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Репозитории ALT

Группа :: Development/Python3
Пакет: python3-module-pytest-xdist

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%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1
%define oname pytest-xdist

%def_with check

Name: python3-module-%oname
Version: 2.5.0
Release: alt1

Summary: pytest xdist plugin for distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes
License: MIT
Group: Development/Python3
# Source-git: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-xdist.git
Url: https://pypi.org/project/pytest-xdist/

Source: %name-%version.tar
Patch: %name-%version-alt.patch

BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-python3

BuildRequires: python3-module-setuptools_scm
%if_with check
BuildRequires: /dev/pts
# install_requires=
BuildRequires: python3(execnet)
BuildRequires: python3(pytest)
BuildRequires: python3(pytest_forked)

# optional

BuildRequires: python3(psutil)
BuildRequires: python3(pexpect)

BuildRequires: python3(tox)
BuildRequires: python3(tox_console_scripts)

%py3_provides %oname
%py3_provides pytest_xdist
%py3_requires pytest-forked

%define overview \
The pytest-xdist plugin extends py.test with some unique test execution  \
modes:                                                                   \
* test run parallelization: if you have multiple CPUs or hosts you can   \
 use those for a combined test run. This allows to speed up development \
 or to use special resources of remote machines. \
* --boxed: (not available on Windows) run each test in a boxed \
 subprocess to survive SEGFAULTS or otherwise dying processes \
* --looponfail: run your tests repeatedly in a subprocess. After each \
 run py.test waits until a file in your project changes and then \
 re-runs the previously failing tests. This is repeated until all tests \
 pass after which again a full run is performed. \
* Multi-Platform coverage: you can specify different Python interpreters \
 or different platforms and run tests in parallel on all of them. \

BuildArch: noarch


%patch -p1

# SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION: when defined and not empty,
# its used as the primary source for the version number in which
# case it will be a unparsed string


export TOXENV=py3
tox.py3 --sitepackages --console-scripts -vvr

%doc CHANGELOG.rst LICENSE README.rst example


Полный changelog можно просмотреть здесь

дизайн и разработка: Vladimir Lettiev aka crux © 2004-2005, Andrew Avramenko aka liks © 2007-2008
текущий майнтейнер: Michael Shigorin