network module
Group: System/Libraries
Requires: %name = %version-%release
Provides: lib%name-network = %version
Obsoletes: lib%name-network

%description network
The ClanLib Game SDK is a crossplatform game library designed to ease the
work for game developers. This package is the Network module (clanNetwork).

%package gui
Summary: ClanLib Gui module
Group: System/Libraries
Requires: %name = %version-%release
Provides: lib%name-gui = %version
Obsoletes: lib%name-gui

%description gui
The ClanLib Game SDK is a crossplatform game library designed to ease the
work for game developers. This package is the Gui module (clanGUI).

%package mikmod
Summary: ClanLib MikMod module
Group: System/Libraries
Requires: %name = %version-%release
Provides: lib%name-mikmod = %version
Obsoletes: lib%name-mikmod

%description mikmod
The ClanLib Game SDK is a crossplatform game library designed to ease the
work for game developers. This package is the MikMod module (clanMikMod).

%package docs
Summary: ClanLib documentation
Group: System/Libraries
Requires: %name = %version-%release
Provides: lib%name-docs = %version
Obsoletes: lib%name-docs

%description docs
The ClanLib Game SDK is a crossplatform game library designed to ease the
work for game developers. This package contains the documentation.

%setup -q -n ClanLib-%version
%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1

echo >> acinclude.m4
autoreconf -fisv
%configure --enable-dyn --disable-debug --disable-directfb

%make_build all

%makeinstall \
BIN_PREFIX=%buildroot%_bindir \
LIB_PREFIX=%buildroot%_libdir \
INC_PREFIX=%buildroot%_includedir \
TARGET_PREFIX=%buildroot%_libdir/ClanLib \
MAN_PREFIX=%buildroot%_mandir \

%__install -pD -m644 README CREDITS CODING_STYLE ascii-logo %buildroot%_docdir/clanlib-%version
%__install -pD -m755 %SOURCE1 %buildroot%_bindir/launch_x11_clanapp

%post -p %post_ldconfig
%post mikmod -p %post_ldconfig
%post sound -p %post_ldconfig
%post vorbis -p %post_ldconfig
%post network -p %post_ldconfig
%post gui -p %post_ldconfig
%post sdl -p %post_ldconfig

%postun -p %postun_ldconfig
%postun mikmod -p %postun_ldconfig
%postun sound -p %postun_ldconfig
%postun vorbis -p %postun_ldconfig
%postun network -p %postun_ldconfig
%postun gui -p %postun_ldconfig
%postun sdl -p %postun_ldconfig

%dir %_docdir/clanlib-%version

%files devel
%dir %_docdir/clanlib-%version

%files devel-static

%files docs
%dir %_docdir/clanlib-%version

%files mikmod

%files network

%files vorbis

%files gl

%files sound

%files sdl

%files gui


Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь

дизайн и разработка: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
текущий майнтейнер: Michael Shigorin