Репозиторий Sisyphus
Последнее обновление: 1 октября 2023 | Пакетов: 18631 | Посещений: 37862908
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Репозитории ALT

Группа :: Система/Настройка/Пакеты
Пакет: apt-aliases

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Name: apt-aliases
Version: 0.0.20230829
Release: alt3

Summary: "apt" command in addition to "apt-get" and friends
License: MIT
Group: System/Configuration/Packaging

# initial one: http://interface31.ru/tech_it/files/apt_aliases.sh

Url: http://t.me/interface31/1569
Vcs: http://github.com/oldcopy/apt_aliases_alt
Source: %name-%version.tar
Packager: Michael Shigorin <mike at altlinux.org>

Requires: apt < 1.0

BuildArch: noarch

Summary(ru_RU.UTF-8): п╨п╬п╪п╟п╫п╢п╟ "apt" п╡п╢п╬п╠п╟п╡п╬п╨ п╨ "apt-get" я│п╬ я┌п╬п╡п╟я─п╦я┴п╦

%define bashrcdir %_sysconfdir/profile.d

ALT is a fairly distinctive distribution, the main difference of which
is that it uses APT to manage RPM packages.  Switching to ALT from Debian
or Ubuntu is thus significantly simplified as one doesn't need to learn
a new package manager.

But there are some inconveniences, the main one is that ALT uses
apt-get command to manage packages while DEB-based distributions use apt.

This is really inconvenient, since you type one command from memory and
only after pressing Enter do you realize that you had to enter another one.
And apt is just shorter.

Therefore, we wrote a small script that adds apt command syntax support
for ALT.

The script is not comprehensive but does support all the basic apt commands.
You can easily expand it yourself if neccessary.

%description -l ru_RU.UTF-8
п░п╩я▄я┌ Б─⌠ п╢п╬я│я┌п╟я┌п╬я┤п╫п╬ я│п╟п╪п╬п╠я▀я┌п╫я▀п╧ п╢п╦я│я┌я─п╦п╠я┐я┌п╦п╡, пЁп╩п╟п╡п╫я▀п╪ п╬я┌п╩п╦я┤п╦п╣п╪ п╨п╬я┌п╬я─п╬пЁп╬ я▐п╡п╩я▐п╣я┌я│я▐
я┌п╬, я┤я┌п╬ п╬п╫ п╦я│п©п╬п╩я▄п╥я┐п╣я┌ APT п╢п╩я▐ я┐п©я─п╟п╡п╩п╣п╫п╦я▐ RPM-п©п╟п╨п╣я┌п╟п╪п╦. п╒п╟п╨п╦п╪ п╬п╠я─п╟п╥п╬п╪ п©п╣я─п╣я┘п╬п╢
п╫п╟ п░п╩я▄я┌ я│ Debian п╦п╩п╦ Ubuntu я│я┐я┴п╣я│я┌п╡п╣п╫п╫п╬ я┐п©я─п╬я┴п╟п╣я┌я│я▐, я┌п╟п╨ п╨п╟п╨ п╫п╣ п╫я┐п╤п╫п╬ п╦п╥я┐я┤п╟я┌я▄
п╫п╬п╡я▀п╧ п╪п╣п╫п╣п╢п╤п╣я─ п©п╟п╨п╣я┌п╬п╡.

п²п╬ п╣я│я┌я▄ п╦ п╫п╣п╨п╬я┌п╬я─я▀п╣ п╫п╣я┐п╢п╬п╠я│я┌п╡п╟, п╬я│п╫п╬п╡п╫п╬п╣ п╦п╥ п╫п╦я┘ я┌п╬, я┤я┌п╬ п░п╩я▄я┌ п╢п╩я▐ я┐п©я─п╟п╡п╩п╣п╫п╦я▐
п©п╟п╨п╣я┌п╟п╪п╦ п╦я│п©п╬п╩я▄п╥я┐п╣я┌ п╨п╬п╪п╟п╫п╢я┐ apt-get, п╡ я┌п╬ п╡я─п╣п╪я▐ п╨п╟п╨ п╡ DEB-based п╢п╦я│я┌я─п╦п╠я┐я┌п╦п╡п╟я┘
п╡п╣п╥п╢п╣ п╦я│п©п╬п╩я▄п╥я┐п╣я┌я│я▐ apt.

п╜я┌п╬ п╢п╣п╧я│я┌п╡п╦я┌п╣п╩я▄п╫п╬ п╫п╣я┐п╢п╬п╠п╫п╬, я┌п╟п╨ п╨п╟п╨ п╡я▀ п©п╬ п©п╟п╪я▐я┌п╦ п╫п╟п╠п╦я─п╟п╣я┌п╣ п╬п╢п╫я┐ п╨п╬п╪п╟п╫п╢я┐ п╦
я┌п╬п╩я▄п╨п╬ п©п╬я│п╩п╣ п╫п╟п╤п╟я┌п╦я▐ Enter п╡я│п©п╬п╪п╦п╫п╟п╣я┌п╣, я┤я┌п╬ п╫п╟п╢п╬ п╠я▀п╩п╬ п╡п╡п╬п╢п╦я┌я▄ п╢я─я┐пЁя┐я▌.
п²я┐ п╦ apt п©я─п╬я│я┌п╬ п╨п╬я─п╬я┤п╣.

п÷п╬я█я┌п╬п╪я┐ п╪я▀ п╫п╟п©п╦я│п╟п╩п╦ п╫п╣п╠п╬п╩я▄я┬п╬п╧ я│п╨я─п╦п©я┌, п╨п╬я┌п╬я─я▀п╧ п╢п╬п╠п╟п╡п╩я▐п╣я┌ п╡ п░п╩я▄я┌ п©п╬п╢п╢п╣я─п╤п╨я┐ п╨п╬п╪п╟п╫п╢
п╡ я│п╦п╫я┌п╟п╨я│п╦я│п╣ apt.

п║п╨я─п╦п©я┌ п╫п╣ я▐п╡п╩я▐п╣я┌я│я▐ п╡я│п╣п╬п╠я┼п╣п╪п╩я▌я┴п╦п╪, п╫п╬ п©п╬п╢п╢п╣я─п╤п╦п╡п╟п╣я┌ п╡я│п╣ п╬я│п╫п╬п╡п╫я▀п╣ п╨п╬п╪п╟п╫п╢я▀ apt.
п÷я─п╦ п╫п╣п╬п╠я┘п╬п╢п╦п╪п╬я│я┌п╦ п╪п╬п╤п╫п╬ п╩п╣пЁп╨п╬ я─п╟я│я┬п╦я─п╦я┌я▄ п╣пЁп╬ я│п╟п╪п╬я│я┌п╬я▐я┌п╣п╩я▄п╫п╬.



install -pDm755 apt_aliases.sh %buildroot%bashrcdir/apt_aliases.sh

%config(noreplace) %bashrcdir/apt_aliases.sh


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дизайн и разработка: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
текущий майнтейнер: Michael Shigorin